

As Halloween nightmares go, it’s going to take a lot to beat this.

30,000 Park-Goers in Disneyland Lockdown Panic Over One COVID Case in Halloween Nightmare

As Halloween nightmares go, it’s going to take a lot to beat this.

Some 34,000 fun-seekers were thrown into lockdown at Shanghai’s Disneyland Sunday night, after a single case of COVID-19 prompted police to blockade the exits and test every single person in the park before allowing them to leave.

Another bat shit conspirator via Newsmax .

Straight to the Pit of Sarlacc with that bitch

how do you interact with someone this fucking ignorant and stupid? do you have to take some kind of medication to make you temporarily retarded, so you can make yourself understood to these mouth breathing fucking idiots? how did this happen in our society, where everyone gets a basic education, and there are public libraries that you can go to to find facts about things you are interested in?
how do you interact with someone this fucking ignorant and stupid? do you have to take some kind of medication to make you temporarily retarded, so you can make yourself understood to these mouth breathing fucking idiots? how did this happen in our society, where everyone gets a basic education, and there are public libraries that you can go to to find facts about things you are interested in?
Carefully and politely, all carefully annotated in their chart.
Carefully and politely, all carefully annotated in their chart.
It really would be nice if people that have such wildly outlandish views/beliefs/delusions were all under the care of a mental health professional.
Not sure how it is in the high desert these days, but in the Midwest lots of folks with similar delusions walk the streets freely and have swallowed such BS hook, line and sinker. We have to google some of the stuff my wife hears Q-adherents at work spouting off. It’s hard to keep up with the endless parade of nonsense that comes from the dark corners of the inter webs. It really is like living in a bad dystopian novel or movie right now.
Even Newsmax Decided It Was A Good Idea To Bench The Reporter Who Claimed That Vaccines Contain A Satanic Tracking Device

Earlier in the week, conservative White House correspondent Emerald Robinson ran afoul of Twitter’s misinformation policies by tweeting out a conspiracy theory that the Moderna COVID vaccine contains a Satanic tracking device called “luciferase.” While luciferase is an actual luminescent enzyme that exists, it is not used in the Moderna vaccine, which Reuters first reported back in May when the conspiracy theory emerged.

While Robinson’s luciferase tweet was initially pulled by Twitter, the situation has escalated. Robinson’s entire Twitter account is now suspended for “repeated violations” of the platform’s COVID misinformation policies. More notably, her employer, the extremely right wing Newsmax, has pulled Robinson off of the air while it is “currently reviewing the posts” that prompted her suspension from Twitter. Via The Daily Beast:

Several Newsmax staffers cheered on the decision to bench Robinson. “It’s really buzzing the newsroom,” one current employee told The Daily Beast. “I think it’s a good idea. If we are going to be viewed as a news organization, we have to act like one.” Another staffer agreed, reiterating that “it was a stupid thing to tweet.”
The conservative station also rebuked Robinson’s remarks on Tuesday by stating that the COVID vaccines are “safe and effective” and that “we do not believe the vaccines contain any toxic materials or tracking markers.” Of course, the right-wing network is currently staring down the barrel of two multi-billion dollar lawsuits for falsely repeating election fraud claims, so it’s probably not a bad idea to avoid a third one. Satanic tracking devices are never a good hill to die on.
Even Newsmax Decided It Was A Good Idea To Bench The Reporter Who Claimed That Vaccines Contain A Satanic Tracking Device

Earlier in the week, conservative White House correspondent Emerald Robinson ran afoul of Twitter’s misinformation policies by tweeting out a conspiracy theory that the Moderna COVID vaccine contains a Satanic tracking device called “luciferase.” While luciferase is an actual luminescent enzyme that exists, it is not used in the Moderna vaccine, which Reuters first reported back in May when the conspiracy theory emerged.

While Robinson’s luciferase tweet was initially pulled by Twitter, the situation has escalated. Robinson’s entire Twitter account is now suspended for “repeated violations” of the platform’s COVID misinformation policies. More notably, her employer, the extremely right wing Newsmax, has pulled Robinson off of the air while it is “currently reviewing the posts” that prompted her suspension from Twitter. Via The Daily Beast:

The conservative station also rebuked Robinson’s remarks on Tuesday by stating that the COVID vaccines are “safe and effective” and that “we do not believe the vaccines contain any toxic materials or tracking markers.” Of course, the right-wing network is currently staring down the barrel of two multi-billion dollar lawsuits for falsely repeating election fraud claims, so it’s probably not a bad idea to avoid a third one. Satanic tracking devices are never a good hill to die on.
Luciferin-luciferase is the enyzme and reaction in fireflies that gives the luminescence. 45 yrs ago in was a somewhat common bioassy in biochem for the various endogenous phosphate energy compounds like ATP etc. The name given is Latin for light, not satan lol.
Damn it

Frankfurt (AFP) – The World Health Organization expressed "grave concern" Thursday over the rising pace of coronavirus infections in Europe, as Germany registered its biggest daily increase since the start of the pandemic.
It really would be nice if people that have such wildly outlandish views/beliefs/delusions were all under the care of a mental health professional.
Not sure how it is in the high desert these days, but in the Midwest lots of folks with similar delusions walk the streets freely and have swallowed such BS hook, line and sinker. We have to google some of the stuff my wife hears Q-adherents at work spouting off. It’s hard to keep up with the endless parade of nonsense that comes from the dark corners of the inter webs. It really is like living in a bad dystopian novel or movie right now.

As an atheist, life has always been this ludicrous. But worse, since 90%+ of people not only believe in illogical, unfalsifiable myths, but pass laws that affect meaningful aspects of our lives based on that BS - I can't get a much needed abortion because of Thor??? I can't marry my life long same sex partner because Allah thinks it's yucky? Millions of Africans are contracting AIDS because pope said condoms are bad? Our scientists can't lead cutting edge cloning research because Jesus doesn't approve??? FOR REALZ? WTF is going on here, am I crazy, or is everyone else? Erroneous beliefs and delusions have always been a hindrance to reality and progress. The contrast is simply more stark upon the backdrop of the pandemic...