Is Biden really that bad?

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Let's get this straight. Every MAGA guy is evil and deserves beatings. Nothing better than the "evolved, tolerant" left showing folks the error of their ways...
I am not saying this shit happens all the time simply saying it is happening now and didn’t just happen overnight all this arguing and back and forth far left far right shit is just the by product of what 9/11 and our 20 years of political military and domestic turmoil and abuse has created look at all the policy and legislation that was changed during the free for all after 9/11 and I mean don’t watch a doc on it read up on it you’d be amazed to see the changes in your everyday life that really took place and the dynamics it created in our political system it’s a shame this is what we are and how deep we’ve taken ourselves we have poisoned our own views

At the same time, how much has actually affected your daily life? And I'm not talking about little hypersensitive jerkoff stuff like, oh boohoo I could only get a 10rd mag and had to take my shoes off at the airport, but have you starved to death recently, or had to walk ten miles for water?

I'm worried about the country too and the news and even this forum isn't a big help, save for the occasional optimist(cough*hanimmal*cough). Ultimately, I am worried more about maga people than anyone else, but I also believe that we've become a shitty and selfish group of people and the notion of "oh we just need to find the right people to vote for" is too little too late.
I am not saying this shit happens all the time simply saying it is happening now and didn’t just happen overnight all this arguing and back and forth far left far right shit is just the by product of what 9/11 and our 20 years of political military and domestic turmoil and abuse has created look at all the policy and legislation that was changed during the free for all after 9/11 and I mean don’t watch a doc on it read up on it you’d be amazed to see the changes in your everyday life that really took place and the dynamics it created in our political system it’s a shame this is what we are and how deep we’ve taken ourselves we have poisoned our own views
The people who track domestic terrorists say that White Supremacists are the top threat and BLM is not a threat at all.

This jibes with what we are seeing. Take the Jan 6 insurrection, for example.

I know you don't like facts but there it is.
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At the same time, how much has actually affected your daily life? And I'm not talking about little hypersensitive jerkoff stuff like, oh boohoo I could only get a 10rd mag and had to take my shoes off at the airport, but have you starved to death recently, or had to walk ten miles for water?

I'm worried about the country too and the news and even this forum isn't a big help, save for the occasional optimist(cough*hanimmal*cough). Ultimately, I am worried more about maga people than anyone else, but I also believe that we've become a shitty and selfish group of people and the notion of "oh we just need to find the right people to vote for" is too little too late.
I don’t fly nor do little inconveniences bother me before 9/11 when you had a point to be argued on a tv network or news network you had to have an equal opposing argument so not to create a bias standpoint they deregulated news networks on the types of news and factuality of there stories that they where aloud to cover also passed several bills regarding policing in minority areas to be labeled as possible domestic terrorist hot spots and left the policy so vague that it’s interpretation led to multipolar houses and families being raided for their Muslim beliefs and or no Christian values all because of the free for all the government was in over 240 policies were impacted from sept 13 2001 to December of 2002 not to say the fucking nsa spying on everybody even you and that’s just the tip but you can think that doesn’t affect you but when you have biased news outlets preaching hate and propaganda now our opinions and beliefs are ultimately affected and then you fast forward 20 years and here we are
At the same time, how much has actually affected your daily life? And I'm not talking about little hypersensitive jerkoff stuff like, oh boohoo I could only get a 10rd mag and had to take my shoes off at the airport, but have you starved to death recently, or had to walk ten miles for water?

I'm worried about the country too and the news and even this forum isn't a big help, save for the occasional optimist(cough*hanimmal*cough). Ultimately, I am worried more about maga people than anyone else, but I also believe that we've become a shitty and selfish group of people and the notion of "oh we just need to find the right people to vote for" is too little too late.
I do also agree with your bottom half of your comment sometimes we have to bit the bullet and except we all have to change and be better people all around not just the white old rich people
I don’t fly nor do little inconveniences bother me before 9/11 when you had a point to be argued on a tv network or news network you had to have an equal opposing argument so not to create a bias standpoint they deregulated news networks on the types of news and factuality of there stories that they where aloud to cover also passed several bills regarding policing in minority areas to be labeled as possible domestic terrorist hot spots and left the policy so vague that it’s interpretation led to multipolar houses and families being raided for their Muslim beliefs and or no Christian values all because of the free for all the government was in over 240 policies were impacted from sept 13 2001 to December of 2002 not to say the fucking nsa spying on everybody even you and that’s just the tip but you can think that doesn’t affect you but when you have biased news outlets preaching hate and propaganda now our opinions and beliefs are ultimately affected and then you fast forward 20 years and here we are

I have to ask, what percentage of your media unhappiness with everything you've described in your post, would you say is manufactured by yourself? And to ask another way, how much impact do you think the media would have if people simply cared less about what some stranger on tv says? This is why I don't care much about "thuh mediuh", because I simply wasn't raised to believe everything. And I think it's more of a problem with people that were raised with the bible, where they were told various stories and also told, "of course it's true". I think indoctrination leads to....basically, gullibility, and the subsequent outrage when they find out they were lied to, because they feel stupid when they believe a lie, and that outrage is mostly manufactured from within.
I have to ask, what percentage of your media unhappiness with everything you've described in your post, would you say is manufactured by yourself? And to ask another way, how much impact do you think the media would have if people simply cared less about what some stranger on tv says? This is why I don't care much about "thuh mediuh", because I simply wasn't raised to believe everything. And I think it's more of a problem with people that were raised with the bible, where they were told various stories and also told, "of course it's true". I think indoctrination leads to....basically, gullibility, and the subsequent outrage when they find out they were lied to, because they feel stupid when they believe a lie, and that outrage is mostly manufactured from within.
Never have I truly believed everything the media tells me but the point of what I was saying is that no matter what you believe or think you can filter out when you have a biased opinion shoved into your face constantly it will start to create and manifest biased opinions within yourself those little changes over a long period of time and then add in new generations of people will make long-term effects last in this country that’s what I was saying And before 911 do you had to have an opposing equal argument just look at when Fox News was created
Never have I truly believed everything the media tells me but the point of what I was saying is that no matter what you believe or think you can filter out when you have a biased opinion shoved into your face constantly it will start to create and manifest biased opinions within yourself those little changes over a long period of time and then add in new generations of people will make long-term effects last in this country that’s what I was saying And before 911 do you had to have an opposing equal argument just look at when Fox News was created
Or CNN for that matter nowadays and anybody else that calls themselves a reputable news outlet well I’m really trying to say is that these little changes that you think didn’t affect our lives ultimately did because they change the way that we lived our lives they change the ways that we thought the ways that we thought we were going to end up living our lives I mean for fucks sake‘s the apprentice is our former fucking president
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