Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Forcing employees to get a shot is discrimination. Plain and simple.
lol no it isn't. You are just being programmed to believe this (at best).

Can an employer send you home for being sick? Or not wearing clothes? That is not discrimination either. Nor is sending someone home who is being a active danger to other employees and customers.

If I get covid from someone I'm not going to blame then or be mad at them unless they were aware.
Good for you?

I've had multiple test and all have been negative. So I'm no super spreader.
At the time you took the test and tested negative sure. But who wants an employee behaving dangerously that inevitably is going to get sick and spread a very dangerous disease. That is not good for the bottom line.

Nobody wants to go somewhere that they are worried about others getting them sick because of their online radicalized death cult talking points.

You can't rule a free country by requiring people to put an experimental vaccine into their bodies.
Nobody is 'ruling' you, and thinking otherwise just makes you a snowflake. And 'experimental is just more propaganda programming language that (at best) you have falling for hard.

If I was you I would question where you get your information, because they are lying to you.

People tend to push back when being told they have no choice.
Sure, even if they trick themselves into believing the lie that they are being told they have no choice apparently.

And yes having companies require it as a term of employment when people have been doing their jobs for years is unjust and despicable.
You never followed OSHA guidelines?

I call bullshit if you were a legit business owner.

Biden said his patience is wearing thin. Those sound like fighting words to me.
Yeah because people are sick of the super spreading propagndists turning their flock into a death cult and thinking that is ok.

You all have killed over 600,000 people already with your childish actions. Enough is enough.

Australia is in the process of building concentration camps and we all know how that worked out last time. You can't blame this on the unvaxed if they don't get sick and don't spread it. You blindly assume we are all walking covid zombies that want to kill people. That's not the case. People that demand others take it or be treated as sub human are not compassionate or understanding people. Most of them would have made good lil Nazi soldiers back in the day. Just shut up and do what you are told. I simply do not trust the "facts" on a rushed vaccine and don't trust any of our corrupt politicians.
Are you Australian?

I would again actually question what it is that you are reading/listening to man. You have seemingly been radicalized to believe anything and everything fed to you by these propagandists.
Umm, people are being fired or told to quit for not getting the vax. Where you been?

Who was it that said they would not trust any vax during Trump's term and then when they got elected are now demanding you get the jab?
Nobody dip-shit. They said that they would listen to the scientists and not Trump to tell them when it was safe.

Note all the bullshit that Trump pushed? From Hydroxycholoraquin, bleach, light inside the body, horse shit meds, on and on. All was nonsense snake oil to trick the death cult into becoming radicalized zombies.
Exactly. People have a short memory of what these politicians say vs what they do once their party is in power.

And people are getting fired left and right.
As they should.

Nobody wants a super spreading nurse coughing on them as they are recovering from surgery. It sucks that these poor people have been conned into believing that they should act like Jehovah Witnesses by propagandist bloggers.

But it was still their choice.

Why would I want to buy something from someone who insist I get a vaccine? I won't even go to a store that requires a mask....
lmao, no shit sherlock, that is how it works. You also (I am guessing) don't go into stores that require you to wear cloths naked either.
Nobody dip-shit. They said that they would listen to the scientists and not Trump to tell them when it was safe.

Note all the bullshit that Trump pushed? From Hydroxycholoraquin, bleach, light inside the body, horse shit meds, on and on. All was nonsense snake oil to trick the death cult into becoming radicalized zombies.

As they should.

Nobody wants a super spreading nurse coughing on them as they are recovering from surgery. It sucks that these poor people have been conned into believing that they should act like Jehovah Witnesses by propagandist bloggers.

But it was still their choice.

lmao, no shit sherlock, that is how it works. You also (I am guessing) don't go into stores that require you to wear cloths naked either.
You can’t reason with people who are unreasonable. They are too fucking stupid and not worth the effort.

Poke them with a stick and hope they die soon.
You have yet to make a valid case. You call us super spreaders yet we have never had it. You say we killed people yet we haven't. You have taken away people's rights to do business. You have taken away people's livelihood. It's all based out of fear and never letting a good crisis go to waste right? You have a flawed sense of how to govern. You cannot govern based off of fear. Grow up and understand that everyone has different health concerns and issues. If you cannot see that then you are radicalized. You would have been a great Nazi soldier.

I get my new from a variety of independent journalist and not from CNN, MSNBC, or Fox. I actually listen to what these politicians are saying and doing and I'm not fan. You are supporting a big government overreach. What do you think if the southern border and the hundreds of thousands of people coming across with covid? Are you pissed that they aren't doing anything about it? I doubt it because you're party is in power.[/QUOTE]
You can’t reason with people who are unreasonable. They are too fucking stupid and not worth the effort.

