Is Biden really that bad?

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Either way you shake it.. Trump was a fucking moron. Biden makes Trump look like a genius. That does not make Trump better than a moron, but my god Biden is the exact opposite of Midas. Everything that idiot touches is an unmitigated disaster.
Because he is cleaning something up after someone took a shit on it and left it to fester. You can't clean shit up and come out smelling like a rose.
Either way you shake it.. Trump was a fucking moron. Biden makes Trump look like a genius. That does not make Trump better than a moron, but my god Biden is the exact opposite of Midas. Everything that idiot touches is an unmitigated disaster.
We must not be watching the news on the same planet. Things that have NOT happened in the present one’s tenure include a tax cut giveaway to the richest, or a pandemic policy built around denying that it was real.
Tell me how these facts did not figure in your calculus.
Either way you shake it.. Trump was a fucking moron. Biden makes Trump look like a genius. That does not make Trump better than a moron, but my god Biden is the exact opposite of Midas. Everything that idiot touches is an unmitigated disaster.
Like what racist boy
Either way you shake it.. Trump was a fucking moron. Biden makes Trump look like a genius. That does not make Trump better than a moron, but my god Biden is the exact opposite of Midas. Everything that idiot touches is an unmitigated disaster.
And hes not even running the show. A list of journalists he should talk to. Give me a fucking break. Trumpleton could give a real stupid press conference but atleast he didnt have someone wagging his tail. Embarrassing. Pathetic. At this point if the republicans run anyone but Trump next election theyd win by a landslide. 40% of voters are independent swing voters and they have the final say on things when push comes to shove. No more celebrities or geriatric patients for me
And hes not even running the show. A list of journalists he should talk to. Give me a fucking break. Trumpleton could give a real stupid press conference but atleast he didnt have someone wagging his tail. Embarrassing. Pathetic. At this point if the republicans run anyone but Trump next election theyd win by a landslide. 40% of voters are independent swing voters and they have the final say on things when push comes to shove. No more celebrities or geriatric patients for me
Sorry but those (cough) independents as you call them include a buttload of “RINO’s”
You are a fool if you think they will support the current GOP
The DEMOCRATIC party benefits from the rights my way or the highway defeatist attitude
And hes not even running the show. A list of journalists he should talk to. Give me a fucking break. Trumpleton could give a real stupid press conference but atleast he didnt have someone wagging his tail. Embarrassing. Pathetic. At this point if the republicans run anyone but Trump next election theyd win by a landslide. 40% of voters are independent swing voters and they have the final say on things when push comes to shove. No more celebrities or geriatric patients for me
If you are for Trump you are a retard, if you are for Biden you are a retard. The only ones with a brain around here can see they both are there to divide everyone further. Bunch of braindead fucks in the world but i'll take it as it comes.
And hes not even running the show. A list of journalists he should talk to. Give me a fucking break. Trumpleton could give a real stupid press conference but atleast he didnt have someone wagging his tail. Embarrassing. Pathetic. At this point if the republicans run anyone but Trump next election theyd win by a landslide. 40% of voters are independent swing voters and they have the final say on things when push comes to shove. No more celebrities or geriatric patients for me
Because you say so after being told that by hate mongers spamming it to you?

If you are for Trump you are a retard, if you are for Biden you are a retard. The only ones with a brain around here can see they both are there to divide everyone further. Bunch of braindead fucks in the world but i'll take it as it comes.
Have you actually watched an entire speech of Biden's or are you just going off of propaganda edited click bait that is designed to trick people into believing it?
Have you actually watched an entire speech of Biden's or are you just going off of propaganda edited click bait that is designed to trick people into believing it?

I've done enough research on them to know that we are going straight down the shitter, capitalism is almost at its end. You can try to bullshit and pretend but our money is being burned of its value about 1% per month.

You don't have to agree, just save this post for the future when I end up right and you still support a useless fuck.

[ADDED] I will admit if I am wrong too in the coming years cause that's what a real man does, takes responsibility for their actions.
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I've done enough research on them to know that we are going straight down the shitter, capitalism is almost at its end. You can try to bullshit and pretend but our money is being burned of its value about 1% per month.

You don't have to agree, just save this post for the future when I end up right and you still support a useless fuck.
lmao if your 'research' has told you that 'capitalism is almost dead', you have done a shit job of it.

Did your research tell you how last year this time the prices were artificially low due to the shit handling of the pandemic that Trump and the Republicans did? Do you know that the 1% you are talking about is from last years prices and not some measure of total value?

Because if not you really should not just rely on your internet degree.
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