Adding sugar during flowering

I don’t know man.
Processed sugar is a carb when used by the body, not a sweetener.
But yeah, I guess some foods do impart their aromas to our bodies. Garlic. Asparagus. Onion.
I’ve never smelt like sugar though and I pretty much eat it every day in some form.
The only thing sugar is gonna sweeten in the soil though … is the soil.
If you eat it.
What if there are worms in the soil. If I eat them will they be sweet? If so Il take one for the team :weed:
The microbes don't raise the Brix levels. It's about the sugar content. This is the stuff I use when I use it. It's 72% Brix, which means the sugar content in the molasses is 72% of the solution. If I'm understanding correctly.

High Brix in the soil isn't the same as high Brix in the plants. The molasses doesn't do the sweetening. It feeds the microbes that feed the plants. Growing healthy plants that aren't starving is what makes sweeter bud. I don't think there's any special extra shit you'd need to add as long as it has enough of everything it wants. I'm no botanist though.
You are splitting a lot of hairs in this thread. That's why I wrote "ultimately."
OK, maybe I read that wrong. I'm just bored.
I can see how what I said could be taken in such a way. I just didn't write it all the way out. It feeds the microbes, microbes unlock nutrients, plant eats nutrients, nutrients make plant grow big and strong and maxed out on brix. I actually thought "brix" was a term for internal sugar content of a plant. I didn't realize it meant any sugar solution.
Hey its mr Foot in his mouth again, Mr FULLY VACINATED...what a joke. .....I mean for fucks sake dude, get a fucking life. Do you just creep around here looking for people to shit on, because you hate yourself that much? I mean COME ONE, shut the fuck up. 1 in 4 threads I look at..... is literally you just being a fucking prick , some white night liberal saving all noobs from throwing sugar on their plants?????...And its literally to someone who was being positive.....Someone who's is trying to spread something they did that went well, where did he tell anyone to do exactly what he did????'re always quoting science this science that, but you're about as knowledgeable with Science as the Bill Nye....With his Bachelors in engineering! lol... telling everyone else what science is, you're about as effective at having some manors or saying anything someone could connect to with out wanting to puke....... as the covid 19 jab is from stopping the spread of covid 1 from one jabbed to the next..... literally 0. Don't you got some cats to pet or a cellar to go down and spend time with your hentai stash?

I am sorry to piss on your chips, but you are talking shite. As a side note, I am also double vaccinated and soon to be triple vaccinated, I thought I'd point that out as it obviously irks the shit out of you.

I am not saying the OP is wrong. But his experiment proves nothing. There are no control plants for one. As already said, his plants are nowhere near ready and they look a little over fed. If he wanted to prove if it makes a difference, he'd need a dozen clones all from the same plant so they are genetically identical. Then he'd need to feed six with equal amounts of sugar and run the grow to the end to see if there was any difference. Then run the same test 3 or 4 times to see if the result is consistent and keep detailed records too. All he has proven, at this point, is that adding sugar doesn't kill the plants.
I am sorry to piss on your chips, but you are talking shite. As a side note, I am also double vaccinated and soon to be triple vaccinated, I thought I'd point that out as it obviously irks the shit out of you.

I am not saying the OP is wrong. But his experiment proves nothing. There are no control plants for one. As already said, his plants are nowhere near ready and they look a little over fed. If he wanted to prove if it makes a difference, he'd need a dozen clones all from the same plant so they are genetically identical. Then he'd need to feed six with equal amounts of sugar and run the grow to the end to see if there was any difference. Then run the same test 3 or 4 times to see if the result is consistent and keep detailed records too. All he has proven, at this point, is that adding sugar doesn't kill the plants.

lol. Rent Free. You guys are wayyyyy too easy.
I'm not telling every noob to add sugar to their soil I'm telling everyone to put an extra plant aside and try it for yourself. Wait until flower and try 1 plant out if you are as amazing as me in the transformation in 7 days as I was then it's a win for you. If the plant dies it was an extra plant anyways.
Don't worry about the "so called" experts on here mate. There are dicks everywhere on this site. Don't bother arguing. They are too narrow minded and subjective to even listen.
shiiet twentyeight, they atleast put up somewhat of a fight, you're so fragile you hide your profile and delete your posts when you get laid out.. lol...In fact if anyone did put sugar on their plant in the final weeks cuz of this thread, it'd be you. lol
Don't worry about the "so called" experts on here mate. There are dicks everywhere on this site. Don't bother arguing. They are too narrow minded and subjective to even listen.

Meh they fold like lawn chairs at the first sign of someone who doesn't just take everything they say for church. Its all good. We just keep growing.. keep getting better, and they just.. end up with high risk of heart attack, blood blots and pericarditis....I mean one dude literally goes thread to thread putting people down and calling them Kids...its...sad really.