Police Interactions.

Holy fuck. All those mf'ers just running in wanting a piece like savages.

I'm not gonna lie, I don't like this thread and the things you post in it and would prefer to keep my head in the sand.
I know the feeling man. It is something that I didn't know would turn into this when I started it. But I would rather have this conversation about the reality of how we have allowed the police to treat our fellow citizens than leave it to the militarized trolls to control the narrative.
Yeah I know it's the right thing to being awareness, just tough. I've been deep in cop hating mode before, it's no good. Hard to be empathetic when you see the abuse, but high rates of suicide, alcoholism, domestic violence, etc....those don't come from great days on the job. I don't know what the answer is, but I know it's more complex than increasing the rate of accountability/punishment as a deterrent, because that just sounds like the war on drugs all over again.
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The dramatic video of a San Diego County sheriff’s deputy collapsing after processing fentanyl at a crime scene was released to serve as a public service announcement: a warning about the synthetic opioid that was projected to kill more than 700 people in the area by year’s end, and about the lifesaving potential of quickly administering naloxone, the overdose-reversal medication.

Instead, the sheriff’s department was met with swift backlash, notably from medical experts who said its claim that the deputy nearly died of an overdose caused by touching the drug was scientifically implausible and promoted dangerous misinformation about an epidemic that has intensified during the coronavirus pandemic.

For harm-reduction advocates, many of whom are medical professionals, the video is another instance of law enforcement pushing a false narrative about the risks of incidental fentanyl exposure that is in turn amplified by bad reporting in the news media and wide distribution across social media.

Drug overdose deaths soared to a record 93,000 last year

Kassandra Frederique, executive director of the nonprofit Drug Policy Alliance, said the video makes it difficult for people who have the right information when dealing with an adulterated drug supply. At the same time, it “creates the energy” for tougher fentanyl prosecutions and sentences — both of which have done nothing to curb deaths or fentanyl supply, she said — that are reminiscent of the early years of the “war on drugs.”

“You create an atmosphere where it’s going to force legislatures to create policies in the midst of a hysteria, and we’ve done this before,” Frederique told The Washington Post. “We did it with the crack epidemic.”

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The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department now faces questions over its credibility five days since it released video of the July 3 incident. Sheriff Bill Gore told the San Diego Union-Tribune on Monday that he was “shocked” at the pushback from medical experts, and he denied peddling misinformation.

“We were not trying to deceive anybody, trying to hype the issues,” he told the paper.

The department did not respond to The Post’s requests for comment Tuesday, including requests to speak to Gore or the field officer who tended to the deputy who was the subject of the video. Gore told the Union-Tribune that the deputy seized up, fell and hit his head after touching a powder that a police report said tested presumptively positive as fentanyl.

“It was classic signs of fentanyl overdose — that’s why we called it that,” said Gore, who is not a medical expert.

Amid skepticism over the veracity of events depicted in the video, the sheriff’s office announced Monday night that it was releasing documents related to the incident and would release the full, unedited footage this week.

Tentative opioid deal would provide $26 billion and a new way to regulate painkillers

Medical experts who study toxicology and addiction medicine were frustrated not only by the sheriff’s office but by the initial news reports that uncritically carried the story.

“Despite anecdotal reports from nonmedical sources about overdose from ‘exposure’ to fentanyl, it is not possible to overdose on fentanyl or fentanyl analogues through accidental skin contact or from proximity alone,” Ryan Marino, a medical toxicologist and addiction specialist who teaches at Case Western University School of Medicine, said in a statement released through the Drug Policy Alliance.

Medical experts said a simple fact check could have easily unraveled the narrative.

“This doesn’t sound rational and reasonable to me,” said Paul Christo, an associate professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who studies the opioid crisis.

Fentanyl overdoses occur through pill ingestion, intravenous injection or intranasal inhalation, Christo said. Overdosing through transdermal patches on the skin is “possible but certainly not common,” and it would take hours to occur, he said of the prescription treatment that is typically used by cancer patients or people with chronic pain.

The scene described by the sheriff’s department is “sort of an over-exaggeration of the misuse of opioids,” Christo said. “We already know this is a problem. We already know opioids, especially synthetic fentanyl, is being purchased illegally and leading to overdose deaths.”

According to the footage and statements from the sheriff’s department, Deputy David Faiivae was processing drugs at a crime scene on July 3 before he collapsed. As Faiivae was opening bags in the trunk of a car, Cpl. Scott Crane, Faiivae’s field training officer, warned him not to get too close.

Seconds later, Faiivae backed up, froze and fell to the ground, prompting Crane to quickly administer naloxone (the department made headlines in 2014 for being the first in California to allow all deputies to carry naloxone) and remove Faiivae’s body armor so he could breathe easier. Faiivae was later taken to a hospital.

“I was trying to gasp for breath, and I couldn’t breathe at all,” Faiivae recalled in the department-produced video.

To health experts, it’s unclear what prompted Faiivae’s reaction. A December 2020 study in the International Journal of Drug Policy said reports of similar incidents began around a 2016 announcement by the Drug Enforcement Administration that “a small amount [of fentanyl] ingested or absorbed through the skin can kill you.” The communique showed police from Atlantic County, N.J., describing how they “overdosed” after inhaling airborne fentanyl and had symptoms that the paper’s researchers said were consistent with panic attacks, such as disorientation and shortness of breath.

If claims that small amounts of fentanyl could be absorbed through the skin and be deadly, “we’d have I don’t know how many people dying,” said Christo, the Johns Hopkins professor.

“It’s an isolated event, and I think the public should still have confidence in law enforcement,” he said of the San Diego incident.

Frederique of the Drug Police Alliance said she is glad to see police being fact-checked. The criticism of the San Diego department is further proof, she added, that medical experts, not law enforcement, should be educating the public about drug risks.

