Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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You mean everyone there in the hospital are not vaxxed?.. I just worked a food truck today at the local hospital, and the LPN's, RN's are telling me that they are seeing a LOT less cases... like almost none. Only elderly, and very few. They said the cases have drastically dropped in the past 3 weeks.
Hospitals employees demanded it here. Took a minute. 100% vaccinated if employed by or contracting for the hospitals where I live. All Republicon to.Funny. LOL. Get the shot wusss.
Hospitals employees demanded it here. Took a minute. 100% vaccinated if employed by or contracting for the hospitals where I live. All Republicon to.Funny. LOL. Get the shot wusss.
I see the pain meds are kicking in bro!...but seriously, I hope the best for you my friend!... and no, I choose not to get vaxxed. When the good Lord wants me, he'll take me. Vaxxed, or not.
I see the pain meds are kicking in bro!...but seriously, I hope the best for you my friend!... and no, I choose not to get vaxxed. When the good Lord wants me, he'll take me.
I get it. Just give all their space then. You are threat to society as such. I'm vaccinated on top of having beat a bad strain. Still masking up.

And told it is a crime to inoculate via dart gun. Yet you can freely spray possible death sentences? Selfish shit my friend. I live to ensure my fellow lives.

Peace and a thought. Picture is a joke and Halloween costume. But why can I not shot darts of the cure as you shoot darts of the disease. I have rights also. 004.jpg
If this thread happened 18 months ago people would be freaking out that I just shoved an unapproved vaccine from the government into my arm and plan to have another soon. @Roger A. Shrubber would be getting shrill over how stupid I would be to blindly trust the government saying their unapproved chemical is safe.

Why do you trust them now?

So - now that I have my vax - I have a "bullet proof vest" on. (according to the TV)

Why do I care if somebody is unvaxxed??? - I'm not the one dying. I'm not the one who can't go to a movie (as if Hollywood released one worth watching lately...)

So why is everyone so pissed?
Tone down a notch - smoke a bowl.
If this thread happened 18 months ago people would be freaking out that I just shoved an unapproved vaccine from the government into my arm and plan to have another soon. @Roger A. Shrubber would be getting shrill over how stupid I would be to blindly trust the government saying their unapproved chemical is safe.

Why do you trust them now?

So - now that I have my vax - I have a "bullet proof vest" on. (according to the TV)

Why do I care if somebody is unvaxxed??? - I'm not the one dying. I'm not the one who can't go to a movie (as if Hollywood released one worth watching lately...)

So why is everyone so pissed?
Tone down a notch - smoke a bowl.
I never did trust them. Seems to be saving the rich billions while skimming trillions from here to eternity.

And all these disrupting sheep fail to realize that a large number of them must be culled in order to restrain entitlements, allow profiting from SSI SSD and such.

No No. They must stop the virus. Or There will be nothing to rule. Or anyone to exploit to pay for it all.
Final thought of the night.. and possibly my last post on the subject. You have a number. Your number,... your fait has already been pre determined. There is nothing you can do to change that. Your path that you choose is already on the books. Live your life the best you can, and live every day like it's your last.. because it could be. I don't worry about it too much in my 50's. I've lived a good life, and most people would take it as full. Most of us are going to go through really tough times with this and that as we go through this short journey.... and it is short. I think about how long ago it was when I was 40, and how that time will be when im in my 60's... it's short. Just live your life. Enjoy life. Embrace it. Because in the blink of an eye, it's gonna be gone. We are all going to be gone at some point. Make that effort to make the others around you feel good, spread the love amongst your family and friends. Have good times, and laugh at the stupidest shit. Don't stress about anything because your fait is already there. Take in those moments ... this is a one way ticket ride, make the best of it.
If this thread happened 18 months ago people would be freaking out that I just shoved an unapproved vaccine from the government into my arm and plan to have another soon. @Roger A. Shrubber would be getting shrill over how stupid I would be to blindly trust the government saying their unapproved chemical is safe.

Why do you trust them now?

