Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I personally will not take the vaccine and I recommend that nobody should take it until the initial test dummies that got it are not having any cases, symptoms or side effects. With the amount of exposure I've intentionally put myself through over the last two years I have yet to get it. I've been up and down this country, been to bars, beaches, restaurants, clubs, and work in an enclosed facility with 25 other people, and I still share my joints and bongs with my friends. I've refuse to wear a mask unless one is provided and sometimes I simply leave the business and take my money elsewhere. Covid has been the crisis these lefties all over the world have been waiting for to grab power. If you are blinded by partisan politics vs reality then you are just another blind sheep in the herd. It's not a vaccine. Vaccines protect you from getting whatever it is designed to prevent you from getting. The fact that fully vaccinated people that have had 3 shots are still getting it and being hospitalized and dying shows me that it simply is not effective. The fact that mandates by public companies are supported by the current administration tells you that they really don't care about the "my body my choice" movement either. Yes I am bitter about this whole situation because I lost my livelihood as a restaurant owner. I had to shut down permanently because the gov kept things closed for an extended period of time and I didn't have the financial backing to take that big of a hit for that long. I've had to move and make a sudden career change. Dr Fauci said in 2017 at a speech in Georgetown that Trump would have a surprise breakout....and what do ya know...we did have bigger than expected breakout that was funded by the NIH in Wuhan. Also Ivermectin has proven to work even as a preventative. Its been administered 4 billion times around the world. But big pharma is deeply connected with corrupt politics and media, so they are telling you its bad and its a horse dewormer because theres no money to be made with it since there is no patent. The emergency vaccine authorization legally could have not been pushed through if there is a current drug on the market that works. And big pharma wants those billions that the gov was willing to dish out so they burried all the studies and claimed that theres not enough evidence that it works. So I don't trust the government, I don't trust nor do I want to do business with businesses and people that force their employees to get a vaccine. I can't wait to see how many lawsuits and court cases that are going to be filed in the coming months/years. I wish I were a lawyer because I would turn my full focus to suing local governments and businesses that are requiring this vaccine that is proven not to fully work. So say what you guys/gals want, but you don't get to have any say so about who should get the vaccine or why. Every single person has a different body, immune system and different ailments. Its not fair nor should it be legal to segregate or discriminate based on being vaxed or not. If you are afraid to get the virus and have a compromised immune system then stay home, wear a mask while driving and keep ordering from Amazon. I however will be standing with all my unvaxed friends until there is solid proof with solid facts from reliable sources. Until then I'm going to keep living my life mask free and spend my dollars with local businesses that stand up against this bs governemt overreach.
You have been brainwashed at best man.

Nice scree though. Shame about your restaurant going under. How long were you in business for?

I wrote it because I am awake and bored and felt like sharing an honest opinion. Why do you care if you didn't even read it?
What makes you sure I'm going to get it? I have yet to get it and I've intentionally gone out without a mask and will continue to so.
So you then are actively trying to harm others?

That is pretty shitty. You should really try to figure that one out.
Thats because you can't have an honest discussion without being blinded by left and right politics. I can already tell you hate capitalism, the 2nd amendment, support socialism, and want to force everyone with a different view to subject to your skewed vision of what America should be. I can bet based off your name that you are probably lazy and your weed if you grow any is a reflection of that. But I digress. You refuse have an honest discussion without getting butt hurt and resort to belittiling anyone with an opinion different than you. That shows that you are not a leader but just another sheep in the herd.
Id point out that you were the one that made it about politics.

Well or at least the people who programmed you to make it about politics did.

If I was you, I would be more pissed about Trump's shit handling of this pandemic from the start when we had the chance to stop it in it's tracks.

Your logic makes no sense. Also what are you afraid of if you have the vax? Still waiting to hear a valid argument on that.
Because of the people who are far more likely to catch the virus (unvaccinated) walking around maskless spreading it, are a serious danger to kids and people who are dealing with shit like cancer.

Does your mask work? Does your "vaccine" work? If it does, stop worrying about everyone else and live your life. Btw neither one work.
Well then by your logic, it would be great if the death cultists would stay away from school board meetings and coughing on everyone else like radicalized terrorists. Those are the ones forcing themselves into everyone else lives, not the people asking others to follow the rules during a pandemic by wearing a mask and getting the highly effective and safe vaccine that protects everyone around you against a very dangerous virus.

It is amazing how these death cult Karens all sound identical.
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You have been brainwashed at best man.

Nice scree though. Shame about your restaurant going under. How long were you in business for?

So you then are actively trying to harm others?

