Growing with LED's?????


Active Member
just wondering wet everyone thinks about the concept of growing your favorite vegtable with those 225 led banks.. seems to me that its a break threw in the indoor growing world... i was reading up on them and was also wondering wut would be better to use should i just spring for the full red or use the mixed blue and red... blue being veg. red being flower


Active Member
thanks for the help guys, found alot of info except growth times... ive also been doing some research on CFL's found some 13 inch ones for 30can


New Member
most if not all posts have been about the 90W UFO light, however people are marketing 300 and 600 watt LED grow lights now, and i'd love to see a report of someone using those.

Though you can't buy into the hype about "one X00watt led light is like two X00watt hps lights"


Well-Known Member
most if not all posts have been about the 90W UFO light, however people are marketing 300 and 600 watt LED grow lights now, and i'd love to see a report of someone using those.

Though you can't buy into the hype about "X00 led light is like 2 X00 hps lights"

90 watts of crap + 600 watts of crap = a whole lot of crap.............


Well-Known Member
Precisely. The spectrum is not as "useable". Simple as pie.

Not only that but at 600 watt of LED you are burning the same amount of electric as your HPS bulb and probably putting out more heat than the HPS bulb not to mention a very large heatsink would probably be needed. Then factor in the brightness would not even be close to the HPS bulb. I'll stop here though, that is enough reasons.


New Member
Not being as good as another source doesn't make it crap. If it grows it at a cost effecient rate then it's worth it.


Well-Known Member
Not being as good as another source doesn't make it crap. If it grows it at a cost effecient rate then it's worth it.

I guess I'll type slow so you can keep up and not put as many reasons in there to confuse you.

600 watts LED is the same as 600 watts HPS. No savings on electric.

It doesn't grow at a cost effective rate so multiplying it would make it grow at an even less effective rate.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

They probably want $3000 for a 600 watt LED light and a 600 watt HPS is probably $300. $2700 price difference.

I don't know why you LED people have such a hard time understanding this. It's like you can have Truck A with a V8 engine for $20,000 or I'll sell this one over here with a 4 cylinder engine and tell you it will tow 10 tons and get better gas mileage than truck A and we'll sell it to you for $50,000.

LED's are a LIE....... plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
LED's work gr8 for veg.....and as a supplement for HPS in flowering....if you invest in a good light then you will save money in the long run.... I have been using them,,and they work for me


Well-Known Member
If you call me growing plants under 3 40 watt tubes and doing better than a $600 LED light great, then more power to you.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll type slow so you can keep up and not put as many reasons in there to confuse you.

600 watts LED is the same as 600 watts HPS. No savings on electric.

It doesn't grow at a cost effective rate so multiplying it would make it grow at an even less effective rate.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

They probably want $3000 for a 600 watt LED light and a 600 watt HPS is probably $300. $2700 price difference.

I don't know why you LED people have such a hard time understanding this. It's like you can have Truck A with a V8 engine for $20,000 or I'll sell this one over here with a 4 cylinder engine and tell you it will tow 10 tons and get better gas mileage than truck A and we'll sell it to you for $50,000.

LED's are a LIE....... plain and simple.
La, first of all don't insult someone for trying to raise an issue with you, even if it disagrees with your point.

Second, for a guy that has such a 'knowledgable' experience with LEDs, have you ever used them? Have you ever experimented with them? Have you ever grown something with them?

If you have, I'm more than willing to listen to your advice about them. If, however, you havn't and are just babbling about something that you actually don't know anything about, I would like to invite you to sit back in the corner and listen. Your point about LEDs being worthless are taken, if by no one else than by me. But now it would probably be a good time to actually hear from someone who KNOWS about them, doesn't just speculate, and has actually GROWN with one, and not just thought about it.

I have a UFO. I grow with it. Stone me if you like, I don't really care.

