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North east outdoor fall cannabis supply kit..
Mind telling me your budrot procedure when it's discovered? Just curious on when to lop the entire branch or when to do surgery.
North east outdoor fall cannabis supply kit..
If I find real budrot I usually cut the whole bud off then spary the surrounding area with peroxide. I very gently pull the buds away just to peak inside by the stem. Thats where it usually starts. When I find worm damage ill clean it out and usually leave it. Also hit it with peroxide. From now till the end its an evrey day inspection to stay on top of problems.Mind telling me your budrot procedure when it's discovered? Just curious on when to lop the entire branch or when to do surgery.
If I find real budrot I usually cut the whole bud off then spary the surrounding area with peroxide. I very gently pull the buds away just to peak inside by the stem. Thats where it usually starts. When I find worm damage ill clean it out and usually leave it. Also hit it with peroxide. From now till the end its an evrey day inspection to stay on top of problems.
I agree 100% it is so satisfying at the end. Man it is alot of work but you get out what you put in. Every year is a new challenge it never gets old for meExactly what I do. It’s a marathon now. Inspect/ surgically cut-out + spray H2O2/ Spray preventative/ Repeat.
It’s about finding and treating the small areas of rot so they don’t metastasize to the rest of your plant.
Outdoors is Tortoise, not the Hare! But maaaaannn, the rewards for the hard work are so satisfying to me.
Be the Tortoise, not the Hare.
... So let it be written, so let it be done!What never was yet will always be, cant be heard nor can it be seen.
As. We make plans, Mother Nature laughs.
Do they make 15 footers? Lol. I suppose a stack if cinderblocks could raise it up a few feet...Yup, just ordered 2 more of these. Cover for rain then take off the cover for sun. Its a pita but they really work good. Also I have 8 fans for maximum air flow.View attachment 4992021
Exactly what I do. It’s a marathon now. Inspect/ surgically cut-out + spray H2O2/ Spray preventative/ Repeat.
It’s about finding and treating the small areas of rot so they don’t metastasize to the rest of your plant.
Outdoors is Tortoise, not the Hare! But maaaaannn, the rewards for the hard work are so satisfying to me.
Be the Tortoise, not the Hare.