Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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So, it looks like a lot of republicans are gonna be fired from their jobs, miss work for months at a lot of places and you no longer have a job. It's gonna drive employers healthcare costs through the roof, so the unvaxxed are gonna get mandated for that reason alone. It's killing thousands of republicans a week, putting many times more in the poor house, fucking over and disempowering them. The punishment for treason was traditionally death and it seems the traitors are getting just that, death and disaster, best of all they are fucking themselves, win win for America.

This is people diagnosed with covid folks, not just those hospitalized, but those who were tested and came down with it. Delta is more virulent and twice as likely to hospitalize people, so I imagine the effects would be even worse than this study indicates, because it included other strains too.
He is the co-lead investigator of a new study that found half of COVID-19 survivors worldwide suffer lingering effects for six months or more from “long-COVID,” a term for the physical and mental-health symptoms that follow infection.

It’s a breathtaking number, but it’s one some health-care workers already suspected, and one that others need to recognize to prevent long-COVID from overwhelming medical systems, he said.

Ssentongo said the symptoms may be physical, mental-health related or both. But consistently, in three different stages -- one month after infection, two to five months after infection and six months after the infection -- the numbers are consistent. Roughly 50% of those who had been diagnosed with COVID-19 suffered from long-term effects.

According to the findings, about 50% of those studied experienced several adverse health issues for six months after recovering from COVID-19. This includes:

  • More than half of all patients reported weight loss, fatigue, fever or pain.
  • Roughly one in five experienced a decrease in mobility.
  • Nearly one in four experienced difficulty concentrating.
  • Nearly one in three patients were diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorders.
  • Six in 10 survivors had chest imaging abnormality and more than a quarter of patients had difficulty breathing.
  • Chest pain and palpitations were among the commonly reported conditions.
  • Nearly one in five patients experienced hair loss or rashes.
  • Stomach pain, lack of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting were among the commonly reported conditions.

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It's well over 100,000 now with millions who have long covid, most are republicans MAGA, by dying and fucking themselves. Lot's of better quality and educated brown and black folks to replace them.


90,000 U.S. adult deaths from COVID-19 over the summer could have been prevented if victims had been vaccinated, study finds
I see the pain meds are kicking in bro!...but seriously, I hope the best for you my friend!... and no, I choose not to get vaxxed. When the good Lord wants me, he'll take me. Vaxxed, or not.
we dn't give a shit about you, but what about all those you can take with you? literally everyone who comes in contact with you before it kills you...
If this thread happened 18 months ago people would be freaking out that I just shoved an unapproved vaccine from the government into my arm and plan to have another soon. @Roger A. Shrubber would be getting shrill over how stupid I would be to blindly trust the government saying their unapproved chemical is safe.

Why do you trust them now?

So - now that I have my vax - I have a "bullet proof vest" on. (according to the TV)

Why do I care if somebody is unvaxxed??? - I'm not the one dying. I'm not the one who can't go to a movie (as if Hollywood released one worth watching lately...)

So why is everyone so pissed?
Tone down a notch - smoke a bowl.
i don't get shrill, junior...i tell people what they need to hear, which makes me less than popular with most of them...good thing i'm not concerned with how popular i am with one here took a vaccine for no reason, we took it after it had been approved to keep from dying, to keep from killing other people if we did get infected, and to not be an incubator for new variants.
i trust them now, because i trusted them then...i'm not a psycho who thinks the government is trying to covertly control our minds...they've been doing it in broad daylight for decades...why would they need a shadow plan to hide what they've never bothered to hide?
if you think you have a bullet proof vest, you ARE a have much better protection than someone who has not been vaccinated, but you can still get it, although your chances for survival are much better, and the likelihood of hospitalization is much lower.
you should care if someone is unvaxxed because they can act as incubators for the virus, allowing it to mutate into a version the vaccine is less effective at blocking, so there you are in the hospital with a new variant, breathing through a tube...or maybe not breathing through a tube...
i guess most of us are pissed because this is taking so long, and people are being so stupid, not only with their lives, but potentially with the lives of everyone around them, as well....i could give a fuck if you want to die, just don't take anyone with you...
If this thread happened 18 months ago people would be freaking out that I just shoved an unapproved vaccine from the government into my arm and plan to have another soon. @Roger A. Shrubber would be getting shrill over how stupid I would be to blindly trust the government saying their unapproved chemical is safe.