To me, there are several advantages and disadvantages to using the UFO over a HID. Watt for Watt usage, the HID comes out on top in dense bud quality, nearly no question about that. But the LEDs produce more grams of bud per kilowatt of energy used. A guy did a side by side comparason on youtube. Check it out if you want. I don't have a link on hand, but it isn't hard to find.

the one benefit that LEDs have is their low heat signiture. You say 600 watts of HPS will out beat 600 watts of LEDs, right? For the moment, we'll set aside the fact that LEDs produce more grams per watt than HIDs. If you were to run a 600 watt HPS you need an exhaust fan for it, right? How much electricy does that fan use? The LED doesn't need one, because the heat signiture off the UFO is next to none. So small in fact, that using a small circulating fan (that you probably should have been using anyway) disipates the heat. The power savings on the exhaust fan alone make it advantagous to use the UFO in certain situations. Not all though.

I think that LEDs have gotten a very bad rap. They arn't where they need to be, but they really don't deserve the shit that they are getting. I use them, and have no problem with them. If they were able to get the dense quality that HPS gives, I'd literally throw my 400 watt HPS in the trash. But it doesn't so I use both, depending on the time of year.

For those reading (and this could totally be the booze talking, or more than likely my age), if you don't have any actual EXPERIENCE with something, keep your mouth shut. I love hearing someone's opinions and all, but when it comes to something you've tried, speak up, untill then listen to people who have.


Well-Known Member
La, first of all don't insult someone for trying to raise an issue with you, even if it disagrees with your point.

Second, for a guy that has such a 'knowledgable' experience with LEDs, have you ever used them? Have you ever experimented with them? Have you ever grown something with them?

If you have, I'm more than willing to listen to your advice about them. If, however, you havn't and are just babbling about something that you actually don't know anything about, I would like to invite you to sit back in the corner and listen. Your point about LEDs being worthless are taken, if by no one else than by me. But now it would probably be a good time to actually hear from someone who KNOWS about them, doesn't just speculate, and has actually GROWN with one, and not just thought about it.

I have a UFO. I grow with it. Stone me if you like, I don't really care.

To me, there are several advantages and disadvantages to using the UFO over a HID. Watt for Watt usage, the HID comes out on top in dense bud quality, nearly no question about that. But the LEDs produce more grams of bud per kilowatt of energy used. A guy did a side by side comparason on youtube. Check it out if you want. I don't have a link on hand, but it isn't hard to find.

the one benefit that LEDs have is their low heat signiture. You say 600 watts of HPS will out beat 600 watts of LEDs, right? For the moment, we'll set aside the fact that LEDs produce more grams per watt than HIDs. If you were to run a 600 watt HPS you need an exhaust fan for it, right? How much electricy does that fan use? The LED doesn't need one, because the heat signiture off the UFO is next to none. So small in fact, that using a small circulating fan (that you probably should have been using anyway) disipates the heat. The power savings on the exhaust fan alone make it advantagous to use the UFO in certain situations. Not all though.

I think that LEDs have gotten a very bad rap. They arn't where they need to be, but they really don't deserve the shit that they are getting. I use them, and have no problem with them. If they were able to get the dense quality that HPS gives, I'd literally throw my 400 watt HPS in the trash. But it doesn't so I use both, depending on the time of year.

For those reading (and this could totally be the booze talking, or more than likely my age), if you don't have any actual EXPERIENCE with something, keep your mouth shut. I love hearing someone's opinions and all, but when it comes to something you've tried, speak up, untill then listen to people who have.

More Funny talk, If I owned one I wouldn't be talking bad about them. You are the expert because you own one. Give us all a break.

How deep do you want to get into LED's ? Reason number one they suck because they are too directional. Do you want to spend the night discussing angles and all that BS ? Did that come in your UFO literature ?

Reason number 2 they suck because they do not penetrate the plant well enough to cause proper photosynthesis, that is why you get stringy plants under LED. Do you want to get into plant Botany and all that ? Did that come in your UFO literature ?

Reason number 3 the suck becuase I have experimented with them, do you want to debate my results ? Is that in your UFO literature also?

Reason number 4, tell me to stop insulting someone then insult me by saying I don't know what I'm talking about ?

Reason number 5, I can give all the factual reasons in the world why LED's suck and all I get in return is name calling, told I don't know what I'm talking about, that what I'm saying is only opinion and I don't know what I'm talking about and nothing ever remotely close to why my answers are not correct. So I can only guess that I am correct.

Reason number 6, you need to apologize to me and quit trying to make it look like you are an expert because you can spend $600 on something that does not work as advertised or even close.