Afganistan Collapse

In a nutshell...

Afghanistan could have plunged into a devastating civil war or accept the inevitable. They chose the latter. Which was by design.

The outcome was never in question. Most of the population is aligned with the Taliban than the corrupt government and warlords propped up by the US military and money.

No Civil War = Good.

No Civilian casualties = Good

No destruction of cities and villages = Good

I'm the Idiot that actually cares about what happens. I'm not spouting off about how America let some other country down. I'm happy people didn't die. I'm the Idiot happy that there was a peaceful transfer of power. I'm the Idiot that's happy Afghanistan didn't turn into another Yemen or Syria. I'm the Idiot that is happy that Afghanistan is no longer a proxy war. I'm the Idiot wasting time responding to actual Idiots.
In a nutshell... I'm the Idiot.

Maybe the Taliban should build a few electronics or shoe factories, so we can order cheap shit in exchange for looking the other way, Works for China. Let’s be honest, hardly anyone really gives a shit about the people in Afghanistan. Nor about the million women getting raped and sterilized in Chinese concentration camps, nor the millions of North Koreans who live in hell. Not enough to actually do what has to be done.

Over the past 20 years 40% of the women in Kabul ditched their face prisons. Totally worth a trillion of fiat money.

This thread is almost as dumb as the Palestine propaganda thread...
you just made me have a flash back of the orange know that

out of sight out of mind- others should be cautioned when placing blame (Biden) i know someone who would love for him to resign and bring back what we had..not on the front page but scary nonetheless..they tried to steal the SS Trust Fund and since i have a case with them (that they threw away..right up and disappeared) i know what we're missing.
A bit of reading up on the T.A.P.I. Pipeine, Karsai's being an oil company exec. and the fact that the Taliban is sitting on 1 TRILLION USDS IN NATURAL RESOURCES:"Lithium". Our batteries. Afghanistan is not a concern.Will be fat and happy selling to China. We will buy cheap batteries. Worry about the Industrial war complexes next war. Must be more profitable than the last year.
A bit of reading up on the T.A.P.I. Pipeine, Karsai's being an oil company exec. and the fact that the Taliban is sitting on 1 TRILLION USDS IN NATURAL RESOURCES:"Lithium". Our batteries. Afghanistan is not a concern.Will be fat and happy selling to China. We will buy cheap batteries. Worry about the Industrial war complexes next war. Must be more profitable than the last year.
Nigeria, you’ll be seeing jungle camo convoys soon on a highway near you.
US should have declared victory and left when they got binladen. Noticed a lot of nasty looking A-rabs working security on the strip last time i was in Vegas, now it’ll be Afghans.
What happened to Jen? Did She have a sex change or am I tripping ?lol .
This is the NSA guy I am pretty sure.

lol I just read the title of it. Yeah no clue where she is on this, but this is the guy to hear from, so that is nice.

He just cut off that reporter that tried to talk over him the entire time though. I would love to know which business they report for, very OANN/Epoch times'esque.
Exactly, and how that would have been executed under Trump vs what we’re seeing with Biden’s attempt or lack there of, would have been drastically different.

Clearly, the Taliban is legitimate, and has been legitimate for longer than we’ve been there.

Yes Trump wanted all troops removed from the endless wars. Good on him. That’s not the issue that’s currently unfolding and it’s a weak deflection.

edit: and how do you laugh at someone like Matt Zeller? A veteran, who has a depth of understanding on the subject you or I cannot (I served in the military under Obama but never deployed to Afghanistan) who is exposing the reality of the failure that could have been avoided.
it was always going to end this way....we should have never been there (thanks republicans)....democrats are always left to clean up their mess. Lets never make this mistake again.....never electing a republican again, is an easy fix to most of our problems Shot 2021-08-17 at 2.16.51 PM.png
Rep. Barbara Lee agonized over her vote, she said later, until that morning, when the California Democrat listened to the prayer of one of the country’s most prominent clergymen.

It was three days after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and like nearly every other member of Congress, she was attending a memorial service at Washington National Cathedral. In his opening invocation, the dean of the cathedral, the Rev. Nathan Baxter, said, “Let us also pray for divine wisdom as our leaders consider the necessary actions for national security, wisdom of the grace of God, that as we act we not become the evil we deplore.”

When she quoted him on the House floor later that day to explain her vote against giving the president a broad, open-ended authorization for military force, she was called a terrorist, a traitor and close to treasonous. The House vote was 420 to 1. The Senate vote was 98 to 0.

Biden defends Afghanistan exit

Twenty years, countless lives and more than a trillion dollars later, as the Biden administration ends the longest conflict in U.S. history, many are looking anew at Lee’s lone vote against the measure that gave the president nearly unlimited power to wage war in Afghanistan or against anyone else involved with or harboring terrorists.

Then-Sen. Joe Biden voted for it. So did then-Rep. Bernie Sanders, who later became one of the most vocal critics of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), long known as an activist who believed in nonviolence, voted for it, too — though he seemed to regret it almost immediately, telling The Washington Post he was “probably 99 percent of the way there in my heart and my soul,” but that he “wanted to send the strongest possible message that we can’t let terrorism stand.”

