Biden's not a cannabis friendly President.

Man, I'm glad I only have to deal with Trudeau (Canada) and Kenny (Alberta). All they care about is tax dollars.
Your tax system only works because you have a much smaller and dedicated population that doesn't pride itself on being lazy. You dont have to deal with 30 million leaches who like living off hard workers like me rather than get a job............or Saint Floyd gangbangers roaming your streets all day driving around in cars that are worth what i make in 3 years....................or wealthy californians who menstruate about conservatives not paying taxes when they don't like paying into the system themselves. This is why i hope the U.S. has complete economic fallout in my lifetime. Like the one in 1928. Id love to see how all these lakeshore liberals survive without blue collar america at their beckon call. Youll see first hand who has all the money in this country and how worthless theyll become when there moneys as good as toilet paper. After all somebody has to keep the Subarus running so Bill Gates and Oprah Loompa can attend their ski slopes and fish and goose soirees
I said Trump owns Graham. Please don't Misquote. If I were GQP I'd likely cry over the baby insult. After all, we know who the snowflakes are. Cap'n orange bone spurs leads them. When is that orange thing going to say something of substance instead of whining about losing? Bone spurs lost because he's a loser. Might try to read some news. Oh I forgot. It's all fake. Trump told you what to think and you thunk it.
I didn't quote you. I was speaking for myself by saying Graham is owned by China
Bold statement from a worshipper of the orange grifter. Crook is written on his face.
I know, right?
This is fun. Let's see if I can come up with a statement that can piss people off.
Politics seem to itch us so I'll start there.
Biden is in bed wait let me start again.
Biden is actually a double agent for Dump. Dump wanted Biden to win so that Dump could cause more damage.
I have read lots of news and one good bit of news is that there's nothing we read on the internet that isn't curated by the CIA Visa vie Google
See? Look at that. Isn't that great? Wish I could twist and conjure up mental statements like that.
Pure insanity....I like it!!
I know, right?
This is fun. Let's see if I can come up with a statement that can piss people off.
Politics seem to itch us so I'll start there.
Biden is in bed wait let me start again.
Biden is actually a double agent for Dump. Dump wanted Biden to win so that Dump could cause more damage.

See? Look at that. Isn't that great? Wish I could twist and conjure up mental statements like that.
Pure insanity....I like it!!
Facts go totally ignored So why not? Facts=science and we ALL know that's bullshit. ;-)
I have read lots of news and one good bit of news is that there's nothing we read on the internet that isn't curated by the CIA Visa vie Google
So you're saying that you Heard many people are saying it and what they're saying could be right? Or many, many people? Man, woman, camera, action, TV. The man remembered and was considered amazing. Or so he said. Yes we should all be impressed. Not only that but he can identify an elephant in a picture book like most 3-year-olds. People can't handle this level of brilliance.
I was discussing with some friends on this topic yesterday and the only thing that came to my mind to share my thoughts.
So far a lot of talks have been made regarding this topic and it is very interesting to note that someday marijuana will be legal in every country in the world.
It is so painful to understand that despite all the health benefits of marijuana,lots of countries around the world choose to make this plan illegal and claims the plant is harmful .
Below i will be discussing just 6 Health benefits of cannabis that everyone should know.There are mamny more but i will talk about 6 today.

Relief of chronic pain
There are hundreds of chemical compounds in cannabis, many of which are cannabinoids. Cannabinoids have been linked to providing relief of chronic pain due to their chemical makeup. Which is why cannabis’ by-product such as medical cannabis is commonly used for chronic pain relief.

Improves lung capacity
Unlike smoking cigarettes, when smoking cannabis in the form of cannabis your lungs aren’t harmed. In fact, a study found that cannabis actually helps increase the capacity of the lungs rather than cause any harm to it.

Help lose weight
If you look around, you will notice that the avid cannabis user is usually not overweight. That is because cannabis is linked to aiding your body in regulating insulin while managing caloric intake efficiently.

Regulate and prevent diabetes
With its impact on insulin, it only makes sense that cannabis can help regulate and prevent diabetes. Research conducted by the American Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC) has linked cannabis to stabilise blood sugars, lower blood pressure, and improve blood circulation.

Fight cancer
One of the biggest medical benefits of cannabis is its link to fighting cancer. There is a good amount of evidence that shows cannabinoids can help fight cancer or at least certain types of it.

Helps treat depression
Depression is fairly widespread without most people even knowing they have it. The endocannabinoid compounds in cannabis can help in stabilising moods which can ease depression.

I have been smoking for over 32 years and i have stayed glue to my Californian weed.
Currently i buy my weed from Kush Blokes Shop, they are located in 12 Siena, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

Thank you for letting me share this little piece with this community
To this day there is no information
There’s a ton of evidence (maybe hard for you to read, since it’s in English) - and has been: evidence that TrumpCo is breathing hard vacuum as far as any proof of their bullshit…NEWS FLASH - Trump has oafishly ADMITTED that his goal has been to set himself up as President-for-life (just like his boyfriend in North Korea, and that he was willing to do virtually anything to overturn the election results. Mountains of evidence backing that up, *ZERO* EVIDENCE of Cheerless Bleater having ever told the truth to anyone.

Stop fluffing traitors…or move to Moscow & ask St. Vlad for a job (I hear he needs a flea-picker for his Borzoi). Pick one, stick with it.
All it takes is a look at who runs the country (on the surface). Our representatives are almost all old enough to be grandparents or great grandparents. They hold all those beliefs and stigma from their time and they keep us down by not being able to adapt with reality vs propaganda.
I personally think that Biden is nothing but another 3 years of setting cannabis on the back burner. Hey they consider cannsbis a schedule 1 , which means there are no medical use for it what-so-ever. Not true on all account " its the big lie". Look it up "MARINOL" , it is a drug thats been around forml mas ny years now. It is THC " a pill ". Look it up friends its as true as it can be . Google knows everything so ask away and see for your self. I am not here for politics nor want to be a smart a_ _ , I just know about it because a friend many years ago had cancer and was doing chemo and he had a prescribition and threw a couple my way. I'd rather have a big ole joint. I hope Biden would be open enough to sign a bill decriminalizing cannabis. Maybe someone should throw a couple MARINOL his way.