DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil Extractor A.K.A. BHO


Well-Known Member
Eww coppery BHO lol, get a honey bee extractor mate, doesnt react with the butane, theres a BHO tutorial in my journal using one, dunno if you can get it in the US, but here newport is the best and purest gas available for making BHO


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Eww coppery BHO lol, get a honey bee extractor mate, doesnt react with the butane, theres a BHO tutorial in my journal using one, dunno if you can get it in the US, but here newport is the best and purest gas available for making BHO
If you'd go back to page two, the tutorial at the very bottom is mine and does not use copper. :joint:


Well-Known Member
If you'd go back to page two, the tutorial at the very bottom is mine and does not use copper. :joint:
PVC is just as bad mate, if not worse, each time you run butane over the PVC it strips layers of the plastic away, tiny particles get dissolved and end up being left behind in the oil you smoke after butane evaporation.

For making BHO, personally id only recommend that BHO be made using a honey bee extractor, or the glass/stainless steel cafetiere method, a honey bee extractor here only costs £20 and for the peace of mind that none of the exraction tube is left behind in the oil, i think its worth every penny, and the plastic is so thick that it doesnt freeze your hands up when running the butane through it, the end cap has chunky screw threads so the cap wont blow off in your face should there be a pressure blow back in the extraction tube.

Honey bee extractor.

I use only crystally trim and lower popcorn bud, and i extract from wet trim, which gives the best oil, fill it up.

Plus your gas.

Run the gas through the honey bee.

Bubble off the butane over some hot water.

Till your left with just your oil.

And there it is, blow your head off BHO lol

;-) :peace:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
PVC is just as bad mate, if not worse, each time you run butane over the PVC it strips layers of the plastic away, tiny particles get dissolved and end up being left behind in the oil you smoke after butane evaporation.

;-) :peace:
before you post something that isn't true or scares other people into thinking it's true, look it up. Being as many lighters are made from PVC... oh and here's the real information behind it.
Chemical Resistance Chart


New Member
before you post something that isn't true or scares other people into thinking it's true, look it up. Being as many lighters are made from PVC... oh and here's the real information behind it.
Chemical Resistance Chart
yea, that dude is kind of a douchebag. +rep for putting him in his place.

He's just jealous because he is not handy enough to make one,, he had to go out and buy one.


"eww copper, eww PVC"

just give this idiot a :finger: and he'll be on his way.

Butane will not erode copper. Copper is so incredibly stable it has no chance to react.

+Rep 4 shepj for the interesting setup

-Rep for the dick talking about a store bought product on a DIY thread. (Londoner)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
yea, that dude is kind of a douchebag. +rep for putting him in his place.

He's just jealous because he is not handy enough to make one,, he had to go out and buy one.


"eww copper, eww PVC"

just give this idiot a :finger: and he'll be on his way.

Butane will not erode copper. Copper is so incredibly stable it has no chance to react.

+Rep 4 shepj for the interesting setup

-Rep for the dick talking about a store bought product on a DIY thread. (Londoner)
Many thanks for the support. I'm glad you liked the setup.


Well-Known Member
does the PVC one require a glove to avoid freezing your hand?

i only harvest one plant at a time, do small batches work? like 1/4-1/2 skuff?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
does the PVC one require a glove to avoid freezing your hand?

i only harvest one plant at a time, do small batches work? like 1/4-1/2 skuff?
The first is a personal preference (I live in new england, anything besides liquid nitrogen is warm to me) lol. If you have gloves to wear, it definately won't hurt.

I used 3 or 3.5g my first time although it doesn't make as much as I'd like, it does work. One ounce of leaves/shake makes approximately 3 grams of oil (which still lasts a while).


Well-Known Member
before you post something that isn't true or scares other people into thinking it's true, look it up. Being as many lighters are made from PVC... oh and here's the real information behind it.
Chemical Resistance Chart
yea, that dude is kind of a douchebag. +rep for putting him in his place.

He's just jealous because he is not handy enough to make one,, he had to go out and buy one.


"eww copper, eww PVC"

just give this idiot a :finger: and he'll be on his way.

Butane will not erode copper. Copper is so incredibly stable it has no chance to react.

+Rep 4 shepj for the interesting setup

-Rep for the dick talking about a store bought product on a DIY thread. (Londoner)
Who da fuckin fuck do you think you are? For 1 i could knock up your piece of shit in a minit with my fuckin eyes closed you pair of faggots, i work in the building trade and use those materials DAILY, ffs what is wrong with you??

That chart dont mean shit, its a chemical handling chart, not a chart of what is left behind in your oil that you smoke is it now? its a chart to show what materials can be used to transport and store various chemicals and gases, copper oxidises right? it Starts to oxidise in seconds, that oxidisation is what is stripped away by the butane and leaves the coppery taste to the oil, fuck me man ive done it with copper tube and tasted the fucking copper in the oil, and butane DOES strip microscopic particles from the pvc regardless of what your chart says so :finger: right back at ya.

Carry on fuckin your lungs inhaling your shitty contaminated oil, the reason i bought my extractor is because i care about what i put in my lungs mate, and £20 is a tiny price to pay for a superior product, not because i cant make one ffs, but hey like say carry on, your obviously too poor to buy one anyway thats why your DIY'ing it LMFAO


New Member
Who da fuckin fuck do you think you are?
I don't think I am anyone. I know I am ChuckBane.:weed:

For 1 i could knock up your piece of shit in a minit with my fuckin eyes closed you pair of faggots, i work in the building trade and use those materials DAILY, ffs what is wrong with you??
Prove it punk! Becuase the word around here is that you are a LITTLE PUNK BITCH.

your obviously too poor to buy one anyway thats why your DIY'ing it LMFAO
Youre obviously too stupid to make your own.
I mean come on, why would you pay for something so simple?
You are just a sucker.


Well-Known Member
Prove it punk! Becuase the word around here is that you are a LITTLE PUNK BITCH.

hahahahahaha oh really? well why dont you get your sorrofull self over this side o the pond to find out then?

Little punk bitch lmfao hahahahahaha


Well-Known Member
You think im giving my address to you? or posting it on here even? Your quite clearly thicker skulled than i first thought, just get yourself over to london, post on this thread when n where, dont give a fuck where, anywhere in london will do, and we'l have words.