California Gubernatorial Recall Election

So some rich guys end up paying 30 times as much as the average guy instead of 300 times as much I don’t care. The point is they are paying more and a lot of people not paying anything but using up a lot of what others pay. Rich still pay way more than the average person.
Poor people don't pay taxes?

Yes they do. A larger portion of working class wages go to taxes than any of the 10% see. Even federal taxes. Trump's tax cut for the wealthy made sure of that.

If you don't like what I say, come at me with facts. All you have done thus far is expect others to check your work. You either won't or can't do that, entitled white bitch.
I’m tired of politicians and want leadership. I’m willing to try something new because I’m very disappointed with the way the state is headed. I want somebody that represents us all and does what they should not because they are getting recalled but because it’s in our best interest. We don’t have that now
You want real leadership, start standing up to the assholes attacking the people who are trying to help our children in these school board meetings and marching like the hate mongering nazi's that they wish they were.

Good people who work their entire lives to build up the skills necessary to thrive in a very complex world are not the ones that can run for office with assholes like MTG or other insurrectionists sending them death threats without support.

The ever increasing stupidity that the right has embraced is the real issue.
It's unrealistic to expect, that, in a pool of shitty people, only the best ones will become politicians. I know it hurts to acknowledge, but the whole, "we are amazing and somehow only the shitty ones become politicians and somehow they keep fooling us into choosing them" is just a straight up emotional defense mechanism to avoid dealing with the reality that we're not nearly as awesome as we think we are.
Jeezus fucking christ, what an absolute shitshow as usual. California is so "cutting edge" yet the only people who rally to run this state are wackjob radio hosts, porn stars and just the general blight of human existence. Every couple o years. Every time.

This is an amazing place to be if you look at it from the right angle; this shit happening in TX will never happen here. This state is pretty up on "inclusiveness" and I can respect that, i guess.
Tell me where the communists are.

I think to be a politician you have to manipulate and sell yourself. It’s become more of a personality contest. I would vote for somebody that I hate as a person if they were good for the state or the country. Most people vote based on party and personality it seems. There’s no deeper thinking process
Jeezus fucking christ, what an absolute shitshow as usual. California is so "cutting edge" yet the only people who rally to run this state are wackjob radio hosts, porn stars and just the general blight of human existence. Every couple o years. Every time.

This is an amazing place to be if you look at it from the right angle; this shit happening in TX will never happen here. This state is pretty up on "inclusiveness" and I can respect that, i guess.
Totally agree with you about the field of low quality candidates that Republicans put out.
I think to be a politician you have to manipulate and sell yourself. It’s become more of a personality contest. I would vote for somebody that I hate as a person if they were good for the state or the country. Most people vote based on party and personality it seems. There’s no deeper thinking process
You claimed there are Communists. Show them with a news link (not from the Qniverse).
I think to be a politician you have to manipulate and sell yourself. It’s become more of a personality contest. I would vote for somebody that I hate as a person if they were good for the state or the country. Most people vote based on party and personality it seems. There’s no deeper thinking process
I vote blue mostly because i fear republicans and their medieval republicans out
You claimed there are Communists. Show them with a news link (not from the Qniverse).

I don’t watch Q whatever. Honestly if you don’t see certain people accepting and certain politicians inching towards communism you are blind. Look up the term and compare it to the agenda of both sides. Taking from one person redistributing to others in attempt to obtain dependence upon the government and for those dependent to keep the elites in power is right out of the play book. You don’t even need to feed your own kids anymore. Just wait in a government funded food line and we will feed them for you.
I’m tired of politicians and want leadership. I’m willing to try something new because I’m very disappointed with the way the state is headed. I want somebody that represents us all and does what they should not because they are getting recalled but because it’s in our best interest. We don’t have that now
Democracy is all about politics.

It is an established fact that Republicans want to dismantle US democracy, so thanks for once for being honest about your desire for dictatorship.
I vote blue mostly because i fear republicans and their medieval republicans out
I have this crazy theory that Trump isn't really a Republican, he's a really Democrat dressed up as a Republican designed to destroy the GOP from within, via crazy ideas and the fear you speak of.
I don’t watch Q whatever. Honestly if you don’t see certain people accepting and certain politicians inching towards communism you are blind. Look up the term and compare it to the agenda of both sides. Taking from one person redistributing to others in attempt to obtain dependence upon the government and for those dependent to keep the elites in power is right out of the play book. You don’t even need to feed your own kids anymore. Just wait in a government funded food line and we will feed them for you.
lol people bitching about kids getting food is where I quit trying to pretend you are not just another in the endless line of right wing propaganda trolls.
I have this crazy theory that Trump isn't really a Republican, he's a really Democrat dressed up as a Republican designed to destroy the GOP from within, via crazy ideas and the fear you speak of.

Other than personality why did you dislike him? The country was doing much better than under Biden
I think to be a politician you have to manipulate and sell yourself. It’s become more of a personality contest. I would vote for somebody that I hate as a person if they were good for the state or the country. Most people vote based on party and personality it seems. There’s no deeper thinking process
Oh i 100% agree. I remember an article about Tom Morello, and he talked about that, how literally 90% of a politician's time is pandering or hustling or grovelling for money, votes and "influence". No actual work, just always pushing to keep their seat.
I don’t watch Q whatever. Honestly if you don’t see certain people accepting and certain politicians inching towards communism you are blind. Look up the term and compare it to the agenda of both sides. Taking from one person redistributing to others in attempt to obtain dependence upon the government and for those dependent to keep the elites in power is right out of the play book. You don’t even need to feed your own kids anymore. Just wait in a government funded food line and we will feed them for you.
I do not see anyone in the USA promoting communism. Your refusal to post a concrete example is pretty damning, as is your assignment of “social democrat” policies to outright Communists. I think you may be one of the misguided souls who believes there is a far left movement of any consequence in the States,
and so just another troll.
lol people bitching about kids getting food is where I quit trying to pretend you are not just another in the endless line of right wing propaganda trolls.

Why is it my responsibility to take care of your kids? Why are you having kids you can’t afford? Do I also have to take care of your dog and water your lawn? Every handout we give costs is more money that could go to something that benefits everybody instead of just the ones who don’t contribute
Other than personality why did you dislike him? The country was doing much better than under Biden

Summer long protests because of Trump's embracing of killer cops and hate monger pandering like his pardoning of genocidal maniacs while sending in federal goons to attack peaceful protesters because of a handful of white natinoalists using the protests as a backdrop to bust shit up?

600k+ dead due to a virus that would magically disappear?

Yeah right.
Why is it my responsibility to take care of your kids? Why are you having kids you can’t afford? Do I also have to take care of your dog and water your lawn? Every handout we give costs is more money that could go to something that benefits everybody instead of just the ones who don’t contribute
The kids of today getting the best opportunities to thrive in our nation benefit you when you are old/infirmed and in need of people to take care of you.

That is the con that people like yourself are not told by the right wing fear mongering rich guys who pay for the spam that you seem to have embraced fully.