
Thor was definitely not an Evangelical...
Look at the number of people killed in the name of Christianity.

I think we have the whole religion thing backwards. Look at what kind of dick god is in the bible. Sending bears to kill children. turnling Lot's wife into salt, global genocide, ordering his followers to kill their children, killing his kid, killing people for complaining about god killing them.

And the entire time the devil is like come chill down here, it's warm.
It really would be nice if people that have such wildly outlandish views/beliefs/delusions were all under the care of a mental health professional.
Not sure how it is in the high desert these days, but in the Midwest lots of folks with similar delusions walk the streets freely and have swallowed such BS hook, line and sinker. We have to google some of the stuff my wife hears Q-adherents at work spouting off. It’s hard to keep up with the endless parade of nonsense that comes from the dark corners of the inter webs. It really is like living in a bad dystopian novel or movie right now.

If deviant thinking is prevalent in 1/2 of a population is it considered a mental disorder?
Someone who deviates more than 1 standard deviation plus or minus from the mean of current social standards. Therefore if your belief falls within the -1 to 1 of the mean you're statistically not deviant.

That's why it's called the DSM X, (Diagnostics and Statistics Manual).

DSM 10? I thought we just got to 7. DSM updates are looking a lot like iphone releases these days ;)
Luciferin-luciferase is the enyzme and reaction in fireflies that gives the luminescence. 45 yrs ago in was a somewhat common bioassy in biochem for the various endogenous phosphate energy compounds like ATP etc. The name given is Latin for light, not satan lol.
You just awakened a long forgotten memory from a misbegotten youth wasted in churches. Doesn't lucifer translate as "bringer-of-light" or similar? He was Jeebus's Daddy's Vice President and Golden Boy and then got cocky and got booted out.
You just awakened a long forgotten memory from a misbegotten youth wasted in churches. Doesn't lucifer translate as "bringer-of-light" or similar? He was Jeebus's Daddy's Vice President and Golden Boy and then got cocky and got booted out.
Yes; I was too brief in the attribution, I should have said bringer of light or light related. It is an apropos name for the enzymatic reaction: luciferase works on luciferin and light is brought forth lol