Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
Lol, I don't see any confessions. He said when you're rich you can do anything including grab em by the pussy. That's simply stating what you can do when you're rich and get away with it. Give it up dude, Biden is a senile crook.
My man, I don't exactly know where you are coming from with all that jazz or what it is I am to give up. Not a big biden supporter, but trump was an outstandingly stupid jackass, will take a biden admin over that embarrassment any day of the week. Again, that's not a defense of or even real support for biden, it's that what you hold him up against is so bad, stupid, and just unacceptable. Trumps a rich bitch daddies boy that bankrupted a casino and sold steaks. He's fucking trash.


Well-Known Member
"it seems" is a poll? It seems that to you, your belief is a "poll".

You've laughably contradicted yourself regarding "science". Pretty much showed you lack any technical understanding or ability whatsoever.

So, getting back to something you said earlier. Why did you call me self-righteous? Was it because I pointed out that Trump is a tax dodging fraud, a grifter and allowing you to out yourself as a fascist? If not, then why?
But people are saying


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking Desantis has the early lead. He'll most likely wipe the floor with any candidate Dems can produce.

Trump may be a tax cheat or may not. Based on his past leaked returns, he paid more in tax percentages than most politicians including Hillary. The point is, you stated that fascists don't respect of follow the law. So that would make you one, correct?
OK. DeSantis, the governor or the death cult state is your guy. Makes sense.

So funny how you compartmentalize facts to avoid facing contradictions. lulz

Regarding paying taxes. Do you believe former Presidents cannot be held to account for their crimes?


Well-Known Member
"it seems" is a poll? It seems that to you, your belief is a "poll".

You've laughably contradicted yourself regarding "science". Pretty much showed you lack any technical understanding or ability whatsoever.

So, getting back to something you said earlier. Why did you call me self-righteous? Was it because I pointed out that Trump is a tax dodging fraud, a grifter and allowing you to out yourself as a fascist? If not, then why?
You obviously are deranged. You said that fascists ignore/don't follow the law. My point to you is nobody follows every law. Go play in traffic kid...


Well-Known Member
OK. DeSantis, the governor or the death cult state is your guy. Makes sense.

So funny how you compartmentalize facts to avoid facing contradictions. lulz

Regarding paying taxes. Do you believe former Presidents cannot be held to account for their crimes?
Desantis protected the old first. Furthermore, he didn't mandate a bunch of rules that he didn't follow like most democratic clowns that wore masks for cameras and refrained when nobody was watching.

Democrats have went so far left that they're no longer electable for anyone with common sense.


Well-Known Member
My man, I don't exactly know where you are coming from with all that jazz or what it is I am to give up. Not a big biden supporter, but trump was an outstandingly stupid jackass, will take a biden admin over that embarrassment any day of the week. Again, that's not a defense of or even real support for biden, it's that what you hold him up against is so bad, stupid, and just unacceptable. Trumps a rich bitch daddies boy that bankrupted a casino and sold steaks. He's fucking trash.
I'm not arguing Trump's a good person. I'm arguing that he was by far a better president than Biden. Do you not believe the emails that were found on Hunter Biden's laptop about 10 percent for the "big guy"? Do you believe Hunter belongs on any board of directors? Biden's family have enriched themselves because of their ties to Joe and Joe encouraged it. He's the real trash. Furthermore, how about the withdrawal from Afghanistan? You think he did the right thing there? Leaving US citizens behind? Unacceptable to me.

So when I say give it up, I mean give up trying to convince folks Biden isn't a senile old scumbag. Because he is.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing Trump's a good person. I'm arguing that he was by far a better president than Biden. Do you not believe the emails that were found on Hunter Biden's laptop about 10 percent for the "big guy"? Do you believe Hunter belongs on any board of directors? Biden's family have enriched themselves because of their ties to Joe and Joe encouraged it. He's the real trash. Furthermore, how about the withdrawal from Afghanistan? You think he did the right thing there? Leaving US citizens behind? Unacceptable to me.

So when I say give it up, I mean give up trying to convince folks Biden isn't a senile old scumbag. Because he is.
Hey sparky
Hunter Biden isn't in office
You wanna try again with the Trump heathens?


Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing Trump's a good person. I'm arguing that he was by far a better president than Biden. Do you not believe the emails that were found on Hunter Biden's laptop about 10 percent for the "big guy"? Do you believe Hunter belongs on any board of directors? Biden's family have enriched themselves because of their ties to Joe and Joe encouraged it. He's the real trash. Furthermore, how about the withdrawal from Afghanistan? You think he did the right thing there? Leaving US citizens behind? Unacceptable to me.

So when I say give it up, I mean give up trying to convince folks Biden isn't a senile old scumbag. Because he is.
Spewing hateful lies is not arguing.

Afghanistan was set up by That Man specifically to leave Biden holding the bag.

Morally, Biden is head, shoulders and groin above the orange wannabe Fuhrer.

You gotta stop watching Big Lie vids. They have you believing, championing, propagating the exact opposite of a republic. You don’t need to stay a pathogen.


Well-Known Member
You obviously are deranged. You said that fascists ignore/don't follow the law. My point to you is nobody follows every law. Go play in traffic kid...
Dude, do you even know what you just did there? You projected your own beliefs onto me. As if we are anything alike. As was pointed out earlier, on Jan 6, a fascist mob attacked the US Congress at Trump's insistence with the intent of overturning a free, fair and secure election and to kill Trump's political enemies. Your reply was "not all of them were violent white terrorists intent on a murder and a violent coup." As if that excuses the ones who were and I'll add that you offer nothing other than your belief that not all of them were or are still

Then you say I'm just like you. Well fuck no I'm not. You have no basis for saying so other than projecting your own coronvirus infected ass on me. No sir, we are not alike.

Fascists are corrupt as all hell. I mean, just look at the con man you hold up as your leader. It's not as if it was any kind of a surprise that he was a con and held himself above the law. Just stop it with the lying and gaslighting. It doesn't work any more. We saw you and your kind clearly and can't unsee it. Fascists suck. Lock them up. Something like 600 indicted co-conspirators of a violent coup are walking free and they should all be rounded up and locked away for good.


Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing Trump's a good person. I'm arguing that he was by far a better president than Biden. Do you not believe the emails that were found on Hunter Biden's laptop about 10 percent for the "big guy"? Do you believe Hunter belongs on any board of directors? Biden's family have enriched themselves because of their ties to Joe and Joe encouraged it. He's the real trash. Furthermore, how about the withdrawal from Afghanistan? You think he did the right thing there? Leaving US citizens behind? Unacceptable to me.

So when I say give it up, I mean give up trying to convince folks Biden isn't a senile old scumbag. Because he is.
trump shits his pants on a regular basis.

I like presidents who don’t wear diapers.


Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing Trump's a good person. I'm arguing that he was by far a better president than Biden. Do you not believe the emails that were found on Hunter Biden's laptop about 10 percent for the "big guy"? Do you believe Hunter belongs on any board of directors? Biden's family have enriched themselves because of their ties to Joe and Joe encouraged it. He's the real trash. Furthermore, how about the withdrawal from Afghanistan? You think he did the right thing there? Leaving US citizens behind? Unacceptable to me.

So when I say give it up, I mean give up trying to convince folks Biden isn't a senile old scumbag. Because he is.
To the forum, I present, propaganda. Note the lack of facts based substance in the above example of right wing propaganda.


Well-Known Member
I'm not arguing Trump's a good person. I'm arguing that he was by far a better president than Biden. Do you not believe the emails that were found on Hunter Biden's laptop about 10 percent for the "big guy"? Do you believe Hunter belongs on any board of directors? Biden's family have enriched themselves because of their ties to Joe and Joe encouraged it. He's the real trash. Furthermore, how about the withdrawal from Afghanistan? You think he did the right thing there? Leaving US citizens behind? Unacceptable to me.

So when I say give it up, I mean give up trying to convince folks Biden isn't a senile old scumbag. Because he is.
You can still go to afghanistan and fight cuck boy


Well-Known Member
Desantis protected the old first. Furthermore, he didn't mandate a bunch of rules that he didn't follow like most democratic clowns that wore masks for cameras and refrained when nobody was watching.

Democrats have went so far left that they're no longer electable for anyone with common sense.
Because you say so?
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