Expensive hobby. The light he got still worked, anybody with basic sense could have rigged the ballast on it, duck tape probably would have worked to be honest. Though I’d be concerned about heat built-up if used a lot. Point is, not everybody is going to agree with you if you cry about something. I bought cheap shit and it didn’t live up to expectations is an ongoing theme on pot boards these days. Check out the other threads where people bought good shit and something or a concern happens and the owner shows up and is like, “how can I help you” but yeah, people crying about. cHeap shit on pot boards is like tennie boppers crying about whatever it is they cry about to me.I live on the breadline and have little funding but reading some of these posts it would appear my £ or 2 isn't worth pence until I've spent £600...seems odd is all.
The mark of the beast.Those were the days lol lol
The "Penistraitor 84x"
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Also the video of realstyles taking the hammer to a mars light - brilliant!
How do you know the light worked it was never plugged in because of missing screws out of the light face itself. Duct tape is your fix go figure. Why don't you go tell someone they smoke to much weed again tree hugger.Expensive hobby. The light he got still worked, anybody with basic sense could have rigged the ballast on it, duck tape probably would have worked to be honest. Though I’d be concerned about heat built-up if used a lot. Point is, not everybody is going to agree with you if you cry about something. I bought cheap shit and it didn’t live up to expectations is an ongoing theme on pot boards these days. Check out the other threads where people bought good shit and something or a concern happens and the owner shows up and is like, “how can I help you” but yeah, people crying about. cHeap shit on pot boards is like tennie boppers crying about whatever it is they cry about to me.
Yea, real loved the CXB 3590s.The mark of the beast.
And as for the musings of Realz, I actually took the time to track it down recently just to watch it for kicks. As it's hilarious and quite fitting for the moment let's have it once again
"I'm so glad it's over" cracks me up, but it goes further, on and on. Btw some led section lore, afaik Realstylez was the first to order and test leds decent leds from Alibaba and made Jerry Meng from KB king overnight.
How do you know the light worked it was never plugged in because of missing screws out of the light face itself. Duct tape is your fix go figure. Why don't you go tell someone they smoke to much weed again tree hugger.
Glad I'm able to get under your skin. Your in total control of how you feel. If you don't like the thread and it upsets you so bad why do you keep visiting it. You should go back and read the thread from the beginning. I'm glad that your taking time out of your day to reply to a cry ass like me. Can't wait for your next tip on how to fix a light. Do you have any Youtube tutorials? I only have cheap imatation duct tape would that have worked?Expensive hobby. The light he got still worked, anybody with basic sense could have rigged the ballast on it, duck tape probably would have worked to be honest. Though I’d be concerned about heat built-up if used a lot. Point is, not everybody is going to agree with you if you cry about something. I bought cheap shit and it didn’t live up to expectations is an ongoing theme on pot boards these days. Check out the other threads where people bought good shit and something or a concern happens and the owner shows up and is like, “how can I help you” but yeah, people crying about. cHeap shit on pot boards is like tennie boppers crying about whatever it is they cry about to me.
For all you know maybe you have multiple personalities and I'm one of the alts!You're right, I was assuming that you plugged it in and tested it because that's what most people would do. But not you, you would cry on the net and demand your $100 back. And I am a developer, never saw a tree I didn't want to cut down. But I get it guy, that money is a lot for you, for all I know you're 19 years old and you saved for months and are truly heart broken over the whole thing.
I wouldn't do it, I would just screw it on, maybe make a bracket if needed, but she said she it was beyond her capabilities so I suggested duck tape, which I am 100% sure would work because it's a small ballast on a light that sits still. But yes, you are out, out to that imaginary land where you can buy something for a hundred bucks and have them fix it for free years later. Never an argument to begin with Dr Og Kush (great pot site name, very original).Lmao. Duck tape. Argument over….. I’m out
Thanks for letting me into your mind. I think I'll stay for a while. Your thinking of me right now aren't you? You'll think about Months down the road you'll remember me and think what an asshole. I'm just part of your life forever now friend. Thanks for the rent free space in your mind.Youre the broke personality I guess. Suck it up butter cup, you're in for a long life of disappointment if you got this salty over a $150 dollar light.
I wouldn't do it, I would just screw it on, maybe make a bracket if needed, but she said she it was beyond her capabilities so I suggested duck tape, which I am 100% sure would work because it's a small ballast on a light that sits still. But yes, you are out, out to that imaginary land where you can buy something for a hundred bucks and have them fix it for free years later. Never an argument to begin with Dr Og Kush (great pot site name, very original).
It did come in the mail like that last Wednesday. I opened the box 10 minutes after UPS delivered it. And contacted Mars-Hydro immediately. That's what I can't understand people thinking it's ok that I should except a broken light upon opening the box just delivered to my door. That I bought a cheap light so I should except to have to fix or tape it back together brand new out of the box. I didn't plug it in bevy it says for returning the cannot have been used.Years??!! My bad. I read it came in the mail that way. Sorry. I’m saying if I order something brand new. It better come brand new. Or I’m getting my money back. (I always have). I don’t care if it’s 5 bucks and only requires a piece of stitching. It’s the rules and formality or trust and trustee in a trade. Iv never had the problem. But hey. Your the super knowledgeable go to handyman right. Can fix everything with a tool belt worth of tools. That’s great. I work hard for my money. So money spent must be at value IMO And people that follow that gets my returned business. I’m very clean so small things bug me out a place. So I buy new shit when it’s scratched to shit or fucked up in any way then lend the old one down to some else for free.
And thank you True og has been my favorite strain since Ever ago for me. Matt’s #1 true og stash
Along with snoops doggs private reserve og
11 years later still the best smoke to me. Never found anything close. All the new og hybrids this last decade has had to offer is trash.
Why do you buy lights?You should just build them MacGyver.I wouldn't do it, I would just screw it on, maybe make a bracket if needed, but she said she it was beyond her capabilities so I suggested duck tape, which I am 100% sure would work because it's a small ballast on a light that sits still. But yes, you are out, out to that imaginary land where you can buy something for a hundred bucks and have them fix it for free years later. Never an argument to begin with Dr Og Kush (great pot site name, very original).