January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Just remember there are cops of all different races. I’m not putting down anyone so stop with the race baiting dog whistles
But is it race batting when the riots were about race and colored folk ending up getting killed for traffic stops or the like? Just because there are some cops of different color on the force does not take care of the problem.
Do you not see how the media exploit human emotions by showing you what they know will get an emotion. Unbiased journalism is dead. They throw red herrings into tittles and give us clickbait. They play on heartstrings and outrage. Even wording. They show refugees or illegal immigrants they find the biggest eyed child with the saddest face. They try to invoke anger by posting a speakers picture frozen with their finger pointed and an angry look on their face. It’s all a head game
But is it race batting when the riots were about race and colored folk ending up getting killed for traffic stops or the like? Just because there are some cops of different color on the force does not take care of the problem.

“ Colored folk??” Wtf are we in 1950? They get very offended by that now I’d brush up my vocabulary
Yes I read it. Might as well just subsidize the cost per gallon. Probably more efficient than dumping oil into the market. Why would an oil company not use the cheap oil being released and then selling the oil in the world market for a profit?
my original point was Biden could lower gas prices which is what most paycheck to paycheck americans care about. the "i'd rather have 2 dollar gas and mean tweets". and you said that prices were based on the world market which isn't the case. even a threat by the US to release the SR lowers prices.
Do you not see how the media exploit human emotions by showing you what they know will get an emotion. Unbiased journalism is dead. They throw red herrings into tittles and give us clickbait. They play on heartstrings and outrage. Even wording. They show refugees or illegal immigrants they find the biggest eyed child with the saddest face. They try to invoke anger by posting a speakers picture frozen with their finger pointed and an angry look on their face. It’s all a head game
Anatomy of an indifferent.
What did he bring home? Debt? A deal which will include nonsense like green measures and moving entire freeways because poor people think it’s racist to have nice houses on one side and shitty houses on the other. Trump could never get anything done because the idiots on the left attacked every move he made. He could of cured cancer and they would of been screaming “ Racism” or some liberal talking point shit
"Getting anything done" meant taking health care away from thirty million people. "Getting anything done" meant spending tens of billions on a wall that couldn't even stand up to the wind, much less stop refugees from legally applying for asylum. "Getting anything done" meant giving trillions in tax breaks to the wealthy and running up the deficit to fund the cuts.

Two of those three "git er duns" were stopped. Too bad we didn't stop all of them.
"Getting anything done" meant taking health care away from thirty million people. "Getting anything done" meant spending tens of billions on a wall that couldn't even stand up to the wind, much less stop refugees from legally applying for asylum. "Getting anything done" meant giving trillions in tax breaks to the wealthy and running up the deficit to fund the cuts.

Two of those three "git er duns" were stopped. Too bad we didn't stop all of them.
time to git’r undone.
I can name one that is the worst case example. Maxine Waters
Of course you can because you are pushing the right wing propaganda programming.

Feel free to show me one time that she set up a protest that turned into a riot.

How the fuck would that overturn the election??? Does anyone ever ask themselves that? Give me a break. They disrupted the confirmation of it which if done by the left would be considered “ Social disobedience.” Do you actually think holding space for whatever time they were there really was going to stop Biden from coming in? Give me a break. Both sides were stupid on this. I mean these guys were dressed like they were going to a football game not “ Taking over a country.” It’s silly
Lmao, are you for real? Never mind, you obviously are not. Just saying shit doesn't make it true, no matter how often propaganda trolls repeat the big lies so that they stick in their cult as being reality, when they are not.

Step one: Eastman memo.

Screen Shot 2021-11-09 at 2.58.53 PM.pngScreen Shot 2021-11-09 at 2.58.59 PM.png

Failing that, Trump's goons stop the actual counting of the votes long enough to have the congress/Pence whisked away and Trump does what Flynn wanted and declares Martial Law. Shit if the Mob actually got to 'hang Mike Pence' like they were shouting, Trump appoints one of the insurrectionist RINO's like Hawley and they do the above memo for Trump.
Do you not see how the media exploit human emotions by showing you what they know will get an emotion. Unbiased journalism is dead. They throw red herrings into tittles and give us clickbait. They play on heartstrings and outrage. Even wording. They show refugees or illegal immigrants they find the biggest eyed child with the saddest face. They try to invoke anger by posting a speakers picture frozen with their finger pointed and an angry look on their face. It’s all a head game
'The media'.

You really are a cuck.

I’m just not drinking the Kool Aid and buying the bullshit

And disingenuous AF.

No way to know if you bought the right wing hate monger's kool aid, but you sure are serving it up.


“ Colored folk??” Wtf are we in 1950? They get very offended by that now I’d brush up my vocabulary
Funny how you would pick a work to complain about (which was selected for a reason, not only journalists know how to use their vocabulary) rather that the issue of why the riots took place and why the storming of the Capital took place. They are two sides of the same coin. Keep the white privilege intact.
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my original point was Biden could lower gas prices which is what most paycheck to paycheck americans care about. the "i'd rather have 2 dollar gas and mean tweets". and you said that prices were based on the world market which isn't the case. even a threat by the US to release the SR lowers prices.
BS. (but meant in a nice way) The reason the US plays nice with Saudi Arabia is because they can manipulate the oil supply. The US government dumping oil onto the market would have a detrimental effect on the price US producers get for their oil, sure they would not take it lightly losing profit due to a president wanting to curry favor from the public. That is why SA is important. If the government does it, it is a no-no. But if another one does, well nothing you can do about it.