What did you accomplish today?

Not that the amount makes it 100% right. How the fuck you even make that shit right. I’m still in a mother fucking trailer. Sooooo many people around here have it so much worse. I was a home owner though :-(
1 million dollars would have i tell you what. I’d keep trippin on what i’ve been through with a smile now if i got 1mil.
The lawsuit that they paid out was 13.5 BILLION!
65K claimants. 85 people died. Those wrongful death suits got paid out first of course
30% to the law firms
One of my neighbors quit growing pot this year and bought a masticator and Cat and started a fire suppression business...He said his phone has not stopped...
One of my neighbors quit growing pot this year and bought a masticator and Cat and started a fire suppression business...He said his phone has not stopped...
I’m pretty close to investing in a kitchen cab business. We’ll see
But i’m pretty sure i’m a home builder now.
about to start another project here soon up by you know where. As soon as that is close to being done i’ll sell this joint.
Dude. Lets throw a bbq. Only vaccinated. If you wanna wear a mask. More power to you.
I’ll help out more this time. Serious bro
No sharing bongs, dab rigs, etc. lets do it
it would almost have to be a private affair at this point in time. Covid is still raging. Both of my farm crew caught covid this summer. I haven't been up to my farm in months...call me chicken, but i'm a live chicken.
I was thinking of your next project....be safe bro
fully understand bro.
You know what though bro. That whole scene up there does not get the wicked northerly diablo winds like over here.
I am not saying you guys have anything to worry about. We both know what’s going on with climate change. Fires are going to keep happening. But i don’t think theres the same diablo northern winds, due right now, that are gonna spread shit as far and fasf as keeps happening here in butte county.
Brothers wedding, wish i could share pics, forgot i was kinda handsome cleaned up. Bro and his wife looked great. Also forgot there was people that care about me. I dont facebook or am good about keeping in touch with people. am good at being a recluse. 20-30 people asking for my contacts. Very chill, good time.
Brothers wedding, wish i could share pics, forgot i was kinda handsome cleaned up. Bro and his wife looked great. Also forgot there was people that care about me. I dont facebook or am good about keeping in touch with people. am good at being a recluse. 20-30 people asking for my contacts. Very chill, good time.
Dude, that’s about the most succinct yet heartfelt posts about a family gathering I’ve ever read. Sounds like a wonderful time, I hope you savored that one.
Darn. Here at Country Cowfreak's a mate came over and gave me a bottle of some capsules called 5-HTP. So after lunch I took one of these and by 3 pm not much seemed to be happening so I rolled a joint and... holy smokes. The rest of the afternoon went by in a pleasant dream. I just zoned out to the sound of the birds buzzing and the bees cheeping and cats barking...
Darn. Here at Country Cowfreak's a mate came over and gave me a bottle of some capsules called 5-HTP. So after lunch I took one of these and by 3 pm not much seemed to be happening so I rolled a joint and... holy smokes. The rest of the afternoon went by in a pleasant dream. I just zoned out to the sound of the birds buzzing and the bees cheeping and cats barking...
that's serotonin