That is pretty shitty. You should really try to figure that one out.
Id point out that you were the one that made it about politics.

Well or at least the people who programmed you to make it about politics did.

If I was you, I would be more pissed about Trump's shit handling of this pandemic from the start when we had the chance to stop it in it's tracks.

Because of the people who are far more likely to catch the virus (unvaccinated) walking around maskless spreading it, are a serious danger to kids and people who are dealing with shit like cancer.

Well then by your logic, it would be great if the death cultists would stay away from school board meetings and coughing on everyone else like radicalized terrorists. Those are the ones forcing themselves into everyone else lives, not the people asking others to follow the rules during a pandemic by wearing a mask and getting the highly effective and safe vaccine that protects everyone around you against a very dangerous virus.

It is amazing how these death cult Karens all sound identical.
Was in business for nearly 5 years. I haven't had the vaccine because I trust my body and I have yet to get covid. So I'm not giving nor have I given it to anyone. I wish people would stop being childish about it and stop demanding people put something into their body that isn't 100% proven to work. Have you had the flu shot lately? Me neither.
I wasnt promoting ivermectin. It's just a discussion about it and how big pharma is completely dismissive of its own studies on it and how more than likely they are motivated by the billions the gov has been shelling out for the vaccine that isn't proven to be effective.
I'm pretty pissed how two weeks to slow the spread has turned into nearly 2 years. It's not a way to live life and seems like it's intentional because small businesses can't keep holding on.
Does your mask work? Does your "vaccine" work? If it does, stop worrying about everyone else and live your life. Btw neither one work.
Was in business for nearly 5 years. I haven't had the vaccine because I trust my body and I have yet to get covid. So I'm not giving nor have I given it to anyone. I wish people would stop being childish about it and stop demanding people put something into their body that isn't 100% proven to work. Have you had the flu shot lately? Me neither.
I wasnt promoting ivermectin. It's just a discussion about it and how big pharma is completely dismissive of its own studies on it and how more than likely they are motivated by the billions the gov has been shelling out for the vaccine that isn't proven to be effective.
I'm pretty pissed how two weeks to slow the spread has turned into nearly 2 years. It's not a way to live life and seems like it's intentional because small businesses can't keep holding on.
Hey jenious, google the word “asymptomatic”.
Was in business for nearly 5 years. I haven't had the vaccine because I trust my body and I have yet to get covid. So I'm not giving nor have I given it to anyone. I wish people would stop being childish about it and stop demanding people put something into their body that isn't 100% proven to work. Have you had the flu shot lately? Me neither.
I wasnt promoting ivermectin. It's just a discussion about it and how big pharma is completely dismissive of its own studies on it and how more than likely they are motivated by the billions the gov has been shelling out for the vaccine that isn't proven to be effective.
I'm pretty pissed how two weeks to slow the spread has turned into nearly 2 years. It's not a way to live life and seems like it's intentional because small businesses can't keep holding on.
Whose demanding it be given to others?

Nobody, what they are doing is saying that they need it to work at their businesses. Nobody is forcing the vaccine onto people. As always your body your choice. But that doesn't mean that people have to accept all the lying bullshit that is being spammed by death cultists as reality when it is not.

That is the trick that the propagandists have used to turn people into anti vaccine snowflakes.

Again though sorry about your restaurant going under, that sucks man.

I agree about how the pandemic has been dragged out by idiots.

All the hundreds of thousands of needless deaths due to the utter lack of ability to lead us during this pandemic.

