A good soil..

Home depot has no promix here :cry:
From lowes to ace, heres the kinds ive found.

MG-feeds up to 3 months
Schults premium potting soil - feeds up to 4 months
MG moisture control - 3 months
MG organic choice :confused:

**MG=Miracle grow
i prefer an organic mix. throw some worms in it during your growth it helps loosen the soil so the roots can have its oxygen and space.
Not much to work with there, I wouldn't trust any of it, all of that time release nute stuff is absolute shit. Maybe look online to see if there is a hydro store at least in the same state, then shipping wouldn't be too bad, as long as you're only buying one bag. Look for Fox Farm Light Warrior, or Roots Organic potting soil, or anything that's organic and has little or no nutrients.
Home depot has no promix here :cry:
If that's all you can get then I guess you'll have to go with the MG Organic, anything other than prefertilized. I'd cut with 50 % perlite too.
Here's a recipe to make your own soiless mix:
[FONT=verdana,geneva,arial]1 part perlite
1 part vermiculite
1 part worm castings
1 part peat moss
I suspect finding worm castings will be your biggest problem
[/FONT] Here's the URL for Pro Mix to find distributors in your state and maybe your city :
Premier Horticulture – PRO-MIX growing mixes & Peat Moss: The ultimate growing performance
if it is the miracle grow organic DO NOT USE IT.. the mg organic i saw at wal mart was only for outdoor gardens.. there actually is a pic on the back of it with a pot and a no smoking thing thro it. i thought it would be great being 'organic' but it sucks big time.. way worse than time release mg...
The MG organic is too strong for seedlings it will burn your babies. Go to your local garden or hydro store and get pro mix or Black gold potting soil is good also.
I've had goo results with the MG moisture control, and Fox Farms. I kind prefer the MG. The nutes last up to 3 months, so that takes you through veg and to flowering. Add in a bunch of perlite and some moss and dolomite lime and you are set.

I can get a big bag of worm castings at my walmart pretty cheap.

Also check your local hardware store. Mine has various composts and such.
(think outside the grow room)
I've had goo results with the MG moisture control, and Fox Farms. I kind prefer the MG. The nutes last up to 3 months, so that takes you through veg and to flowering. Add in a bunch of perlite and some moss and dolomite lime and you are set.

I can get a big bag of worm castings at my walmart pretty cheap.

Also check your local hardware store. Mine has various composts and such.
(think outside the grow room)

If the nutes last 3 months then no need to use my grow big?
And will they give me nute burn? Cuz my current grow has
slight burn from the mg. Not moisture control btw, im trying that with my next grow.
As for the promix id love it, but no local hydro, and im not paying outrageous shipping
for soil :p
If the nutes last 3 months then no need to use my grow big?
And will they give me nute burn? Cuz my current grow has
slight burn from the mg. Not moisture control btw, im trying that with my next grow.
As for the promix id love it, but no local hydro, and im not paying outrageous shipping
for soil :p

Nope. No need for the Big Grow. (but if you recycle/compost the old soil afterward it may be useful next round)

It can cause nute burn. Over watering will make the nute burn happen quicker/easier. You can't 'flush' out the nutes. (you can pick out all the little prills, but who has that kind of time and/or patience? )

But, if you have the time, you can get a bag or so and basically keep it wet (not a swamp, but wet) for say 4 months. Then a few good flushes should clear out the nutes from the MG. Letting it dry out completely between flushes.

Yes. ZERO reason to pay for shipping of dirt! Just sounds dumb typing it too.

(Now do keep in mind that most *hate* MG. But I say its a poor craftsman that blames his tools. MG soil is designed for a 'hands off' situation, ie: just water it. Think of it as dirt for dummies)