LED "flickering"/"pulsing"

The 1 year warranty should have raised flags.......all legit manufacturers offer at least 3 years
OP: this "flicker", is it the same intensity as full power? Does it ever happen when powered to full? Also, does it happen on one side only or both sides at the same time?

This is more than likely that this is nothing but a glitchy pot; when it loses connection (and there's no current going thru the dimmer circuit) the driver hits full intensity. Same thing but opposite if you just short the 2 dimmer cables coming from the driver: no current and no light. So if it is one side only at a time, and doesn't happen on full power (or the increase in intensity is very small on full power) then this is very likely to be a 1-5$ fix, don't send your unit for repair.
Definitely would look at dimmer and connection point to driver. Thinking a bad or faulty solder point. It can also be a cheap dimmer going south.

Betting those dimmer pots are thin wired.

My 2¢.

If they turn a blind eye to your issue - you could do some modding on that rig - Like remote mount those drivers. Dimmer pots are easy to replace and actually you can add a simple quick disconnect inline instead of dimmer being hardwired.

Technically if dimmer wires were “ open “ that set of boards on each side should run at full power.
The "flicker" is the light increasing in intensity. It gets very bright for a split second. So yeah, maybe it is the dimmers. I have zero electronics exp or knowledge. If i disconnect the dimmers completely, can i just blank the ends of the wires or something? I only run them at 100% anyway
Again if company will not play along …. Here is what I would do .

Replacing the potentiometer is pretty easy …. 100k linear ( available everywhere )
Simply cutting old one ( at solder point ) , add 18 gauge jumpers to new pot ( see diagram )
Wrap wires / sleeve . Obviously this is done with rig powered off ( unplugged ).

A few minutes of work and you are golden. Meanwell s are warranted about 7 years . So if it’s the drivers issue , then same model can be had thru various vendors and easily replaced too if under warranty … you will need to check on line and request an RMA for return.

But see if seller will make good on repairs first ….. if not I FIFY.

I contacted the seller and this is what he said (my warranty ran out 2 weeks ago lol)

"Thankfully the dimmer is the only problem we've ever had with these.
because the dimmer isn't waterproof, over time moisture and dirt gets inside the gaps.
snip 1 of the dimmers off, if its the dimmer that is the problem, you'll see an instant fix, it will be a lot brighter.

a lot of the time, just moving the dimmer to sit on top of the heatsink will dry it out and get it to work normally.

let me know how you go."
Tip …

Say boards take a shit sooner than later …that rig is already setup for HLG Quantums
All you have to do is match boards to driver used and UPGRADE.
Same drivers , same heatsinks