Is Biden really that bad?

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you wouldn't make it through boot camp let alone 22 years in the service. so go back to your free life that i helped provide you with

Well no shit Sherlock, he is like 80 years old.

Were you in the American military?

And if so, are you ok with the fact that the RNC data that Trump was given on us American citizens was handed over to the Russian military to help them attack us?
your not man enough to wear the pants. your the little bitch that makes the pants. so you have yourself a nice day and go make those pants.
you sir don't deserve a reply because no one was talking to you. but since you asked im not for trump or biden. have a nice life
and the motherfucker still doesn't answer...i think we may have one of the actual trump boys one else can answer a question 20 times without ever answering the question...
Back to the 50’s?
nah not gonna happen
tRUMP already failed at that
He does deeply believe in the Golden Age of the 50s (and getting mentally abused by Daddy?)

From 1994

From 2016
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