Poke them with a stick and hope they die soon.
I disagree.

The online radicalization goes both ways. There are people who are programmed to truly believe the spammed lies that are being pushed across every platform online, and are afraid to reach out to the people they could actually trust in real life because all they see is people acting like jerks to one another so much that they stay in their little online bubbles.

That is why until these platforms wake up to the very real danger they cause stop it, I believe that people need to act as a warning label on their posts and hopefully the actual person in a sea of trolls that see it might wake up to what happened to them.

Like Nikki Minaj. I would be willing to bet that the 'friend' of her relative (who according to the scientist that tried to find this case and couldn't) doesn't exist, but was a troll that convinced her relative about the 'dangers of the vaccine' and they being someone who Nikki Minaj trusted when spread that propaganda got amplified to her 22 million followers (who I bet are a large portion of trolls cat fishing her real followers). And then picked up by Tuck-nuts who spread it to his followers, and on and on.
I personally will not take the vaccine and I recommend that nobody should take it until the initial test dummies that got it are not having any cases, symptoms or side effects. With the amount of exposure I've intentionally put myself through over the last two years I have yet to get it. I've been up and down this country, been to bars, beaches, restaurants, clubs, and work in an enclosed facility with 25 other people, and I still share my joints and bongs with my friends. I've refuse to wear a mask unless one is provided and sometimes I simply leave the business and take my money elsewhere. Covid has been the crisis these lefties all over the world have been waiting for to grab power. If you are blinded by partisan politics vs reality then you are just another blind sheep in the herd. It's not a vaccine. Vaccines protect you from getting whatever it is designed to prevent you from getting. The fact that fully vaccinated people that have had 3 shots are still getting it and being hospitalized and dying shows me that it simply is not effective. The fact that mandates by public companies are supported by the current administration tells you that they really don't care about the "my body my choice" movement either. Yes I am bitter about this whole situation because I lost my livelihood as a restaurant owner. I had to shut down permanently because the gov kept things closed for an extended period of time and I didn't have the financial backing to take that big of a hit for that long. I've had to move and make a sudden career change. Dr Fauci said in 2017 at a speech in Georgetown that Trump would have a surprise breakout....and what do ya know...we did have bigger than expected breakout that was funded by the NIH in Wuhan. Also Ivermectin has proven to work even as a preventative. Its been administered 4 billion times around the world. But big pharma is deeply connected with corrupt politics and media, so they are telling you its bad and its a horse dewormer because theres no money to be made with it since there is no patent. The emergency vaccine authorization legally could have not been pushed through if there is a current drug on the market that works. And big pharma wants those billions that the gov was willing to dish out so they burried all the studies and claimed that theres not enough evidence that it works. So I don't trust the government, I don't trust nor do I want to do business with businesses and people that force their employees to get a vaccine. I can't wait to see how many lawsuits and court cases that are going to be filed in the coming months/years. I wish I were a lawyer because I would turn my full focus to suing local governments and businesses that are requiring this vaccine that is proven not to fully work. So say what you guys/gals want, but you don't get to have any say so about who should get the vaccine or why. Every single person has a different body, immune system and different ailments. Its not fair nor should it be legal to segregate or discriminate based on being vaxed or not. If you are afraid to get the virus and have a compromised immune system then stay home, wear a mask while driving and keep ordering from Amazon. I however will be standing with all my unvaxed friends until there is solid proof with solid facts from reliable sources. Until then I'm going to keep living my life mask free and spend my dollars with local businesses that stand up against this bs governemt overreach.
Im sure your boyfriend, who is also retarded, supports your decision
You have yet to make a valid case. You call us super spreaders yet we have never had it. You say we killed people yet we haven't. You have taken away people's rights to do business. You have taken away people's livelihood. It's all based out of fear and never letting a good crisis go to waste right? You have a flawed sense of how to govern. You cannot govern based off of fear. Grow up and understand that everyone has different health concerns and issues. If you cannot see that then you are radicalized. You would have been a great Nazi soldier.
Whose 'we'?

You keep saying I would be the nazi, I call bullshit and point to you being brainwashed into believing the propaganda, which is why you would be the one more likely to become one.

Nobody is forcing anything on you. You are just too blind to understand that.

