Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Forcing employees to get a shot is discrimination. Plain and simple. If I get covid from someone I'm not going to blame then or be mad at them unless they were aware.

I've had multiple test and all have been negative. So I'm no super spreader.

You can't rule a free country by requiring people to put an experimental vaccine into their bodies. People tend to push back when being told they have no choice. And yes having companies require it as a term of employment when people have been doing their jobs for years is unjust and despicable. Biden said his patience is wearing thin. Those sound like fighting words to me.

Australia is in the process of building concentration camps and we all know how that worked out last time. You can't blame this on the unvaxed if they don't get sick and don't spread it. You blindly assume we are all walking covid zombies that want to kill people. That's not the case. People that demand others take it or be treated as sub human are not compassionate or understanding people. Most of them would have made good lil Nazi soldiers back in the day. Just shut up and do what you are told. I simply do not trust the "facts" on a rushed vaccine and don't trust any of our corrupt politicians.
no one is forcing them to get a vaccination. they're making it a condition for continued employment...you are free to leave and find a job that doesn't force you to get vaccinated. Forcing someone to do something means you remove their choices, these people all still have the choice to get vaccinated or not. just like their employers have the right to hire and fire according to what they perceive as the safety of their employees and customers.
I remember when I first heard about Ivermectin being used for Covid. I thought "well that's completely beyond the pale - there's no way this goes any further than the Alex Jones listening fringe. Even Trumpers aren't this fucking stupid."

I was wrong.

Even in this filthy-with-Amish community with about a dozen stores that sell horse paste, it is sold the fuck out. Their phones are ringing off the hook with inquiries and they are pissed off about it. The one I talked to said they aren't going to put any more on the shelves until this craziness has passed - but lots of them will. A buck is a buck, especially to the Amish.

There is no example I can think of that better illustrates how dumb these Trumpers are.
you're pissed about how long it's taking for the virus to go away while actively refusing to do the best things you can do to get it to go away?..... :roll:
If I saw any logic and proof that these things were working then I might be more inclined to do those things. But like I have stated earlier. I literally don't know anyone with covid much less anyone in the hospital so I'm not really inclined to go along with any of these mandates and vaccinations because I don't see the point anymore. Covid is only a threat if your immune system is compromised. Mine isn't and I won't bend the knee and support government over reach to make anyone feel safe. Safety and government overreach do not have to go hand in hand.

The antivaxx campaign is a loser for fascists, inside and outside of the US. It would be better if they stopped with the lies and joined with others to save lives by advocating people get vaccinated. But that's not in the cards. Still though, the hand that the people of the US were dealt is a good one.
Not really they haven't had a real case yet. They want this sorted out at the lower courts before they hear it. Also why do you think they want to rid the filibuster? They want to pack the courts in their favor and then use the courts to back up the feds. They will come for your guns, business and property at that point as well as force the jab. They want to take away our freedoms so they can have more power and pull to do stupid shit with no blowback. Australians don't have many guns so there's no pushback on things yet.
OHHHH....how long have you been robroy's sock? i didn't realize i was dealing with stupidity on top of ignorance, mixed with fear...i should have smelled it long before now...
If I saw any logic and proof that these things were working then I might be more inclined to do those things. But like I have stated earlier. I literally don't know anyone with covid much less anyone in the hospital so I'm not really inclined to go along with any of these mandates and vaccinations because I don't see the point anymore. Covid is only a threat if your immune system is compromised. Mine isn't and I won't bend the knee and support government over reach to make anyone feel safe. Safety and government overreach do not have to go hand in hand.
please stop at STOP signs. I know it infringes on your 'freedoms' but it is for all of our safety. (See Rob)
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If I saw any logic and proof that these things were working then I might be more inclined to do those things. But like I have stated earlier. I literally don't know anyone with covid much less anyone in the hospital so I'm not really inclined to go along with any of these mandates and vaccinations because I don't see the point anymore. Covid is only a threat if your immune system is compromised. Mine isn't and I won't bend the knee and support government over reach to make anyone feel safe. Safety and government overreach do not have to go hand in hand.
do you not get it that half the measures aren't to protect YOU? they're to protect those you come in contact with so you don't keep spreading the fucking thing around and make it take fucking forever to go the fuck away?
masks are NOT to protect you, they're meant to keep you from spreading your fucking coughs and sneezes to other people, the vaccine is only partially to protect you, it's also to stop you from spreading the virus to others, and to stop giving the virus a breeding ground for new variants to develop...but it's all about YOU...YOU can't be inconvenienced to save a few lives, YOU are afraid the government wants to control your pathetic, banal, useless little life, so you can't let them inject you with their magnetic tracking chip laden vaccine, even if it will save your and other's lives....
do you not get it that half the measures aren't to protect YOU? they're to protect those you come in contact with so you don't keep spreading the fucking thing around and make it take fucking forever to go the fuck away?
masks are NOT to protect you, they're meant to keep you from spreading your fucking coughs and sneezes to other people, the vaccine is only partially to protect you, it's also to stop you from spreading the virus to others, and to stop giving the virus a breeding ground for new variants to develop...but it's all about YOU...YOU can't be inconvenienced to save a few lives, YOU are afraid the government wants to control your pathetic, banal, useless little life, so you can't let them inject you with their magnetic tracking chip laden vaccine, even if it will save your and other's lives....
And yep, as an American I have my own personal freedom to not get anything I don't want. I'm not a threat to anyone if I've never had the virus. So stop pretending we are all spreading something we have never had.