The White privilege to terrorize

Look..another funny picture, in lieu of any meaningful comment on the topic.
Joined today at 5:30am.

Look..another funny picture, in lieu of any meaningful comment on the topic.
lmao whats the point continually trying to take you seriously? Trolls just ignore and move on to your next talking point.

Also very big lol about the hours old account talking about others having any meaningful comment on the topic when they can't even answer simple questions about shit they brought up.
Joined today at 5:30am.

lol exactly.
You are the one referring to white countries as ADVANCED and BROWN countries as PRIMITIVE places that people need to "escape" for a "good life". Do you have any self awareness?
Not really, China, Japan and other Asian countries are advanced too. It's more cultural than anything else, these were ancient civilizations who could adapt to technology faster. Before 1700 the two largest manufacturers in the world were China and India in that order. Paleolithic and semi agarin cultures like in Africa and north America had more trouble adapting. Remember a couple of hundred years of history is nothing in the larger scheme of things. Many parts of Africa and south America were divided up by Europeans and don't follow the normal ethnic boundaries and these are most of the world's trouble spots.
Not really, China, Japan and other Asian countries are advanced too. It's more cultural than anything else, these were ancient civilizations who could adapt to technology faster. Before 1700 the two largest manufacturers in the world were China and India in that order. Paleolithic and semi agarin cultures like in Africa and north America had more trouble adapting. Remember a couple of hundred years of history is nothing in the larger scheme of things. Many parts of Africa and south America were divided up by Europeans and don't follow the normal ethnic boundaries and these are most of the world's trouble spots.
africa and south america are free to repartition themselves however they like. That has nothing to do with "europeans"...
africa and south america are free to repartition themselves however they like. That has nothing to do with "europeans"...
So is the States and we should get rid of many of the shithole states that have no population by combining them. People have rights, not geography. People who hold power tend to want to keep things as they are, it's called the statues quo.
So is the States and we should get rid of many of the shithole states that have no population by combining them. People have rights, not geography. People who hold power tend to want to keep things as they are, it's called the statues quo.
List states you think are "shithole" (sic) and why?
States can reform if they like. The Constitution can be changed...or ignored....
They should have been mowed down like grass with miniguns on the Capitol steps. The usual punishment for insurrection and treason is death. A bit over a hundred years ago they would have hung the lot of them in public on the Capitol lawn, a dozen at a time. They knew how to make America great back then.
List states you think are "shithole" (sic) and why?
States can reform if they like. The Constitution can be changed...or ignored....
People have rights not geography and the federal government created many of these states from territories. Say North and South Dakota for starters and Wyoming can be combined with another state too, there are several other candidates as well. Puerto Rico and DC should be states too, since they have larger populations than some states.
People have rights not geography and the federal government created many of these states from territories. Say North and South Dakota for starters and Wyoming can be combined with another state too, there are several other candidates as well. Puerto Rico and DC should be states too, since they have larger populations than some states.
Why do you think north/south dakota and wyoming are shitholes, though? Why do you think they need to be combined? Why do we need puerto rico as a state? What are the benefits?
Why do you think north/south dakota and wyoming are shitholes, though? Why do you think they need to be combined? Why do we need puerto rico as a state? What are the benefits?
They elect republicans and fuck themselves doing it. There are other shithole states too, all are red, Alabama, and Arkansas come to mind as does Mississippi, Texas and others. Not all the people living there are shitheads either, just the ones who vote for republicans.
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