Trump's Re-Instatement Today

It's just hard to understand why the sophisticated political system you have over there could see-saw between the thoroughly statesmanlike Barack Obama and the mentally retarded, criminally-minded thug who replaced him...

I can only assume that the undercurrent of racism which, alas exists, runs deeper than previously thought.

Racism, itself, a product of low IQ is very concerning to anyone watching from outside.

It's worth remembering, too, that the ancient Greeks saw stupidity as the ultimate evil...

Joe Biden, whose Irish roots have been well discussed, is, at least, a steady hand on the tiller but his views on cannabis leave a lot to be desired.
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It's just hard to understand why the sophisticated political system you have over there could see-saw between the thoroughly statesmanlike Barack Obama and the mentally retarded, criminally-minded thug who replaced him...

I can only assume that the undercurrent of racism which, alas exists, runs deeper than previously thought.

Racism, itself, a product of low IQ is very concerning to anyone watching from outside.

It's worth remembering, too, that the ancient Greeks saw stupidity as the ultimate evil...

Joe Biden, whose Irish roots have been well discussed, is, at least, a steady hand on the tiller but his views on cannabis leave a lot to be desired.

many reasons but the basics are PERFECT STORM 1) it was close because being a Queen you apparently don't have to campaign 2) when you don't campaign you lose votes not everybody believed 'it was her turn' 3) The Great Obama Deficit..let's face it, there were black women who refused to vote for Hillary. Instead of biting the bullet like we are supposed to do in a General when we don't like the candidate- they didn't get the memo and the deficit was traced back to Obama voters MIA.

Biden's views of kissing/touching children not his own, needed to be refreshed as well- we're hopeful. 75% of the electorate wants it- so just why is he holding out? 1) family addiction 2) donors..he's here to DO WHAT WE WANT? HE WORKS FOR US? bullshit. free market, man this brings billions to the state freeing up Federal money. stupid. stupid. stupid.

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The Great Obama Deficit..let's face it, there were black women who refused to vote for Hillary. Instead of biting the bullet like we are supposed to do in a General when we don't like the candidate- they didn't get the memo and the deficit was traced back to Obama voters MIA.

IIRC, Hillary Clinton won the election.

D Drumpf clearly lost.

The EC appointed Drumpf to the presidency despite him being the losing candidate.

The EC, an anachronism from a much less enlightened time should have been consigned to history's trash-heap long ago...
IIRC, Hillary Clinton won the election.

D Drumpf clearly lost.

The EC appointed Drumpf to the presidency despite him being the losing candidate.

The EC, an anachronism from a much less enlightened time should have been consigned to history's trash-heap long ago...
that is true. both hillary clinton and joe biden got far more votes than donald trump, who is a pedophile, a racist bitch, and a retard.
Racism is the belief that behaviors are connected to race/color. Recognizing his stupid and fake spray tan color isn't doing all.

Maybe stop trying so hard.

Delusional slave.
A proper service is one where the customer isn't a captive. You seem to have zero comprehension of what an actual service is.

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You say you're not a republican, but you sure use republican hyperbole. It's pretty funny how republican white men react to anything that feels like any type of constraint. Get told to wear a mask and you'd think it's Auschwitz all over again by their reaction. Black people and every other legitimately persecuted group laugh their asses off at people like you.
You say you're not a republican, but you sure use republican hyperbole. It's pretty funny how republican white men react to anything that feels like any type of constraint. Get told to wear a mask and you'd think it's Auschwitz all over again by their reaction. Black people and every other legitimately persecuted group laugh their asses off at people like you.

Good and bad people come in all colors. I'm a Voluntaryist, why aren't you?

All politicians default to the assumption that consent isn't a necessary ingredient in human relations. Removal of consent is a kind of persecution, no? I'm laughing my ass off at people who ignore that.

When you stop seeing "black people" as a group, you will be less racist. I am not and never have been a "Republican".
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It's not possible to reference history with your recommended view, or is that part of your whitewashing plan? To essentially delete racism from our history books under the elitist guise of, "I cannot comment on what happened to black people because I don't recognize black people as a group"? My god man, the nads you must have.

You say you're not a republican, but then you say all the republican things. Reminds me of the PJ Funny Bunny kid's book where he's a rabbit, but he runs around pretending to be something else. And then you're all demeaning towards others that pay taxes while you pretend you're in some elitist position that doesn't pay taxes, but you do pay taxes like good boy and you make no effort to change that fact, because it's really about complaining and nothing else.

It's pretty interesting how hard you try to create such a dishonest reality for yourself.