‘Take it out’: On 9/11, Cheney’s harrowing orders to shoot down U.S. airliners

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Lee said later she was surprised to realize she was the only member of Congress to vote against it, and that is evident in her speech on the House floor explaining her decision.

“However difficult this vote may be, some of us must urge the use of restraint. Our country is in a state of mourning. Some of us must say, ‘Let’s step back for a moment, let’s just pause, just for a minute, and think through the implications of our actions today, so that this does not spiral out of control.’ ”

“Some of us” turned out to be just her.

The reaction to her vote was furious, reflecting the strong emotions of the day. The Wall Street Journal called her a “clueless liberal” and asked if she was anti-American. The Washington Times called her “a long-practicing supporter of America’s enemies.” The phones in her office were turned off after they were flooded with calls, The Post wrote, and she received so many death threats that for a time she had a police detail protecting her.

She also received thousands of letters, both in support and opposition, that are now housed at Mills College. In 2014, the Atlantic’s Conor
went through two of the 12 boxes of letters and found comments like these:

“You should have been in the Trade Towers you anti-American [expletive]. Drop dead!!!”

“Did you hope to go down as the sole pacifist in a sea of war-mongers? If so, you missed the mark. You will go down in history as the sole coward in a sea of courageous legislators.”

“You are a dog. Not even an American dog, a black mutt.”

“Regarding your lone dissent, the terrorists used God as an excuse. Is it true ‘God’ helped you make your decision, too? Congratulations on using terrorist mentality!”

“You do not stand alone in evil — you stand with Bin Laden & Hitler & Judas.”

Lee spent weeks explaining her vote in op-eds and interviews. She wasn’t a pacifist, she said, and she wasn’t against President George W. Bush responding to the terrorist attacks with military force. But she thought it was an abdication of Congress’s power to declare war, and she didn’t want to give a president a “blank check” to start a war with no fixed goal or end date.

She cited Sens. Wayne Morse (D-Ore.) and Ernest Gruening (D-Alaska), the two lawmakers who voted against the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave President Lyndon B. Johnson broad powers to wage war in Vietnam. She quoted Morse, who said, “I believe that history will record that we have made a grave mistake in subverting and circumventing the Constitution of the United States.”

“Senator Morse was correct, and I fear we make the same mistake today,” she said.

As a vote on entering World War I approached, the only woman in Congress faced an agonizing choice

Others compared her unkindly to Jeannette Rankin, the Montana congresswoman who was the lone vote against U.S. military involvement in both world wars. The most charitable interpretation was that both Rankin and Lee were “confused.”

Many assumed Lee’s career was finished, but, she told The Post, “it was not a poll-driven vote.” In fact, she was reelected the next year and remains the congresswoman representing parts of Oakland and Berkeley.

Over the decades, Lee has not wavered, repeatedly introducing legislation to repeal the 2001 authorization. The repeal passed the House in June 2019 as part of an appropriations bill but did not pass the Senate. In June of this year, Lee sponsored a bill to repeal a similar authorization from 2002 used to greenlight the war in Iraq. It passed the House 268 to 161 in a bipartisan vote.

Maybe the Taliban should build a few electronics or shoe factories, so we can order cheap shit in exchange for looking the other way, Works for China. Let’s be honest, hardly anyone really gives a shit about the people in Afghanistan. Nor about the million women getting raped and sterilized in Chinese concentration camps, nor the millions of North Koreans who live in hell. Not enough to actually do what has to be done.

Over the past 20 years 40% of the women in Kabul ditched their face prisons. Totally worth a trillion of fiat money.

This thread is almost as dumb as the Palestine propaganda thread...

You sound like someone sitting on a couch watching Beavis and Buthead.

Keep eating those pringles and call me an idiot all day long. I could care less.

Facts are real. The facts are that Afghanistan didn't plunge into a nasty civil war that would have destroyed what's left of the country.

If I'm an idiot for wanting what's best for the people that live there than that's an honor I'm proud to take.
You sound like someone sitting on a couch watching Beavis and Buthead.

Keep eating those pringles and call me an idiot all day long. I could care less.

Facts are real. The facts are that Afghanistan didn't plunge into a nasty civil war that would have destroyed what's left of the country.

If I'm an idiot for wanting what's best for the people that live there than that's an honor I'm proud to take.
You sound like someone sitting on a couch watching Beavis and Buthead.

Keep eating those pringles and call me an idiot all day long. I could care less.

Facts are real. The facts are that Afghanistan didn't plunge into a nasty civil war that would have destroyed what's left of the country.

If I'm an idiot for wanting what's best for the people that live there than that's an honor I'm proud to take.
Bevis and Butthead don’t eat Pringle’s dumb ass. They eat Nachos.
The same people you called cowards and not ready for civilized society.


Yes the same people I called savages. I'd rather they didn't endure years of civil war making their lives even more miserable than they already are.

But go ahead and blame Biden for the most peaceful transfer of power in modern history.