“The fact that the media is relying on law enforcement to do this public education on the overdose crisis actually makes it more dangerous for us,” she said. “If we have this hysteria that you can OD from touching fentanyl, it makes everything more difficult.”
Cops are fuckin tools...

Something we finally agree on
I really try to not ever think things are so easy.

I have met a lot of really good cops, more than the times that I have seen them acting like assholes anyways (in real life).

But we do need to really figure out how to be better as a society. Because right now this system is just too abusive from top to bottom. We are making weapons out of our mentally unstable more than we are good citizens.

His face looks entirely too peaceful to be OD'ing on fentynal...this was staged for sure...and you definitely can't OD from touching fentynal...maybe that carfentynal shit but not even sure abt that...I used to cut open fentynal patches n eat the gel as a kid...loved that shit
Yeah I had no idea. Im glad I stumbled across the fact check on it. Pretty shitty thing to do to go viral as a police department. If it ends up being a scam and not just him having a seizure or something else.
I really try to not ever think things are so easy.

I have met a lot of really good cops, more than the times that I have seen them acting like assholes anyways (in real life).

But we do need to really figure out how to be better as a society. Because right now this system is just too abusive from top to bottom. We are making weapons out of our mentally unstable more than we are good citizens.

Yeah I had no idea. Im glad I stumbled across the fact check on it. Pretty shitty thing to do to go viral as a police department. If it ends up being a scam and not just him having a seizure or something else.
Ive seen overdoses 1st hand...been on the verge myself many times...his entire body and facial muscles would be limp...mouth open...etc...not just looking like he's peacefully asleep...and your color changes from lack of oxygen...thats what opiate overdoses are, respiratory failure...cops are liars...yeah ive met a couple cool ones but most are your "frat boy" type as Mooray said above...I got pulled over by one abt 6months ago near Peoria, IL for absolutely no reason...profiled me with my shaved head and tattoos and how I dress i believe...omw home from work in a rental car...he was in an unmarked blacked out SUV, lil short stocky dude and he comes to the window n says "hey bub I smell marijuana in the car"...no you don't there's no weed in this car and I haven't smoked any today...and both were true...placed me in his SUV tore car apart and all my bags...twice...I could see him getting heated and throwing my bags around the 2nd time he searched them bc in his sick mind he just knew he'd got himself one...nope not today buddy im clean...maybe another day but not this one...called a dog in and swept once more...and hour later it was "well theres no ticket I guess you can be on your way"...smh
I really try to not ever think things are so easy.

I have met a lot of really good cops, more than the times that I have seen them acting like assholes anyways (in real life).

But we do need to really figure out how to be better as a society. Because right now this system is just too abusive from top to bottom. We are making weapons out of our mentally unstable more than we are good citizens.

Yeah I had no idea. Im glad I stumbled across the fact check on it. Pretty shitty thing to do to go viral as a police department. If it ends up being a scam and not just him having a seizure or something else.
I wonder if the police universe is parallel to our national community. Both are deeply divided. The police are mostly good folk, but with a sizable rogue element. They really need to get those corrupt folk out of power, the sort who echo the Nazi ethos "our honor is named Loyalty".

One thing I propose is tough cam standards as Federal law. Always run a dash cam and a body cam. Anyone who interferes with either audio or visual capture of an interaction? Immediate removal from duty, permanent revocation of weapons privileges, and probably criminal proceedings.

If the interference was negligent but not deliberate, reduced penalties but still penalties.
I wonder if the police universe is parallel to our national community. Both are deeply divided. The police are mostly good folk, but with a sizable rogue element. They really need to get those corrupt folk out of power, the sort who echo the Nazi ethos "our honor is named Loyalty".
They have been under hard core attack by the right wing/foreign military propaganda attack for years too man.


And that is before you even get to the white supremacist infiltration of our departments.

One thing I propose is tough cam standards as Federal law. Always run a dash cam and a body cam. Anyone who interferes with either audio or visual capture of an interaction? Immediate removal from duty, permanent revocation of weapons privileges, and probably criminal proceedings.

If the interference was negligent but not deliberate, reduced penalties but still penalties.
There really is not a reason to not just have them constantly recording (like a black box kind of thing) and not give the cop the ability to do the wrong thing and not turn it on/turn it off.
They have been under hard core attack by the right wing/foreign military propaganda attack for years too man.


And that is before you even get to the white supremacist infiltration of our departments.

There really is not a reason to not just have them constantly recording (like a black box kind of thing) and not give the cop the ability to do the wrong thing and not turn it on/turn it off.
Yes. They should not control the recorder. I hope I got that right.

But the other point is that there are ways to spoof or sabotage the audio chnnels (just hit the siren) and the video (stand in the way at close range). These need to be legally defined.
Ive seen some pretty savage beatings by correctional officers...saw em beat a man once til he literally shit on himself...n then joke to each other that they beat the shit out of him...there was only like 7 of them and they emptied a canister of pretty much grizzly bear mace on him...that orange foam shit...nasty business...n then drug him down the 2nd tier flight of steps n tried to put his head thru the plexiglass...got him in the Sally port n that's where they beat him...

Punk ass mfkrs

Correctional officers are no better imo
Ive seen some pretty savage beatings by correctional officers...saw em beat a man once til he literally shit on himself...n then joke to each other that they beat the shit out of him...there was only like 7 of them and they emptied a canister of pretty much grizzly bear mace on him...that orange foam shit...nasty business...n then drug him down the 2nd tier flight of steps n tried to put his head thru the plexiglass...got him in the Sally port n that's where they beat him...

Punk ass mfkrs

Correctional officers are no better imo
Cameras throughout prisons too that are monitored by 3rd parties to stop the brutalization of people in prison.