The White privilege to terrorize

like who?

Like the guy with the highest IQ in the world?
Or the worlds best chess player?

I mean there is a REASON that you anti-whites get destroyed in debates, cant defend your worldview, deny your worldview, and just scream slurs about white people, then claim you aren't anti-white

All these white "anti-racist" guys on here saying "My Wifes boyfriend is BLACK.... i bet that upsets you doesn't it RACIST?"

anti-whites blame Italians for history - so we know they are White - they do NOT blame non-Whites for history

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White

Hear a little better, moussini...I know the sp is off
White people are always the victim, if white people are so superior why are they always the victim?

When White genocide is exposed - anti-whites just recite movies about how ANYBODY that doesnt hate white people is a white supremacist

Then they say they arent brainwashed anti-whites
All these white "anti-racist" guys on here saying "My Wifes boyfriend is BLACK.... i bet that upsets you doesn't it RACIST?"

anti-whites blame Italians for history - so we know they are White - they do NOT blame non-Whites for history

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White

I blame my Wife for lots of things. History included. But I thank her and her forefathers for the current sanitary and waste systems that most cities incorporate into their infrastructure.

Makes it easier for me to flush the shit you're spewing down the toilet.
Makes it easier for me to flush the shit you're spewing down the toilet.

The man with the highest IQ in the world describes YOU as a "dissembling idiot" for lying about White Genocide

NOBODY with a HIGH IQ is on your side - there are 20 of you anti-whites and the ONLY "arguments" you can muster are just insults slander and calling white people names.. then you claim you arent anti-white
IQ is basically the ability to recognize patterns, I's not singular and every aspect of intelligence is a skillset. That's how someone like Ben Carson can be incredibly smart and incredibly stupid at the same time, because the areas where he's smart/dumb are not the same.

Your argument against CHRIS LANGANs comments about White Genocide comes down to "I DONT LIKE THE TRUTHS YOU ARE SPEAKING, YOU ARE STUPID".

Thats NOT an argument.
No, that's not it at all. I'm saying that he's obviously very smart when it comes to solving puzzles, and dumb as fuck when it comes to recognizing scams.

HALF of anti-whites say white genocide isnt happening & that statistical census data from Europe/America is just a neo nazi fear mongering conspiracy theory.
the OTHER half try to justify why white genocide IS happening by implying white kids deserve it because a long time ago their ancestors practiced conquest & slavery just like all the other races did back then.

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
The man with the highest IQ in the world describes YOU as a "dissembling idiot" for lying about White Genocide

NOBODY with a HIGH IQ is on your side - there are 20 of you anti-whites and the ONLY "arguments" you can muster are just insults slander and calling white people names.. then you claim you arent anti-white

Get some help with the treatment you need for Paranoid Schizophrenia man. I'm familiar with this territory. Help is there if you look for it.
