Biden's not a cannabis friendly President.

I know you can't speak for a whole political party, of course.
And you honestly think it's fair that so many major media outlets were given such a harsh criticism of trump but having kid gloves with Biden was fair? Journalism today is very lacking for integrity. Every single previous first lady was put on the cover of Time magazine, except for arguably the prettiest one yet? Telling. Very telling to me
I think all her nude pics have already been displayed

I have to ask you, how do you know it was fair? It's not like the opposing party left him alone or anything. Lol. Gunned for him right from the outset. And Trump was voted "free and fair" as you put it, by popular majority. Why did they try to undermine him so much. Insulting comments aside of course... comments1ZF375V7YW36075256
Look at His followers. Do you think it's appropriate to criticize a journalist with a disability? He's challenged by Greta Thunberg. His rallies are just long whining oratories about how he was cheated. Jesus H., orange told you he won't lose unless he's cheated out of the election months in advance. Grooming, gaslighting, or just smearing jelly lube on the rectums of the vulnerable? Cool. Play into it. He would not have won the first time except for the E.C. Hillary is not my favorite but she was the legit. winner in 2016. Of the election. We'll leave the primary out of it. This convo is not worth it, based on the fact that I cannot take a Trump supporter seriously. Look at the GQP's actions since Trump lost. Pitiful. Trump is a little kid. The only decent Trump I know is Mary. Love that lady.
I think all her nude pics have already been displayed
"And you honestly think it's fair that so many major media outlets were given such a harsh criticism of trump but having kid gloves with Biden was fair?"
False. Biden received much criticism from the media, especially over Afghaniatan--a mess Trump got us into. Trump released prisoners who are now in power in the Afghan gov. Much of what they honestly said about Trump was "This is unprecedented." Gee, why would they say that about your orange messiah? Maybe because he's got 5-year-old behavior that is off the charts. But no, that's Not a red flag.
"And you honestly think it's fair that so many major media outlets were given such a harsh criticism of trump but having kid gloves with Biden was fair?"
False. Biden received much criticism from the media, especially over Afghaniatan--a mess Trump got us into. Trump released prisoners who are now in power in the Afghan gov. Much of what they honestly said about Trump was "This is unprecedented." Gee, why would they say that about your orange messiah? Maybe because he's got 5-year-old behavior that is off the charts. But no, that's Not a red flag.
I think you are preaching to the choir :clap:
I have to ask you, how do you know it was fair? It's not like the opposing party left him alone or anything. Lol. Gunned for him right from the outset. And Trump was voted "free and fair" as you put it, by popular majority. Why did they try to undermine him so much. Insulting comments aside of course... comments1ZF375V7YW36075256
I have to ask you: why do you believe ANY of the shit you bring here? Have you seen PROOF? If so, then *share it*, fellow citizen!

As for why *I* believe the election was fair: because multiple recounts and examinations have shown no *indications* of fraud (“claims” of fraud not being indicative of anything beyond the allegations themselves), and multiple presentations to multiple courts in multiple jurisdictions have been THROWN OUT FOR LACK OF EVIDENCE. By REPUBLICANS as well as Democrats and independents. The sheer fact that the “case” *against* the election HAS NO EVIDENCE WHATEVER in support of it is actually pretty strong evidence of a LACK of fraud…and therefore more respectable evidence of fairness than any of the crackpot gobbledygook you wave to the (supposed) contrary. This isn’t going to earn you a paying gig as an anti-American troll, BTW… but it’s more than enough to earn you a Useful Idiot merit badge

You mention Trump being “voted free and fair by popular majority”…when it was by ELECTORAL COLLEGE and *not* by the popular vote…and you say it as if 2016’s vote could over-rule the 2020 vote: it’s entirely possible that you’re too stupid to know that EACH election has the power and ability to REVERSE THE PREVIOUS ELECTION, but it’s the truth: “the Reagan Landslide” did not reconstitute the USA as a regressively, fundamentally conservative nation, it didn’t earn them the “permanent Republican majority” that Rove, Norquist & friends have been wet-dreaming of for decades. “Republicans” talk about this endlessly when *they* win, this idea that, having been voted for once, they get to stay in power even after being voted against and turned out of office, and they gleefully set about reversing everything they don’t like whenever they DO take office (on the grounds that “that’s what they were elected for”)…but when they’re voted OUT for their attacks on measures and policies that THE MAJORITY feels strongly about, they act like the heathens are storming the gates, trying to “undo Gawd’s work”.

What’s really going on is that elections allow the citizens to put a stop to shenanigans like those in the GOP playbook. Claiming ‘it’s not fair’ because you didn’t want to lose is not at all the same thing as, say, presenting video evidence and eyewitness testimony of lawless and violent behavior against public servants in the execution of their sworn constitutional duties….

Why did ”the opposing party” come out against him? You mean, why was 70% of the American public *actively* upset about the Chump administration? Because of all the things that Fox, Newsmax, & InfoWars never told you about what was actually happening in the country. I mean, I’m glad you like the Trump fluffers, I guess…it’s really kind of a bad look, y’know…but Trump-fluffing is not news, it’s not fact, it’s not supported by the public record - which IS the standard for what has and has not happened in the real world…whether con-men, megalomaniacs, or their stooges like it or not.

