Well-Known Member
You’ll be begging for a shot just like all the other whiney little bitches when they’re hooking you up to a ventilator.Uh huh.
You’ll be begging for a shot just like all the other whiney little bitches when they’re hooking you up to a ventilator.Uh huh.
Why are you focused on child deaths due to the virus vs everything else that they die of?
Cue educated woman of color trolling.Uh huh.
It used to be funny to watch stupid people acting like they are smart. Now it’s just dangerous.Why are you focused on child deaths due to the virus vs everything else that they die of?
Why do all pedophiles support trump?
you advocate for racial segregation signsWhen you stop seeing "black people" as a group, you will be less racist.
A good Friday
We could arrange for him to be the fourth bride of Achmed the Barbed.We can send him as a peacemaker to Afghanistan to hash out a deal with the Taliban. Mano a mano.
Roll out a red carpet and he will go willingly.We could arrange for him to be the fourth bride of Achmed the Barbed.
Why are you focused on child deaths due to the virus vs everything else that they die of?
Cue educated woman of color trolling.
you advocate for racial segregation signs
Pretty crazy list of company that Covid is in. They're all things that we put significant time/money towards.
I'm not sure this message conveys what you think it conveys.
In order to expand your mind, you have to open it.
This is evidence that you don’t have a functioning mind to begin with.Covid is a tool of tyranny and greed and power lust. I eat oranges and run naked thru the sunshine, not scared at all.
I'm sorry you live in so much fear, have you tried marijuana ?
neither would i but others will be compelled; we get to watch.
No but he remodeled. Something about cabinets.I lost my internet connection Thursday and it was out for 3 days, is Stinky king of the US again?
NoI lost my internet connection Thursday and it was out for 3 days, is Stinky king of the US again?
In order to expand your mind, you have to open it. Covid is a tool of tyranny and greed and power lust. I eat oranges and run naked thru the sunshine, not scared at all.
I'm sorry you live in so much fear, have you tried marijuana ?
I like intelligent women, don't give a fuck about "education", and degree badge wearers, I know quite a few who think a piece of paper is a substitute for brains. Maybe, but probably not.
"Woman of color". Not a term that conveys much, will get over used like "community", "local" and "sustainable" and then disappear. Most often used by , a white liberal, or maybe a black woman who grew up middle class sporting generic corn rows", trying to appear like she came up hard. Harriet Tubman would laugh at both of them. I laugh at you. sometimes.
You advocate for forced injections of children and would gladly force an unwilling black person to serve you.
You love using guns to force people to adopt your ideas, and, and you're a big Poopy Pants!!!!