Afganistan Collapse

My repose was in jest at him even invoking the word “war crimes” and that somehow history will be re written.

World War II is in my opinion, the last legal/justifiable/necessary war the US has been a part of. We had to win.
100% it will be rewritten. Nobody with a brain doesn't understand that it was a war crime. You can't just kill 200k+ civilians and say that it's good because it actual saved lives. Guess what genius, using your logic 9'11 was awesome because it will save American lives in the long. See, it doesn't work.

And justifiable? The lesson from the war that was learned was not that it was justifiable, the lesson learned was that it was a failure of the allies that caused the war to begin with in Europe. Just cleaning up your own shit. Well actually, Russian cleaning up your shit. America was Johnny come late and trying to claim the credit.

As far as Japan is concerned. Well we were trying and failed to save Asia from the west. We're not stupid, we saw what Europe did to Africa, we saw what war loving maniacs the west was. Russia was already trying to invade us. What we did is what America now calls justified self defense by attacking first. End of day it was always going to fail, no Asia force was ever going to win, China, Korea, could do nothing. The idea was to make it painful enough so that we would be left alone. Failed miserably. We were able to save most of our culture, but North Korea calls us the 51st state, they aren't far off. Again, in a few hundred years this will also be more fully understood.
See people? It will take a hundred years I think before brainwashed American flag waving people stop thinking, "Yeah killing 200K+ innocent people was an A O K thing." But more to your point, yes, killing 200K+ innocents, raping the women (that part will come out eventually), jailing American Japanese because of their color etc. What America did to the natives, slavery, and modern day systemic racism. Sorry to burst your bubble, but history is not going to look kindly on America's first 300 to 400 years. And does it compare to the Nazi? Well let me see, my grandfather and other relatives on my father's side was killed by Americans, Tokyo fire bombings, and my great grandfather on my mother's side as well as many other relatives killed by the Germans. So for me it's the same. It's all about perspective.
If you imagine Imperial Japan will look no worse, (shrug)
My funny story of the day :)
Yea, the length of the trip could be problematic as I found out the hard way.
I don't know if you every heard of or saw any Orange Sunshine 4 way barrel acid (It was the brightest orange I ever saw), it was only avaiable in the late 60's/early 70's & it was the purest acid out there unless you could find some liquid LSD-25, the stuff Owsley made.

Anyway, one tab of it was good for 4 trips/4 people (you cut it) which at that point I didn't really understand what the effect would be if I ate a 1/2.
I had only smoked up until then & had no fucking idea what I was in for..
My friends parents were away for the night & we figured all is good, 6 hours is enough time to get high & come back.
Oh boy was I wrong
There were 5 of us who ate it & we were sitting around this guy's pool waiting for it to kick in when I did a dumb as fuck rookie move and figured that I didn't eat enough so I ate another 1/4
Then 5 minutes after I ate the 2nd dose the 1st kicked in.
So, there I was, 16 years old weighing 135 lbs and had just eaten enough acid to fuck up a fucking gorilla.
I spent most of the night in my friends den sitting on his sofa staring at/waching a wall in his room that was around 10-15" long & 8' high painted white (for a lilttle while at least)
Ok, envision a flat screen 4K plasma TV that was 15'x8' and you might come close to what I was watching on that wall/screen.
And then the show began.
The wall became a portal to another place & that place was fucking Disneyland.
I was in Disneyland, for real.
I had intimate converstions with Mickey Mouse/Snow White & her Dwarfs & every other character that Disney drew.
Oh my God, I was sooo fucking high!!!!!
So, it's like 12:00 and the parents were coming home & we had to get the fuck out of there.
We drove around for about 3 hours & then we all decided we had to go home before our parents called the cops.
My friends guided me to the kitchen door, knocked on it & ran.
My Pop & Mom were there waiting for me (it was 3:30 AM & I had never been out later than 12 before)
Oh boy, I was fucked.
Then my parents turned into monsters visually & my Pop became something like Frankenstein & my mother Medusa with the snakes & everything.
They tried talking to me to figure out what the fuck was up wih me, but I was basically catatonic so they gave up & I went to bed and eventually passed out.
Then to complete my 1st of many adventures on acid, at 7:00 AM on that Sunday morning I awoke to banging on my door with the greeting "Get the fuck out of bed and get dressed, it's time for church"
Shit, fucking church.
So, here/there I was sitting in a pew in church between my parents stlll tripping 12 hours later, with the priest changing colors & the stained glass pulsating & the choir singing in tongues.
Nice, right?
But I didn't flip out.
Amazing, right?
This is what I spent around 7 hours watching in my head that night

and this

This is good :)