So - now that I have my vax - I have a "bullet proof vest" on. (according to the TV)

Why do I care if somebody is unvaxxed??? - I'm not the one dying. I'm not the one who can't go to a movie (as if Hollywood released one worth watching lately...)

So why is everyone so pissed?
Tone down a notch - smoke a bowl.
I'm guessing your name is based on being locked in to your line surfing, but am probably wrong.
Final thought of the night.. and possibly my last post on the subject. You have a number. Your number,... your fait has already been pre determined. There is nothing you can do to change that. Your path that you choose is already on the books. Live your life the best you can, and live every day like it's your last.. because it could be. I don't worry about it too much in my 50's. I've lived a good life, and most people would take it as full. Most of us are going to go through really tough times with this and that as we go through this short journey.... and it is short. I think about how long ago it was when I was 40, and how that time will be when im in my 60's... it's short. Just live your life. Enjoy life. Embrace it. Because in the blink of an eye, it's gonna be gone. We are all going to be gone at some point. Make that effort to make the others around you feel good, spread the love amongst your family and friends. Have good times, and laugh at the stupidest shit. Don't stress about anything because your fait is already there. Take in those moments ... this is a one way ticket ride, make the best of it.
Jesus H. Christ... did you really just say that? This is the same thing as the Flu that's been around forever. "The Vaxx or the axe is just and Constitutional".. did you read what you just said?... Hitler did the same thing.. "Tell a big enough lie, and tell it often enough.. and people will believe it". A Hitler ... Getting the Flu and going to work had been the norm forever. Rarely does an employer send someone home who has the Flu. And spreading the Flu is irresponsible. Yet, we have no mandates for the Flu... other than " just get your shot".... Black people.... What the fuck?
Yeah I said that and mean that, you've got no such right, if you worked for me I'd fire your ass period. The law and the constitution are on my side. You would be putting me, my customers and employees at risk and I've got rights too and those rights include firing your ass, or keeping you out of my business unless you can prove you are vaxxed. Know your rights and also know your responsibilities, kill yourself if ya wanna MAGA, but stay the fuck away from my business if you are not vaxxed. Some forms of discrimination are legal, moral and proper, they are the ones you have a choice about, like getting vaccinated, or wearing a shirt and shoes in a restaurant or store. Imagine being black and putting up with bullshit for no reason other than the hate and fear of losers, you can't change being black, but you can change your vaccination statues.

Biden and the democrats aren't getting blamed for the covid response by the general public. Polls consistently show that people are blaming the unvaxxed and republicans for the situation. It's a sweet deal for the liberals, they are sitting back and laughing their asses off at the fools who are killing themselves off at the rate of almost 2000 a day, three times that many are being maimed and fucked for life. The vaccinated republicans are old and a lot die every election cycle, the few unvaxxed democrats are young and usually survive covid. So with losing thousands of republicans to covid every month with more being fucked over and the older ones dying every election cycle, ya can see where this is going... The liberals are vaxxed and the half of republicans who are vaxxed are old and large numbers die every election cycle...

If you voted for Trump and are a republican, you are a racist traitor to the USA and it's constitution, those are just facts, support treason and traitors and you become one too. It doesn't matter if there are 50 million of you left after the insurrection and covid, every one is a moral failure who votes to fuck themselves and country. Donald drew ya out into the daylight, and onto open ground, there's nowhere to hide any more. Cheeto Jesus separated the sheep from the goats and the sheep are horking down sheep de wormer.
Does it concern anybody that Moderna has never made a pharmaceutical medication, much less a vax ever?... like, this is literally thier first attempt at making anything. The Polio vax took from 1932 to 1963 to perfect. During that timeframe, 1000's of children developed deformities, birth defects, seizures , and death...They were "lab rats"...It's kinda like Orville and Wilber Wright saying "Yeah, this is our prototype..go fly it!, you'll be fine!"
from Wikipedia....

Not true. They have been developing the mRNA tech for over a decade. This is their first approved product, but they have been developing several vaccines based on the same tech.

I think it is awesome that the mRNA vaccines are finally a reality.
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