Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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If we didn't require polio vaccines
Most people would have perished
Forcing others to protect the majority isn't a stripping of freedoms
Not allowing you to use a public thorough fare is, if you don't vaccine
Nobody threatened that

We just want the untaxed to leave or live
Yeah I just doesn't seem like to me that the covid vax is nearly as successful as the polio vax. Again more akin to a flu shot. I just think the government is making a bad situation worse with the mandates and people have become tweaked about it. People get sick people have always gotten sick. If your sick stay home. There has never been immunity rom a cold virus.
I don't ever recall getting a vax (ok,.. 1 flu shot in 2014), but otherwise no polio, chickenpox, etc. I've had Covid...Yet, here I am. I don't have that "star" scar on my arm.. can't remember which one that was, but I saw it going on in the school when I was a kid, and I was like "fuck that".. and dodged the whole thing..... I think I camped out in the crapper for most of the day.
Polio is given when you’re a baby and 4 to 6 years of age. Chicken pox vaccine wouldn’t have been around your time it came around in the 90’s. D tap and others you got I’m sure as a kid as they were most of the south has had a minimum shot requirement before school. For as long as I can remember.
i don't get shrill, junior...i tell people what they need to hear, which makes me less than popular with most of them...good thing i'm not concerned with how popular i am with one here took a vaccine for no reason, we took it after it had been approved to keep from dying, to keep from killing other people if we did get infected, and to not be an incubator for new variants.
i trust them now, because i trusted them then...i'm not a psycho who thinks the government is trying to covertly control our minds...they've been doing it in broad daylight for decades...why would they need a shadow plan to hide what they've never bothered to hide?
if you think you have a bullet proof vest, you ARE a have much better protection than someone who has not been vaccinated, but you can still get it, although your chances for survival are much better, and the likelihood of hospitalization is much lower.
you should care if someone is unvaxxed because they can act as incubators for the virus, allowing it to mutate into a version the vaccine is less effective at blocking, so there you are in the hospital with a new variant, breathing through a tube...or maybe not breathing through a tube...
i guess most of us are pissed because this is taking so long, and people are being so stupid, not only with their lives, but potentially with the lives of everyone around them, as well....i could give a fuck if you want to die, just don't take anyone with you...

(and waaaaay too easy...ta daa!)

Love ya bro! :bigjoint:
really? i sort of pity you, but not enough to drown out the disgust i feel when i read the feces coming out of your head

Absolutely amazing!
Seriously - I think I love you. :hump:

Gotta be the easiest instant gratification I've had all --- well today.

Since you decided on the "Junior" moniker, I'll reciprocate with senior. As in:
Take a bong load and whatever senior meds get you to stop babbling - maybe a tenth Covid shot.

Double up on the laxatives bro - pretty sure your avatar would look a bit less angry after a good shit.
Absolutely amazing!
Seriously - I think I love you. :hump:

Gotta be the easiest instant gratification I've had all --- well today.

Since you decided on the "Junior" moniker, I'll reciprocate with senior. As in:
Take a bong load and whatever senior meds get you to stop babbling - maybe a tenth Covid shot.

Double up on the laxatives bro - pretty sure your avatar would look a bit less angry after a good shit.
ignored...not worth my time
. . . . . . . . . . . I just think the government is making a bad situation worse with the mandates and people have become tweaked about it. . . . . . . . . .
Which of the mandates apply to you? Do you work for the federal government? Or a company with over 500 folks? Those are the only two that President Joe Rob has imposed. Big business was pushing hard to him to do it. They want their workforce healthy, but didn't want to bear the burden alone.

And the mandates are working. Most business have vax rates in the 80's now.
So how many people have died of the vaccine so far? We've done well over a 100 million people just here in America right? We should have a few hundred dead one would think. I can't find much, only 5 deaths in Scotland from adverse effect. Scotland is a freaking small country. If any of you haven't got your vaccine yet, I would stare clear of it. Has to be at least a hundred dead in America. Why take something that can kill you when COVID won't.

See this is what we should have been telling them all along. Help them on the way to the Dawrin awards.

I actually agree with all of that except for the third to last line:
"* For Covid-19 to be an old memory." ---- I wish that would be true BUT...

Covid is here to stay:
- which is why I listened to two entire departments of a hospital's advice and took my vax at the beginning of "Covid Season"
- and did not pay any attention to some shrill, loud, UNDER-EDUCATED voice trying to shame me into their poor sense of timing.

True, Covid-19 is not the flu - C-19 is the flu's big, nasty cousin.
NONE of the Flu vaccines have cured the flu - and nothing on the horizon is promising (except C-19 --- Dr's aren't seeing as much flu since C-19 started; so maybe C-19 will cure the flu!)

WTF makes anybody think Covid will be different?
Welcome to Covid, Flu & Cold Season.
I actually agree with all of that except for the third to last line:
"* For Covid-19 to be an old memory." ---- I wish that would be true BUT...

Covid is here to stay:
- which is why I listened to two entire departments of a hospital's advice and took my vax at the beginning of "Covid Season"
- and did not pay any attention to some shrill, loud, UNDER-EDUCATED voice trying to shame me into their poor sense of timing.

True, Covid-19 is not the flu - C-19 is the flu's big, nasty cousin.
NONE of the Flu vaccines have cured the flu - and nothing on the horizon is promising (except C-19 --- Dr's aren't seeing as much flu since C-19 started; so maybe C-19 will cure the flu!)

WTF makes anybody think Covid will be different?
Welcome to Covid, Flu & Cold Season.
True… no virus can be cured. Vax does work if they have done enough research to see if it does work, or if it needs tweaking because they maimed, killed, and disfigured a few thousand kids, ok cool. But!, even tho all previous vax’s are made from dead to near dead virus partials so your body can recognize it, develop antibodies, and defend it , this one is not.
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