No. That’s why I started growing it myself.
Well that's my point. Growers are lazy. They leave dead plant material all over the place, put shit off to the next day etc. It shows in their weed. I don't know the reasons for this, just an observation. If I were paying Russian trolls to persuade Americans of anything, I would hit major sites where you get bang for your buck. Not a pot site. So I don't believe in all this Russian Trolls among us here at rollitup.
BTW, if anybody really wants to know how to make America Great again. It's to get 100% behind Biden's green initiative. Invest heavily and within a few decades America will once again lead the world in technology and manufacturing of something that means something and has a future instead of trying to bring coal back. Tax the rich tax the rich tax the rich and make it happen.
BTW, if anybody really wants to know how to make America Great again. It's to get 100% behind Biden's green initiative. Invest heavily and within a few decades America will once again lead the world in technology and manufacturing of something that means something and has a future instead of trying to bring coal back. Tax the rich tax the rich tax the rich and make it happen.
We do not see eye to eye on much, but I solidly agree with this.
I think I answered correctly.

Well...."isn't shit", means it's good? He's asking if you disagree that 90% of the weed out there is good? Saying yes means you disagree that 90% of the weed out there is good, so yes means you think the majority of the weed out there bad, and no means you think the majority of the weed out there is good?
As far as Japan is concerned. Well we were trying and failed to save Asia from the west. We're not stupid, we saw what Europe did to Africa, we saw what war loving maniacs the west was. Russia was already trying to invade us. What we did is what America now calls justified self defense
Arrant horseshit. Every Chinese baby tossed onto an Imperial Japanese bayonet testifies otherwise. That is the most blatant case of imperial ambition disguised as national emergency since the Sudetenland.
Well that's my point. Growers are lazy.
The shitty weed from the dispensaries is why I started growing myself. So instead of buying it, I grow it myself. It saves me a lot of money and I even grow enough to give some to friends. Now that I maintain a garden instead of buying, how does that make me lazy?

If you ever find yourself in southern Ontario let me know. I’ll be happy to give you some nice, organic bud that is slow dried and properly cured.

That invitation is extended to everyone here, by the way.
Well...."isn't shit", means it's good? He's asking if you disagree that 90% of the weed out there is good? Saying yes means you disagree that 90% of the weed out there is good, so yes means you think the majority of the weed out there bad, and no means you think the majority of the weed out there is good?
Yeah. lol. I knew what he meant.
Yeah, it went south in China. Horrible shit happened there. 100% War Crimes. War is hell as they say. Doesn't change the fact that the only reason we went to Kore and China was to protect ourselves.
Well...."isn't shit", means it's good? He's asking if you disagree that 90% of the weed out there is good? Saying yes means you disagree that 90% of the weed out there is good, so yes means you think the majority of the weed out there bad, and no means you think the majority of the weed out there is good?
I still screw up with negatives.
The shitty weed from the dispensaries is why I started growing myself. So instead of buying it, I grow it myself. It saves me a lot of money and I even grow enough to give some to friends. Now that I maintain a garden instead of buying, how does that make me lazy?

If you ever find yourself in southern Ontario let me know. I’ll be happy to give you some nice, organic bud that is slow dried and properly cured.

That invitation is extended to everyone here, by the way.
Dude, If it doesn't describe you I'm not talking about you. Don't take it personally. I'm talking about the other growers out there producing crap. My cousin owns a dispensary and a friend works in the biggest one in my state, my weed is better than 95% of what I see. I'm talking about those people.
Yeah, it went south in China. Horrible shit happened there. 100% War Crimes. War is hell as they say. Doesn't change the fact that the only reason we went to Kore and China was to protect ourselves.
I have not encountered that defense. China specifically: how did the rape of Nanking constitute self-protection?
I have not encountered that defense. China specifically: how did the rape of Nanking constitute self-protection?
It didn't. Originally the idea was to model them after Japan. Teach them Japanese and eventually they would become part of Japan because it was deemed that their leaders were useless and were by nature of their location our weakest point. We wanted to built up Asian defense against the west. In some places the plant went well and the locals still actually have found memories of Japan, in most places it went to hell. If the Chinese were not so corrupt and had their shit together we would have had the buffer we wanted and it wouldn't have happened. Russia still has some of our Islands and America is all over Asia. So we were 100% correct at their ambitions and the outcome. Unless you somehow believe that that only happened because of us. In which case, once again I have a bridge I would like to sell you.
It didn't. Originally the idea was to model them after Japan. Teach them Japanese and eventually they would become part of Japan because it was deemed that their leaders were useless and were by nature of their location our weakest point. We wanted to built up Asian defense against the west. In some places the plant went well and the locals still actually have found memories of Japan, in most places it went to hell. If the Chinese were not so corrupt and had their shit together we would have had the buffer we wanted and it wouldn't have happened. Russia still has some of our Islands and America is all over Asia. So we were 100% correct at their ambitions and the outcome. Unless you somehow believe that that only happened because of us. In which case, once again I have a bridge I would like to sell you.
Corruption does not account for the naked cruelty of the event. It casts a pall over your indignation over getting nuked twice. Indeed that one event may have exceeded both bombings in terms of innocents killed.