Pandemic 2020

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It will have it's work cut out out to keep up with delta which is over 1000 X more contagious than the wild strain, the Alpha or UK strain was 10 x more contagious than the original edition. More contagious is way worse than more deadly and Darwin's winner is the one who can infect the most, not kill the most.
Why not include a line from the article,

"That figure equates to 2.44% of COVID-19 deaths in the state since Jan. 1"

Nobody said the vaccine would be perfect. We could have waited eight years to bring it out but we thought the tradeoff if getting the vaccine in arms under a year was a good one.

So does that means 97.56% of the deaths were people without full vaccination?
Because that Jan 1st date is irrelevant in considering the % of covid deaths in vaccinated individuals, since very few people were vaccinated in the early months of that date range, which also happens to be when the highest wave of infections was occurring, which makes that % fundamentally flawed. If they'd like to give us the % between May and today, that would be a more relevant number. This is exactly the kind of funny math I was referring to just a few days ago.
Because that Jan 1st date is irrelevant in considering the % of covid deaths in vaccinated individuals, since very few people were vaccinated in the early months of that date range, which also happens to be when the highest wave of infections was occurring, which makes that % fundamentally flawed. If they'd like to give us the % between May and today, that would be a more relevant number. This is exactly the kind of funny math I was referring to just a few days ago.
So what would be an acceptable percentage of vaccinated people that end up in hospital, percentage of vaccinated that die in your opinion?
Can you imagine what a piece of shit you have to be to kill your children to own the libs, 33% of all new COVID19 cases in Louisiana are CHILDREN.
It's almost like God is smiting them for worshiping the orange calf or something, those who the the Lord wishes to destroy he first makes mad. Or perhaps it could just be Darwin at work I suppose, natural selection, or self selection for extinction. It will kill but a few and will fuck over many, some will be maimed and some stupefied. There is a significant loss of IQ points for many people who recover from covid according to new research and the bunch getting it now can't afford to lose much smarts.

It's almost like God is smiting them for worshiping the orange calf or something, those who the the Lord wishes to destroy he first makes mad. Or perhaps it could just be Darwin at work I suppose, natural selection, or self selection for extinction. It will kill but a few and will fuck over many, some will be maimed and some stupefied. There is a significant loss of IQ points for many people who recover from covid according to new research and the bunch getting it now can't afford to lose much smarts.

I don't think a moron will even notice losing 10 or 20 IQ points.
‘Jarring’: Anti-Mask Mob Threatens State Public Health Official

When public health official Dr. Faisal Khan addressed mask mandates at a St. Louis County council meeting, he was met with racist, xenophobic, and threatening ire. “This was truly unprecedented,” says Khan.
Can you imagine what a piece of shit you have to be to kill your children to own the libs, 33% of all new COVID19 cases in Louisiana are CHILDREN.
That's not what the Louisiana Dept of Health is saying:

Do the math, and you will find that it's around 22% of the new covid cases are individuals under 18 (I assume that's what you mean by "kids"; if you mean kids under 5 it's much less) -- 4619 cases for under 18 out of a total of 21, 215 cases. It's also good to put in perspective how much of the Louisiana population is under 18, which is just over 27%. Additionally, out of over 10,000 covid related deaths in Louisiana, only 9 of those have been people under 18, which is effectively less than 0.1% of covid deaths in Louisiana.
It will have it's work cut out out to keep up with delta which is over 1000 X more contagious than the wild strain, the Alpha or UK strain was 10 x more contagious than the original edition. More contagious is way worse than more deadly and Darwin's winner is the one who can infect the most, not kill the most.
I think you're confused. The new strain shows 1000x more viral load in infected individuals, but in reality it's only around 64% more transmissible than Alpha, which is 50% more transmissible than the original wild strain:
I wonder what percentage would be so low to where republicans stop holding it up like it's massive, while simultaneously and intentionally ignoring other data that is clearly worse.
Biden orders vaccine mandate for all 1.5 million members of the U.S. military - NYT
You got a link to that? All I'm seeing is that "he has ordered the military to start taking steps toward making the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for uniformed service members". I believe that he is doing this in prep for full licensure of the vaccines past the current EUA, which is anticipated in September.
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