I get my new from a variety of independent journalist and not from CNN, MSNBC, or Fox. I actually listen to what these politicians are saying and doing and I'm not fan. You are supporting a big government overreach. What do you think if the southern border and the hundreds of thousands of people coming across with covid? Are you pissed that they aren't doing anything about it? I doubt it because you're party is in power.
lmao you have a really nice way to say bloggers who have no accountability when they lie to you.

If I was you I would check anything you think you know with AP news. Because you are spouting nonsense.
Agreed. If they trust it then they have nothing to be afraid of. I don't have these people claiming that people without the flu shot should be thrown in jail either. You other haters need to apply your skewed logic equally.
If you unvaccinated rats applied your skewed logic equally, youd stop going to the hospital once you have a tough time breathing. But that is not what is happening
Our Company has over 130 employees. Our CEO sent an e-mail stating that there would be "NO" mandatory vaccinations. She stated that the Federal Government has no authority to overreach states rights. I totally agree. I personally do not fit into the .3% that need the vaccine. I also feel that if you have a compromised immune system,, then a discussion with your doctor is in order to see if you are able to safely do so.

On a side note: Hello all you rollitup rejects, its been awhile and I sincerely hope everyone is doing well.
Our Company has over 130 employees. Our CEO sent an e-mail stating that there would be "NO" mandatory vaccinations. She stated that the Federal Government has no authority to overreach states rights. I totally agree. I personally do not fit into the .3% that need the vaccine. I also feel that if you have a compromised immune system,, then a discussion with your doctor is in order to see if you are able to safely do so.

On a side note: Hello all you rollitup rejects, its been awhile and I sincerely hope everyone is doing well.
Biden is gonna stick his gigantic cock into your daddy boss's ass until he submits.

If you unvaccinated rats applied your skewed logic equally, youd stop going to the hospital once you have a tough time breathing. But that is not what is happening
You are assuming everyone is going to get it at some point. You say we are the problem. You are the problem. Your thinking and justification is despicable. Just wait till the truck drivers with food and goods stop coming to cities. You will starve and have to flee. That's where we are headed if you keep your stupid mentality and keep electing people that aren't real leaders and stand up against this BS gov overreach. And honestly I think that we should wall of your cities and let you lefties fend for yourself. Then you can regulate and tax yourself to death without it affecting people that disagree with you and your mentality.
Our Company has over 130 employees. Our CEO sent an e-mail stating that there would be "NO" mandatory vaccinations. She stated that the Federal Government has no authority to overreach states rights. I totally agree. I personally do not fit into the .3% that need the vaccine. I also feel that if you have a compromised immune system,, then a discussion with your doctor is in order to see if you are able to safely do so.

On a side note: Hello all you rollitup rejects, its been awhile and I sincerely hope everyone is doing well.
Well said. Lawyers are going to be making a killing off suing the feds and cities.
You are assuming everyone is going to get it at some point. You say we are the problem. You are the problem. Your thinking and justification is despicable. Just wait till the truck drivers with food and goods stop coming to cities. You will starve and have to flee. That's where we are headed if you keep your stupid mentality and keep electing people that aren't real leaders and stand up against this BS gov overreach. And honestly I think that we should wall of your cities and let you lefties fend for yourself. Then you can regulate and tax yourself to death without it affecting people that disagree with you and your mentality.
Im sorry you got brainwashed by some shitty right wing disinformation but please dont go to the hospital and die when it gets tough to breathe like all your unvaccinated rat buddies who know better than those stupid doctors
Scared of a vaccine, dependent on the whims of your boss - what a small, pathetic way to go through life. Cuck shit
You are the cuck that wants us to "get in line" because you are eating up the BS they are spoon feeding you and thinking everyone is a threat. Your thought process is the real threat. Just let people live their lives. Survival of the fittest baby!
They're gonna lose. Supreme court backs vaccine mandates, its not even close
Not really they haven't had a real case yet. They want this sorted out at the lower courts before they hear it. Also why do you think they want to rid the filibuster? They want to pack the courts in their favor and then use the courts to back up the feds. They will come for your guns, business and property at that point as well as force the jab. They want to take away our freedoms so they can have more power and pull to do stupid shit with no blowback. Australians don't have many guns so there's no pushback on things yet.
Good to see Uncle Buck is still the same. I don't live ln fear Buck, unlike yourself. I am very comfortable in my skin, you should try it. :hug:
You are the cuck that wants us to "get in line" because you are eating up the BS they are spoon feeding you and thinking everyone is a threat. Your thought process is the real threat. Just let people live their lives. Survival of the fittest baby!
You will get in line, or else. Its already happening!

"No youre the cuck!" Hahahahaha good one