Adding sugar during flowering


Well-Known Member
1. Learn to speak English.

2. Learn to punctuate.
Did you just really descend into being a grammar Nazi? Man i had you tagged for atleast somewhat of an intellectual...I stand corrected.. anywho. Gentlemen. It was a pleasure. To the OP Sugar guy, don't let the guys on here, shit on you for anything... Remember, they're old men, and this is all they got. Period. Peace!

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Did you just really descend into being a grammar Nazi? Man i had you tagged for atleast somewhat of an intellectual...I stand corrected.. anywho. Gentlemen. It was a pleasure. To the OP Sugar guy, don't let the guys on here, shit on you for anything... Remember, they're old men, and this is all they got. Period. Peace!
It’s called experience
:peace: Y’all :lol:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yeah I built 2 grow rooms in my rented apartment.
Hey its a start. Least when you're renting more than a 1 bed room. People may assume you're pinnacle isnt trolling and following ppl around on internet forums. thats a plus. See ya guys, have a good weekend!


Well-Known Member
wait are you guys really upset? lol... With whats coming in the world.. you're going to have to toughen up.. and the first time i grew outside was in 2001, since the laws have changed, I've moved inside.. And I've never stepped foot in any sort of hydro local Agway carries full fox farm setup.... Jobes with myco's...dry and wet gold and ff soils.... perlite... anything i need... and they don't give me advice .. they ring me out. So.. I'd wager... as far as sucessful grows.. I had 6 seasons under my belt before 2010. Is this your guyses best trolls? You're new? I mean.. i posted in the newbie section...And Im weak? lol..... riiiight.

Good read here

first time grower


C. Nesbitt

Well-Known Member
These threads follow a similar pattern.
1. New member posts wildly ridiculous nonsense.
2. People call it out as wildly ridiculous nonsense and OP defends it for a while.
3. OP disappears and another new member taps in for a while defending the posting of wildly ridiculous nonsense and scolding everyone for being intolerant of wildly ridiculous nonsense.
4. Cats.
Sock puppets I tell you. Seven pages now, someone is so very proud of themself today.

@JonathanT - I peed in my reservoir once. It was traumatic and horrible. I’m still ashamed but it happened. Gotta own it.