Thank goodness the US is only interested in liberating those who posess easy to access oil and not maple syrup.
Yea, the good old day's of going after Communists is over basically (except Cuba)
China, one of the most brutal (Stalin/USSR #1 in my opinion) Communist countries that ever existed & hasn't changed much (See Tiananmen Square/Uyghurs) & attacked US troops in Korea killing 33,651 Americans in direct combat and 3,262 other deaths & in Vietnam supplied the Viet Cong/NVA with 90% of they're weapons (USSR made up the difference) that were responsible for the deaths of more Americans, 58,220 to be exact,
And you want to hear something funny, like really fucking funny?
Those murdering Communist cocksuckers are our largest trading partner & the holder of more US debt than any other nation on the Planet Earth.
The U.S. debt to China was
$1.1 trillion in January 2021. That's more than 15% of the $7 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. The rest of the $28 trillion (nice number, right? ) of national debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself.
They almost/will own us.
(sorry for all the smiley faces but that thought really makes me laugh)
Figure that shit the fuck out
Oh, I think I know!!!
Money & profit, nothing & I mean nothing else matters more to an American Capitalist or now a Chinese Communist it seems, fuck everthing else, like American jobs/workers/morality or Patriotism.
So, what's our next threat/enemy beside Muslims (the ones with no oil at least)
Isn't it obvious?
Fucking Socialism & it's practitioners & the New Green Deal, that's what/who.