Oklahoma in the Medical section please

Guys this silence is bringing me down. Are we not here because of our law that keeps it in state and provides no revenue for outsiders? If so that wouldn’t be cool man! There are getting to be a few of us now.6A3CA0D5-6420-4FA0-8084-4CF714E8E0BE.jpeg
you asked yesterday at 1am
its now today at 2pm,
we arent robots who dont sleep you arent the only person who requires admin attention
well add it when we can if can
I just looked it up, as of July 1 we had 2,274 dispensaries. I didn’t see Arkansas in there either but I don’t blame you for skipping them, they have like a dozen l and I’ve been over there, those poor souls are smoking hay and their crumble is crumbled up grapevine. You got Missouri, we were ahead of both. Go take a nap later man you need us rednecks around here. We got lotsa churches, lotsa guns and now lotsa weed what could be better? Thanks for your hard work and I bet a bunch of us hillbillies might even chip in a little to help.
Yup and as Oklahomans we are facing a new battle in out medical program now . Glad viridian law has been with us the entire way . Helping to keep it with what we voted on.
Yup and as Oklahomans we are facing a new battle in out medical program now . Glad viridian law has been with us the entire way . Helping to keep it with what we voted on.
Hey my fellow Okie, please go to the following thread and post info about the new battle there.
