How to clone and get roots like this?

Never worked for me.

Does anyone have a picture of how to properly cut branch to clone?
I personally clone straight into soil I usually take clones when I clean up before flower.
I cut them longer than I will need and put in water until I’m finished my clean up then I remove all nodes but the top one or 2. Then I roughly measure the depth of the whole pot and cut a 45 at thebottom then I lightly scrape the outside of the clone where it will be in the soil and dip that whole scraped part in my cloning powder. I make a hole with a screwdriver or garden stake just enough to fit the clone and put the clone in the hole and then pack it down to hold it up. My soil is pre moistened and I water them a little more before putting a dome over them. I put them under a small light and keep them moist I normally get 75% or more success. I always take more clones than I need so I don’t mind the ones that don’t make it. As for a picture of how to cut the 45 it’s not an exact science the idea is you are giving more area for roots to come from but if you lightly scrape the outside of the stem it provides more area for roots anyway. If you wanna see examples go on YouTube and watch videos there’s lots of guys that have lots of videos on that subject. This is what works for me personally I’m a believer or research and trying things and adapting a style that works for you everyones setup and spot is different so what works for me might not work for you. But don’t give up the internet is your friend!
Good luck.
I personally clone straight into soil I usually take clones when I clean up before flower.

TY for the good explanation.
I have done all that but out of about 20 attempts I have a 0% success rate.
I used the water in cup and cover method
Maybe not cutting near nodes
Maybe not enough light
Maybe the growths I cut are too young

I will try again
My cloning is.... bad. I’m maybe 1/4. And I’ve tried many times. More than 4....

How do I get roots like this off a clone? I’ve never used root gel just the Walmart rooting hormone powder with iffy success.

how to get roots like this? Thanks
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You need to make a cloner out of a bin., pump, pvc, and spray nozzels. I think i am 95 percent. I try to give my extras away but end up throwing them out every time because i only needc4 and they all take root. I use rooting gel and plain water no nutes
My cloning is.... bad. I’m maybe 1/4. And I’ve tried many times. More than 4....

How do I get roots like this off a clone? I’ve never used root gel just the Walmart rooting hormone powder with iffy success.

how to get roots like this? Thanks
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Rockwool option.
Post 41

I also do this twice a day....
Dome cover - Remove, clean and dry completely.
Re-mist inside of dome with fresh clean water. None on plants.
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My cloning is.... bad. I’m maybe 1/4. And I’ve tried many times. More than 4....

How do I get roots like this off a clone? I’ve never used root gel just the Walmart rooting hormone powder with iffy success.

how to get roots like this? Thanks
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Practice my friend. I totally sucked at cloning also at first. Take many cuts, and practice.
When I was a kid, my mom used to take cuttings from a Spider plant, put them in a glass of water, put them in the window sill, and in a couple weeks they would root. She didn't change the water, no rooting hormone, no humidity dome. It was a different species of plant, but I feel like the same can be done with cannabis. I haven't tried it yet though. Lol... :bigjoint:
I havent had much success this way, always have a bouquette of cannabis in mason jar in window. Actually no success to date.
TY for the good explanation.
I have done all that but out of about 20 attempts I have a 0% success rate.
I used the water in cup and cover method
Maybe not cutting near nodes
Maybe not enough light
Maybe the growths I cut are too young

I will try again

Clones don't need a lot of light while they're rooting. I stick mine out of direct light. You don't need to put them under an intense grow light.
Lmao. This thread made cloning way more complicated than need be. It really is just as simple as taking a cutting off your plant.

Just find any branch that shows a few extra nodes 45 degree cut. Damage the cut area a bit. Dip in your hormone (or not). Then in your plant cell. I use a dome for loads. But I use green (like mtn dew) bottles for 1-8 Cut bottom off. And use the side with the cap for a single plant some. I use mouth wash cups as my cells. With root start soil as my media. 5 days I don’t bother. Touch. Fuck. I don’t even look at em I always have roots. Unless. Plants dying or in stress. Infested with insects. Or some strains or picky on time, but will root! Just leave em alone. Simple
Lmao. This thread made cloning way more complicated than need be. It really is just as simple as taking a cutting off your plant.