Why do you trust them now?

So - now that I have my vax - I have a "bullet proof vest" on. (according to the TV)

Why do I care if somebody is unvaxxed??? - I'm not the one dying. I'm not the one who can't go to a movie (as if Hollywood released one worth watching lately...)

So why is everyone so pissed?
Tone down a notch - smoke a bowl.
Honestly I’m ex military I’ve been shot up with plenty in the past plus I take sarms which are literally classified as research chemicals. I don’t really mind anymore im healthy as hell other then the mental damage of war has done to me and some physical damage mainly nerve due to exposure to radiation in the desert And aircraft. So no if I were to hear that you were shooting up unapproved chemicals it’s whatever to me. Do some people have issues with the vaccine? Sure but people have issues with all sorts of meds and vaccines out there even ones decades old. Small pox vaccine made my arm swell when I got it before going overseas. Just glad I got it Either way. its better to do some good for the masses to help get this under control. We only recently started to see long forgotten illness and diseases coming back due to people not wanting to get vaccinated for stuff. Shit that shouldn't have ever came back. But with our enlighten ways and internet now Karens think theyre more educated then the doctors. I’m just glad they’re boot these essential oil Karen nurses out.
i don't get shrill, junior...i tell people what they need to hear, which makes me less than popular with most of them...good thing i'm not concerned with how popular i am with one here took a vaccine for no reason, we took it after it had been approved to keep from dying, to keep from killing other people if we did get infected, and to not be an incubator for new variants.
i trust them now, because i trusted them then...i'm not a psycho who thinks the government is trying to covertly control our minds...they've been doing it in broad daylight for decades...why would they need a shadow plan to hide what they've never bothered to hide?
if you think you have a bullet proof vest, you ARE a have much better protection than someone who has not been vaccinated, but you can still get it, although your chances for survival are much better, and the likelihood of hospitalization is much lower.
you should care if someone is unvaxxed because they can act as incubators for the virus, allowing it to mutate into a version the vaccine is less effective at blocking, so there you are in the hospital with a new variant, breathing through a tube...or maybe not breathing through a tube...
i guess most of us are pissed because this is taking so long, and people are being so stupid, not only with their lives, but potentially with the lives of everyone around them, as well....i could give a fuck if you want to die, just don't take anyone with you...
It's a good thing to have such enemies, means your on the right side of humanity and history. I sleep well knowing that such assholes hate my guts, means I thwarted them.
Yeah I said that and mean that, you've got no such right, if you worked for me I'd fire your ass period. The law and the constitution are on my side. You would be putting me, my customers and employees at risk and I've got rights too and those rights include firing your ass, or keeping you out of my business unless you can prove you are vaxxed. Know your rights and also know your responsibilities, kill yourself if ya wanna MAGA, but stay the fuck away from my business if you are not vaxxed. Some forms of discrimination are legal, moral and proper, they are the ones you have a choice about, like getting vaccinated, or wearing a shirt and shoes in a restaurant or store. Imagine being black and putting up with bullshit for no reason other than the hate and fear of losers, you can't change being black, but you can change your vaccination statues.

Biden and the democrats aren't getting blamed for the covid response by the general public. Polls consistently show that people are blaming the unvaxxed and republicans for the situation. It's a sweet deal for the liberals, they are sitting back and laughing their asses off at the fools who are killing themselves off at the rate of almost 2000 a day, three times that many are being maimed and fucked for life. The vaccinated republicans are old and a lot die every election cycle, the few unvaxxed democrats are young and usually survive covid. So with losing thousands of republicans to covid every month with more being fucked over and the older ones dying every election cycle, ya can see where this is going... The liberals are vaxxed and the half of republicans who are vaxxed are old and large numbers die every election cycle...