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I personally will not take the vaccine and I recommend that nobody should take it until the initial test dummies that got it are not having any cases, symptoms or side effects. With the amount of exposure I've intentionally put myself through over the last two years I have yet to get it. I've been up and down this country, been to bars, beaches, restaurants, clubs, and work in an enclosed facility with 25 other people, and I still share my joints and bongs with my friends. I've refuse to wear a mask unless one is provided and sometimes I simply leave the business and take my money elsewhere. Covid has been the crisis these lefties all over the world have been waiting for to grab power. If you are blinded by partisan politics vs reality then you are just another blind sheep in the herd. It's not a vaccine. Vaccines protect you from getting whatever it is designed to prevent you from getting. The fact that fully vaccinated people that have had 3 shots are still getting it and being hospitalized and dying shows me that it simply is not effective. The fact that mandates by public companies are supported by the current administration tells you that they really don't care about the "my body my choice" movement either. Yes I am bitter about this whole situation because I lost my livelihood as a restaurant owner. I had to shut down permanently because the gov kept things closed for an extended period of time and I didn't have the financial backing to take that big of a hit for that long. I've had to move and make a sudden career change. Dr Fauci said in 2017 at a speech in Georgetown that Trump would have a surprise breakout....and what do ya know...we did have bigger than expected breakout that was funded by the NIH in Wuhan. Also Ivermectin has proven to work even as a preventative. Its been administered 4 billion times around the world. But big pharma is deeply connected with corrupt politics and media, so they are telling you its bad and its a horse dewormer because theres no money to be made with it since there is no patent. The emergency vaccine authorization legally could have not been pushed through if there is a current drug on the market that works. And big pharma wants those billions that the gov was willing to dish out so they burried all the studies and claimed that theres not enough evidence that it works. So I don't trust the government, I don't trust nor do I want to do business with businesses and people that force their employees to get a vaccine. I can't wait to see how many lawsuits and court cases that are going to be filed in the coming months/years. I wish I were a lawyer because I would turn my full focus to suing local governments and businesses that are requiring this vaccine that is proven not to fully work. So say what you guys/gals want, but you don't get to have any say so about who should get the vaccine or why. Every single person has a different body, immune system and different ailments. Its not fair nor should it be legal to segregate or discriminate based on being vaxed or not. If you are afraid to get the virus and have a compromised immune system then stay home, wear a mask while driving and keep ordering from Amazon. I however will be standing with all my unvaxed friends until there is solid proof with solid facts from reliable sources. Until then I'm going to keep living my life mask free and spend my dollars with local businesses that stand up against this bs governemt overreach.
Cool story. What got you hooked on meth?
Whose demanding it be given to others?

Nobody, what they are doing is saying that they need it to work at their businesses. Nobody is forcing the vaccine onto people. As always your body your choice. But that doesn't mean that people have to accept all the lying bullshit that is being spammed by death cultists as reality when it is not.

That is the trick that the propagandists have used to turn people into anti vaccine snowflakes.

Again though sorry about your restaurant going under, that sucks man.

I agree about how the pandemic has been dragged out by idiots.

All the hundreds of thousands of needless deaths due to the utter lack of ability to lead us during this pandemic.
Forcing employees to get a shot is discrimination. Plain and simple. If I get covid from someone I'm not going to blame then or be mad at them unless they were aware.

I've had multiple test and all have been negative. So I'm no super spreader.

You can't rule a free country by requiring people to put an experimental vaccine into their bodies. People tend to push back when being told they have no choice. And yes having companies require it as a term of employment when people have been doing their jobs for years is unjust and despicable. Biden said his patience is wearing thin. Those sound like fighting words to me.

Australia is in the process of building concentration camps and we all know how that worked out last time. You can't blame this on the unvaxed if they don't get sick and don't spread it. You blindly assume we are all walking covid zombies that want to kill people. That's not the case. People that demand others take it or be treated as sub human are not compassionate or understanding people. Most of them would have made good lil Nazi soldiers back in the day. Just shut up and do what you are told. I simply do not trust the "facts" on a rushed vaccine and don't trust any of our corrupt politicians.
Thats because you can't have an honest discussion without being blinded by left and right politics. I can already tell you hate capitalism, the 2nd amendment, support socialism, and want to force everyone with a different view to subject to your skewed vision of what America should be. I can bet based off your name that you are probably lazy and your weed if you grow any is a reflection of that. But I digress. You refuse have an honest discussion without getting butt hurt and resort to belittiling anyone with an opinion different than you. That shows that you are not a leader but just another sheep in the herd.

That first sentence, followed by the rest of the paragraph, is hilarious.
Whose demanding it be given to others?

Nobody, what they are doing is saying that they need it to work at their businesses. Nobody is forcing the vaccine onto people. As always your body your choice. But that doesn't mean that people have to accept all the lying bullshit that is being spammed by death cultists as reality when it is not.

That is the trick that the propagandists have used to turn people into anti vaccine snowflakes.

Again though sorry about your restaurant going under, that sucks man.

I agree about how the pandemic has been dragged out by idiots.

All the hundreds of thousands of needless deaths due to the utter lack of ability to lead us during this pandemic.

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Umm, people are being fired or told to quit for not getting the vax. Where you been?

Who was it that said they would not trust any vax during Trump's term and then when they got elected are now demanding you get the jab?
Umm, people are being fired or told to quit for not getting the vax. Where you been?

Who was it that said they would not trust any vax during Trump's term and then when they got elected are now demanding you get the jab?
Exactly. People have a short memory of what these politicians say vs what they do once their party is in power.

And people are getting fired left and right.