The Daily Bread

Sweetbreads with Morels and Cream Sauce

Can you set aside your disappointment long enough to post bread you do like? :)

We are trying to perfect home made pitas like the ones at local middle eastern places but can’t get them quite right. Thinking our oven just doesn’t get hot enough even with a stone to get them crispy on the outside and fluffy inside.
Have you tried using cast iron?
The new starter is fully active. Took about 5 days for it to get going but I forgot it outside and haven't turned on the heat in the house yet so it's been slow growing. Seems pretty robust though. The smell is amazing. Kind of funky but in a good way. Now to feed it and split it up. Some will get labeled and go in the refrigerator. Some will get dried for sharing. Some will be used for rolls to go along with this Thursday's Thanksgiving Turkey.

I am. It's called Bannock up here. Never heard it called Fry Bread before. It's delicious.

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Lots of melty butter, sugar and cinnamon. *drools*

What time should I come over for dinner? :mrgreen:
anytime after 5 :grin:
I'd like to learn how to make your sourdough. I'm intrigued by the whole process. I love bruschetta. Its my go-to comfort food and everything comes from our garden. The bread is the one thing I always have to run back to the store for. And you really need a good sourdough or ciabatta for bruschetta.