Is Biden really that bad?

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Take this anyway you like but my brother lives in the uk and I know that the rest of the so called civilized world(got money) view Trump as the obnoxious idiot he is. Damn near got us dragged into a war with China we probably couldn't win. This country wouldn't survive another republican president right now. In my lifetime I've watched republican president fuck shit up it takes a 2 term dem to fix it. Hell my first vote was for Regan but I was on basic training and he was head of the chain of command.
Yes they would work as good as a mask at stopping the virus.
You are saying that a microscope, that is not used to stop transmission of bodily fluids spraying from someone's mouth, is as effective as a mask that is designed to do just that, and has been shown with actual replicable results in large scale studies to keep people safer during this very dangerous pandemic?

You are mistaken about them being as good as one another in stopping the virus. Because one is for looking at very small objects, and one is a mask. Maybe there is some weird round about troll of a argument that a microscope helps the scientists (not the troll ones that rant about Demon Sperm or end times, but real actual doctors that are not trying to scam people into being one of their death cult) understand what it is that they are fighting, but in actual day to day transmission, no you are wrong.

Do you have any education at all or is it all?
Is it all what?
You are saying that a microscope, that is not used to stop transmission of bodily fluids spraying from someone's mouth, is as effective as a mask that is designed to do just that, and has been shown with actual replicable results in large scale studies to keep people safer during this very dangerous pandemic?

You are mistaken about them being as good as one another in stopping the virus. Because one is for looking at very small objects, and one is a mask. Maybe there is some weird round about troll of a argument that a microscope helps the scientists (not the troll ones that rant about Demon Sperm or end times, but real actual doctors that are not trying to scam people into being one of their death cult) understand what it is that they are fighting, but in actual day to day transmission, no you are wrong.

Is it all what?
Don’t forget the incubators.
How do you 'prove' Covid 19? The test are easily manipulated. Why don't they do culture test like any other infection?
Well thanks for that insightful response to a question that was directed at another member. So you have no citation either, just feels? So yes I get it now, no proof because it’s all a lie, everything is a lie, and the end game is ????? World domination caused by mask wearing and vaccine microchip tracking? Please explain to me what the end game is and who is behind this world plot? Im thinking aliens ;).
^^^^^^ The truth is out there!!!!!
Could you please use citation I’m very curious to read what you’ve read. What about those who have never been proven to have had it? I see there are lots of “well I’ve had it (I think) so don’t need the shot”.

No, go do some more research. Viruses have lead to immunity for decades and end up in bone marrow. Those are studies that involved decades. I'll rely on that other than KNOWING that vaccines aren't lasting 6 months. FACT.
Did Mulder bone Scully? Wait don’t tell me!!! Only 15 more seasons to go :o! Just to get this back on topic, yes Jim there is no comparison between the two men, actually one is not even a man in the true sense, can’t be a man and a slimy phlegm coated piece of cheeseburger poo at the same time, just can’t!!!
It’s amazing that show still holds up all these years later.
No, go do some more research. Viruses have lead to immunity for decades and end up in bone marrow. Those are studies that involved decades. I'll rely on that other than KNOWING that vaccines aren't lasting 6 months. FACT.
I think I’ll rely on the research done by scientists and doctors instead of the research done by a trumptard, but thanks for sharing your resurch.
No, go do some more research. Viruses have lead to immunity for decades and end up in bone marrow. Those are studies that involved decades. I'll rely on that other than KNOWING that vaccines aren't lasting 6 months. FACT.
Say stupid shit demand to be proven wrong
Kinda like saying you are a patriot while carrying a confederate flag and attacking our constitution
No, go do some more research. Viruses have lead to immunity for decades and end up in bone marrow. Those are studies that involved decades. I'll rely on that other than KNOWING that vaccines aren't lasting 6 months. FACT.
Screen Shot 2021-10-10 at 9.38.17 AM.png

Or at least pretending like one type of disease response in the body means that a different disease like the Covid-19 virus is going to be the same, is such a stretch that it is essentially a lie.

And vaccines are lasting longer than 6 months, and guess what, hundreds of millions of people who have gotten them have had virtually no major side effects from them because they are extremely safe and effective.

Are you going to stop being a troll and start being a real person, or are you going to just continue to be indistinguishable from all the other paid propaganda sock puppet trolls?
Ok then, no citation? Thanks for clarifying!!!

Here's the first one that came up on my search. Published in Feb 2021, that states at least 8 months. Long term studies obviously aren't available for covid. But plenty of studies out there that show decades and bone marrow involvement. FACTS.

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