Critical thinking is easy: just check and see if Person X said what they’re said to have said, if Event Y went the way you heard it, if Action Z was really taken & if the accused were actually involved.

I mean, since you asked.
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"And you honestly think it's fair that so many major media outlets were given such a harsh criticism of trump but having kid gloves with Biden was fair?"
False. Biden received much criticism from the media, especially over Afghaniatan--a mess Trump got us into. Trump released prisoners who are now in power in the Afghan gov. Much of what they honestly said about Trump was "This is unprecedented." Gee, why would they say that about your orange messiah? Maybe because he's got 5-year-old behavior that is off the charts. But no, that's Not a red flag.
Blame Trump, just like Biden did for his own fuck up. The guy says he takes responsibility but proceeds to shirk it, entirely. Trump got us into? Bahaha w.....t.......everloving F? Do YOU really want to side with this guy? He's a foreign policy failure, and NOTHING else has gone right.
Nope. Trump's a con. Plain as day. A smart con? Don't make me laugh. He's a shallow moron. Will say again, fascism is right leaning idealism. Look at what happening in FL and TX. Trump facist ass lickers. Lick Trump's ass and you're sucking Putin's dick by proxy. Closet gay Lindsay Graham is owned by Trump. Example 1.
Graham owned by China. As well as half the mentioned party and most of the other. Facts? Course not. If this was strictly a fact based conversation it would be very short, indeed. What bothers me more than mindlessly bashing strangers is the "herd mentality" the country has been shepherded into. Allowing so much, and I mean WAAAY too much bullshit to go on, evaporating our freedoms and privacy. Inevitably allowing authoritarianism to take over. This is NOT okay. Should not be okay with ANY OF US. This is not why we fled our previous countries. This is not why I put my life on the line, with pride and gratitude, for 4 years. Our country has gone astray and it didn't happen when Biden snuck in, no this is the inevitable result of money's influence on politics among other things.
Graham owned by China. As well as half the mentioned party and most of the other. Facts? Course not. If this was strictly a fact based conversation it would be very short, indeed. What bothers me more than mindlessly bashing strangers is the "herd mentality" the country has been shepherded into. Allowing so much, and I mean WAAAY too much bullshit to go on, evaporating our freedoms and privacy. Inevitably allowing authoritarianism to take over. This is NOT okay. Should not be okay with ANY OF US. This is not why we fled our previous countries. This is not why I put my life on the line, with pride and gratitude, for 4 years. Our country has gone astray and it didn't happen when Biden snuck in, no this is the inevitable result of money's influence on politics among other things.
Btw, you talk too much. Lost interest halfway through. Specially when you sink to insults. Baby stuff
Blame Trump, just like Biden did for his own fuck up. The guy says he takes responsibility but proceeds to shirk it, entirely. Trump got us into? Bahaha w.....t.......everloving F? Do YOU really want to side with this guy? He's a foreign policy failure, and NOTHING else has gone right.
About the lies... see what Trump Said about Kim Jong Un? Wake up dude. Not worth the debate. The NK leader has NOT stopped missile testing. Biden could not back out of pulling out of Afghanistan. Did you happen to notice that Trump freed the current Taliban Leader of Afghanistan some months ago? Not the only one he freed from prison who is currently in Afghanistan's government. Did you get a load of Paula White, Trump's "spiritual adviser". Yeah she's not a grifter, just like That orange turd. o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O Oh, and Trump spoke at Unification Church. Any idea what that is. Jesus H, too funny. Oh yeah, You have no idea. It wasn't on Faux News. Did you know that's not even a news agency? Google it.
IMG_20210909_133543.jpgCurious, How old are you big guy? If you don't know Trump is a grifter, just like his joke of a spiritual adviser, Then you're the mark. That's okay. Keep treading. Good thing it's bullshit instead of real water. Because you'd drown. But Trumpers thrive on lies as the sane world knows.
Graham owned by China. As well as half the mentioned party and most of the other. Facts? Course not. If this was strictly a fact based conversation it would be very short, indeed. What bothers me more than mindlessly bashing strangers is the "herd mentality" the country has been shepherded into. Allowing so much, and I mean WAAAY too much bullshit to go on, evaporating our freedoms and privacy. Inevitably allowing authoritarianism to take over. This is NOT okay. Should not be okay with ANY OF US. This is not why we fled our previous countries. This is not why I put my life on the line, with pride and gratitude, for 4 years. Our country has gone astray and it didn't happen when Biden snuck in, no this is the inevitable result of money's influence on politics among other things.
I said Trump owns Graham. Please don't Misquote. If I were GQP I'd likely cry over the baby insult. After all, we know who the snowflakes are. Cap'n orange bone spurs leads them. When is that orange thing going to say something of substance instead of whining about losing? Bone spurs lost because he's a loser. Might try to read some news. Oh I forgot. It's all fake. Trump told you what to think and you thunk it.
As for why *I* believe the election was fair: because multiple recounts and examinations have shown no *indications* of fraud (“claims” of fraud not being indicative of anything beyond the allegations themselves), and multiple presentations to multiple courts in multiple jurisdictions have been THROWN OUT FOR LACK OF EVIDENCE. By REPUBLICANS as well as Democrats and independents.
What happened to the Arizona recount? Anybody know?