The dream is dead.

So you think that we should tear down all the statues of those who lost? Does that include Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull too? I have not dog in the fight about Southern politics but it’s ignorant to try to erase history by destroying historical statues. That’s shit that ISIS did. I don’t care if it’s a statue of somebody that I hate if it’s history leave it alone and quit being so easily triggered

Poor framing. You remove, not "tear down", statues of people that represented racism-to-the-death values, from locations of public praise, and you place them in a more appropriate location like a museum.
Poor framing. You remove, not "tear down", statues of people that represented racism-to-the-death values, from locations of public praise, and you place them in a more appropriate location like a museum.

And that accomplishes nothing. It takes away from the history that is good or bad. It would be like Mexico tearing down the pyramids in the Southern states because they did human sacrifices and weren’t Catholics. It’s ignorant and some day will be rightfully condemned. Why not add a description at the base saying that long ago it was this way but it wasn’t a good thing and people changed. Why remove history? It does nothing but show how weak and thin skinned this generation is
And that accomplishes nothing. It takes away from the history that is good or bad. It would be like Mexico tearing down the pyramids in the Southern states because they did human sacrifices and weren’t Catholics. It’s ignorant and some day will be rightfully condemned. Why not add a description at the base saying that long ago it was this way but it wasn’t a good thing and people changed. Why remove history? It does nothing but show how weak and thin skinned this generation is
im gonna put up a statue of the guy who banged your wife on your front lawn because otherwise it would be erasing history

and speaking of weak and thin skinned generations didnt yours refuse to drink from the same water fountain as a black person?
no just the ones that would whip and rape their slaves

So we should tear down the Egyptian pyramids and Coliseum in Rome? How about the pyramids in Mexico and Central America? Tear out all the railroad tracks in US built by Chinese laborers? Your ignorance knows no bounds
I’d rather keep my money in my pocket instead of trusting the government to hold onto for me for a later date. That’s fine to have a safety net but unless I’m reading that chart wrong most of your taxes goes towards welfare!?!? If you have that many people on welfare then how many are actually contributing towards that retirement which you all share? Yes you have lower healthcare but that’s because you get taxed to death. I’d rather pay out of my pocket for myself not for the entire community as well. How does your tax system work over there? Sounds draining. Those entitlements are a bad thing for a country imho.
As i said if you don't know how to read it it.... The only real Welfare in that chart is the Unemployed and thats very low % wise is it not?

Taxed to death you say? But you haven't asked what my Income was...

Bad thing? But yet our economy hasn't been in recession in about 30 years...We are not only a more wealthy population but healthier and live longer than Americans.
Higher % of us have our own home as well...( just staying on topic)

We even have Employer paid Superannuation. Fancy having two Pensions in retirement eh, a gov one and one paid for by your employers over your working life.
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im gonna put up a statue of the guy who banged your wife on your front lawn because otherwise it would be erasing history

and speaking of weak and thin skinned generations didnt yours refuse to drink from the same water fountain as a black person?

I’ve shared many a joint and bottle with a black person. Give me a break
This is quite the string of false analogies. The monuments you name are historically of tier 1 importance. Equating a statue of some damned slaver with them reeks of racism.
So we should tear down the Egyptian pyramids and Coliseum in Rome? How about the pyramids in Mexico and Central America? Tear out all the railroad tracks in US built by Chinese laborers? Your ignorance knows no bounds
if there's a statue of some guy who whipped and raped his or her slaves then tear it down, throw it in the garbage. or the ocean. i dont give a shit. we dont need monuments to racist losers like you.
And that accomplishes nothing. It takes away from the history that is good or bad. It would be like Mexico tearing down the pyramids in the Southern states because they did human sacrifices and weren’t Catholics. It’s ignorant and some day will be rightfully condemned. Why not add a description at the base saying that long ago it was this way but it wasn’t a good thing and people changed. Why remove history? It does nothing but show how weak and thin skinned this generation is

It doesn't take away the history at all. Like I said, moved to an appropriate location. It just shouldn't be in a celebrated location, or a proud location, or any type of pinnacle location. You don't put a statue of hitler in front of a courthouse, because no matter what you write on a plaque, that hitler statue in front of a courthouse would represent justice. So, you put it in a place that's appropriate.
Messing with the constitution would not only be impossible but would destroy our rights. It protects our free speech, against unwarranted search and seizure, as well as protecting people against things like slavery. Just opening the door to that would impact everyone negatively in one way or another regardless of who they are
Our Constitution has a heap of Amendments, you sure yours hasn't?

Not in the past 200 or so years. The country would probably be in civil war if either side messed with it. People would lose their fucking minds. And change it for what? It’s worked well so far.
You really should read the dates i just gave you the link to..... ..

An Australian showing an American his own history that he himself brought up..its a bit funny.

It could work better could it not? A lot has changed since your Constitution was first jotted down.
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You really should read the dates i just gave you the links to. ..

An Australian showing an American his own history that he himself brought up..its a bit funny.

It could work better could it not? A lot has clanged since your Constitution was first jotted down.

You got me on that one thanks for the heads up LOL. No I don’t think anything should be changed. I mean it’s to protect the people from the government.
You got me on that one thanks for the heads up LOL. No I don’t think anything should be changed. I mean it’s to protect the people from the government.
An obsolete and parochial viewpoint. It mirrors the libertarian delusion and aligns with the ideology of a deranged sasquatch.