DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil Extractor A.K.A. BHO


Well-Known Member
Yea thanks for not blastin off at me and callin me a terd nugget or somethin. But he has a point, however badly he portrays it =), love ya londoner and all. I can make one for a bout 2 dollors that make good hash oil, and some of the ones i have made taste as good as my friends giant honey bee extractor. But, it is not always that outcome, with the honey bee it is consitent no matter how many times i have used or seen him use it.So for those that want some honey oil, make your own. For those who want to make a lot of it and have a lot of material to use and will be ruggedly using the same maker over and over. I would go with the honey bee, but i don't make a lot and stray more towards gumby hash and the such so I wouldn't spend the money on it.
-Mister Nice GUY


New Member
what the fuck does space have to do with making honey oil?

You kids are in awe of anything with a flashy title.

"Space Age"

Hey want to see my space age spoon?
Its made out of titanium! You know, what they make space shuttles out of...



Oracle of Hallucinogens
what the fuck does space have to do with making honey oil?

You kids are in awe of anything with a flashy title.

"Space Age"

Hey want to see my space age spoon?
Its made out of titanium! You know, what they make space shuttles out of...

That is exactly what I was trying to get at. lol.


New Member
That is exactly what I was trying to get at. lol.
Yea, what kind of jackass spouts his mouth off about how bad copper and pvc is, then he posts an article saying copper is okay as long as it is clean and all types of plastics are bad, yet he promotes the honeybee extractor which is made out of a type of plastic.

Come on now, he posted an article saying to ONLY use glass, stainless steel or copper (if it's clean :wink:), and not but a couple posts before he condemns copper and brags about his plastic honey bee extractor. Or hummmm sorry, "Space age" plastic. :finger:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I had to bring back this thread to add something! I posted this on bluelight and the asshole fucker shut down my thread because he said some shit along the lines of "You shouldn't post something like this without telling the precautions of a combustable gas that secured in a tight fitted piping, you also should recommend using a device made from PVC because I don't like smoking carcinogens"

Hahaha couple of things, if you need to know that the thing that makes your lighter light is flammable, KILL YOURSELF! If you need to know that when you compress things they can combust... once again, just take your hand, and slap yourself. And finally... because chloraphyll and all the other shit in marijuana has zero carcinogens, it's a good thing that the oil won't either naturally. lol

Sorry for the rant, but I feel it's necessary. lol


Well-Known Member
You guys seem like douches, apart from you shepj
It is about consistency, not just is it doable
That is pretty funny man, i got a Q
I have heard using wet herb is better than dry herb when making butane oil. Think it takes the chlorophyll with it?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
You guys seem like douches, apart from you shepj
It is about consistency, not just is it doable
That is pretty funny man, i got a Q
I have heard using wet herb is better than dry herb when making butane oil. Think it takes the chlorophyll with it?
heh thanks man ;-).
Consistency is definately important, to me atleast, as I'm sure you could do this with a winn-dixie cup and some duct tape is you rig it enough.. but results would show your method. lol.

Well, chlorophyll is water soluble, and butane isn't really that soluble in water... so it could definately be possible that the water (wet herb) could take the chloraphyll and leave it while the butane extracts the THC. It may take someone with a little more education than myself to give you a more accurate though. Good ques.


Well-Known Member
Butane also has the adantage of not dissolving the chlorophyll copmponant of whole cannabis - it dissolves mainly the psychoactive resins. Drawbacks include the risk of explosion associated with large volumes of butane gas, and the possibility of contaminants in the butane.
From this site, Hash Oil Butane Marijuana Smoke Form Mixed Solvents Solvent

Thought I would research it some more and it seems like it doesn't. Interesting enough =)
Might make some today lol


Oracle of Hallucinogens
From this site, Hash Oil Butane Marijuana Smoke Form Mixed Solvents Solvent

Thought I would research it some more and it seems like it doesn't. Interesting enough =)
Might make some today lol
Nice! So that cuts down on the harshness, a decent part of CO (carbon monoxide), and also some of the carcinogens. I'm also having some of the people at BL take a look at the solubility of it, so maybe we can get a chemistry look on this subject.

So also, what are some of the things in weed that are carcinogens (besides chlorophyll), and will butane remove them also?

Enjoy the making!



Oracle of Hallucinogens
internet beef smells like estrogen....

something to think about
In reference to what? We're trying to find out how much chlorophyll is extracted from butane.

I was under the impression that estradiol was odorless? But you're the expert :mrgreen:


New Member
In reference to what? We're trying to find out how much chlorophyll is extracted from butane.

I was under the impression that estradiol was odorless? But you're the expert :mrgreen:
I believe chlorophyll has a green colour. Honey oil only has only a very slight green tinge to it when done right.

So I would say very little.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I believe chlorophyll has a green colour. Honey oil only has only a very slight green tinge to it when done right.

So I would say very little.
True, I didn't have much green color at all... heh, the first time I did the extraction I used a pie pan, I guess it had holes in it? Went all over the bathroom counter top. sucked man. lol


New Member
The difference is that you are inhaling the smoke from this but you don't inhale anything from a lighter.

I don't think you thought this arguement through all the way.

Londoner is not a douchebag, just because you disagree with someone is no reason to start name calling like a couple of second graders. I was under the impression that this forum was for ADULTS.

before you post something that isn't true or scares other people into thinking it's true, look it up. Being as many lighters are made from PVC... oh and here's the real information behind it.
Chemical Resistance Chart

yea, that dude is kind of a douchebag. +rep for putting him in his place.

He's just jealous because he is not handy enough to make one,, he had to go out and buy one.


"eww copper, eww PVC"

just give this idiot a :finger: and he'll be on his way.

Butane will not erode copper. Copper is so incredibly stable it has no chance to react.

+Rep 4 shepj for the interesting setup

-Rep for the dick talking about a store bought product on a DIY thread. (Londoner)


Well-Known Member
;) less work and less cost... get yourself a stainless steel turkey baster... you can also use the glass ones.... grab a coffee filter and a twist tie..... bust the bud... back the baster..... put the filter on with the twist tie to keep all your swag in the baster.... use the lighter fitting that fits the whole.... and voila way easier



Well-Known Member
;) less work and less cost... get yourself a stainless steel turkey baster... you can also use the glass ones.... grab a coffee filter and a twist tie..... bust the bud... back the baster..... put the filter on with the twist tie to keep all your swag in the baster.... use the lighter fitting that fits the whole.... and voila way easier

excellent explanation... as long as someone doesnt come in here wanting to argue against your DIY method by bringing up a store bought item, then subsequently start another argument (which is where the estrogen comment came in... because of all the bickering and bitching)
+ rep for you for you my friend