Just find any branch that shows a few extra nodes 45 degree cut. Damage the cut area a bit. Dip in your hormone (or not). Then in your plant cell. I use a dome for loads. But I use green (like mtn dew) bottles for 1-8 Cut bottom off. And use the side with the cap for a single plant some. I use mouth wash cups as my cells. With root start soil as my media. 5 days I don’t bother. Touch. Fuck. I don’t even look at em I always have roots. Unless. Plants dying or in stress. Infested with insects. Or some strains or picky on time, but will root! Just leave em alone. Simple
While that may be the main points the person said they are having trouble and the obviously know the key points because they have tried it already. So it’s obvious that it’s a small detail or something they are missing so we are all just in detail describing our methods. So maybe they can analyze their method and add or take away the pet that’s causing them difficulties.
How much difference does root powder or gel make?

I’ve had like 80% success rate just dropping cuttings of all sizes and ages into a jar of water.

It does take forever sometimes so I just made a cloner with airstones to see if it helps, but if root gel makes a huge difference i might as well get some.
How much difference does root powder or gel make?

I’ve had like 80% success rate just dropping cuttings of all sizes and ages into a jar of water.

It does take forever sometimes so I just made a cloner with airstones to see if it helps, but if root gel makes a huge difference i might as well get some.
If what you are doing is working then I’d say to leave it alone. Ain’t broke don’t fix it.
Health of the mother plays a much bigger role than rooting hormones. Also, first gen cuts from seed plants should root very easily with little effort

My method is similar to others posting in this thread.
Prep moms the week before I plan to take cuttings with a good foliar of kelp and/or aloe.


Soak rockwool cubes in a low EC nute solution pH'd to 5.5-5.8
Snip cuts and immediately place in a cup of water.
Use a fresh blade to make an angled cut just below the node.
Dip cut in a solution of Dip n Grow, KLN, or Hormex (whatever rooting hormone you have on hand is fine just dont over do it)
I've also had good results using a combo of Azos and Myco

Place snips in RW cubes, label, spray domes, and place under dim light.
DSCN5306 (2).JPG

During the cooler months I'll use an aerocloner for certain strains.
Fill the cloner with tap water, snip, hydrate overnight in a cup of water and place in the collars.
DSCN5131 (2).JPG
If you're having trouble cloning it's worth building or buying a bubble cloner, in terms of cloning they're really good, extremely easy to use and maintain, no nutrient and no ph required for successful cloning.
_20210211_171948.JPGThey aren't expensive to buy and even less to make one.
The two nearest (different looking) clones were kept in the fridge for 8 weeks then removed and rooted, I can't remember exactly how long but 10/14 days for the fridge clones.
Change the water every day or every other day and they'll root given the right conditions.
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The cut angle doesn't actually make much odds ime.

I don't even change the water, that's a chore imo. I just keep the temps cool (cooler than my veg tent) & under dim lit T5's. Most clone in 7-10 days. My clones look good, a lot better than Strainly vendors lol
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I don't even change the water, that's a chore imo. I just keep the temps cool (cooler than my veg tent) & under dim lit T5's. Most clone in ⁷-10 days. My clones look good, a lot better than Strainly vendors lol
Actually I agree with you on the water but that's not something that I'd recommend it's allegedly not good practice lol...
6 weeks I used the water the last time with my bubble cloner and it rooted clones just the same after a month, the water didn't even look bad :-)

While that may be the main points the person said they are having trouble and the obviously know the key points because they have tried it already. So it’s obvious that it’s a small detail or something they are missing so we are all just in detail describing our methods. So maybe they can analyze their method and add or take away the pet that’s causing them difficulties.
Don’t make it complicated.

It’s simple. Follow direction and it will root. There is no magic. If he’s doing exactly what I do which most people do. They’ll have roots ina week. No hormones required.
Lil light.
Lil moisture
And leave it alone