If you voted for Trump and are a republican, you are a racist traitor to the USA and it's constitution, those are just facts, support treason and traitors and you become one too. It doesn't matter if there are 50 million of you left after the insurrection and covid, every one is a moral failure who votes to fuck themselves and country. Donald drew ya out into the daylight, and onto open ground, there's nowhere to hide any more. Cheeto Jesus separated the sheep from the goats and the sheep are horking down sheep de wormer.
Holy chit yall are some scared sheep. You do realize the virus has over a 99% survival rate. The vax seems to only last about 6 months. Are you going to be thethered to a shot for the rest of your life? Our bodies come equipped to fight viruses, the best thing people can do is just try to be as healthy as possible to support their immune system. Or the American way- live as unhealthy a lifestyle as possible and rely on big pharma to prop you up.
Pfizer currently hold the honor of having paid the highest criminal fine in US history. The third leading cause of dead in the US is medical malpractice(although the CDC did change it to just say "accidents" a couple months ago)
. . . . . . . . You do realize the virus has over a 99% survival rate. . . . . . . . . .
Do you realize 1% of 350 million is 3.5 million? As in what some news reader will have to read in the future, "today we went over 3 million five hundred thousand dead Americans due to covid."

But I do applaud all you anti vaxers for the good work you are doing toward helping with our carbon footprint. To the best of my recollection, this is the first time such a large group of right leaning individuals have done so much to offset climate change. And for that, I thank you.
Holy chit yall are some scared sheep. You do realize the virus has over a 99% survival rate. The vax seems to only last about 6 months. Are you going to be thethered to a shot for the rest of your life? Our bodies come equipped to fight viruses, the best thing people can do is just try to be as healthy as possible to support their immune system. Or the American way- live as unhealthy a lifestyle as possible and rely on big pharma to prop you up.
Nah I'm actually fully immune to covid. My girls however are autoimmune comprised so I got it to lessen my chance to spread it.tgey both got the vaccine as well. One got the booster as well. No issues. Also you know why the military gives all the vaccines included small pox to all forward deployed military members? Because many of these other countries are riddled with long dead diseases. Such as but not limited to small pox.
Nah I'm actually fully immune to covid. My girls however are autoimmune comprised so I got it to lessen my chance to spread it.tgey both got the vaccine as well. One got the booster as well. No issues. Also you know why the military gives all the vaccines included small pox to all forward deployed military members? Because many of these other countries are riddled with long dead diseases. Such as but not limited to small pox.
I can understand these reasons for being vaccinated and for those in a high risk category. I just don't agree with the one size fits all vaccinate everyone regardless of natural immunity or the risk of adverse reactions in those that are very low risk to begin with. Again you can still catch and spread wile vaccinated. It would be more appropriate to compare this covid vaccine to a flu shot in that it does not provide anywhere close to immunity and that it does not have lasting protection. It's just that there are no long term studies with this new mrna shot. For young people that have had miniscule risk from the virus that ended up getting the shot and had heart problems sometimes being hospitalized, do you really think that's not going to come back to them later in life? Nobody knows.

I'm also not right leaning, since when is freedom considered a right leaning trait?
I can understand these reasons for being vaccinated and for those in a high risk category. I just don't agree with the one size fits all vaccinate everyone regardless of natural immunity or the risk of adverse reactions in those that are very low risk to begin with. Again you can still catch and spread wile vaccinated. It would be more appropriate to compare this covid vaccine to a flu shot in that it does not provide anywhere close to immunity and that it does not have lasting protection. It's just that there are no long term studies with this new mrna shot. For young people that have had miniscule risk from the virus that ended up getting the shot and had heart problems sometimes being hospitalized, do you really think that's not going to come back to them later in life? Nobody knows.

I'm also not right leaning, since when is freedom considered a right leaning trait?
Nah Im not worried man. My daughter is about to get her covid shot she's 12. I didn't say anything about freedom. As for the delivery system being mrna they've been around for decades. As for the disease it's just tough mount an immune response to help the body fight it better later. Though I know people that have passed away that were completely healthy that caught the virus. The lungs were just shit after the virus.
I don't ever recall getting a vax (ok,.. 1 flu shot in 2014), but otherwise no polio, chickenpox, etc. I've had Covid...Yet, here I am. I don't have that "star" scar on my arm.. can't remember which one that was, but I saw it going on in the school when I was a kid, and I was like "fuck that".. and dodged the whole thing..... I think I camped out in the crapper for most of the day.
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