Pandemic 2020

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What you are doing, I would call folk medicine. We still don't know enough about medical MJ to fully understand how to use it. Given how many are benefitting through their own ad hoc trials, medical science is still lagging folk medicine on this.

There has been an outright ban on any US research into medical uses of cannabis for something like 80 years. This was a decision by politicians, not doctors. I can't blame medical doctors for not knowing. They have been bound by FDA restrictions against even studying the plant. I think it was 2015 before lab reports were available that showed THC killed cancer cells. NIH did acknowledge that those reports were valid and then hewed to pollical demands that it remain schedule 1. That contradiction says it all.

Still, we are not doing enough real research into medical MJ. You took a shot in the dark. I'm glad for you that it worked.

What does this have to do with Covid vaccines?
this is pandemic 2020 thread not the vaccination thread.
look up cytokine storm and cannabis.
report back.

i think in a hundred years, if humans survive, and they will look at doctors of today like quacks and butchers, because that's what i think now.
opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, that's mine, and u won't change it.
i know waaaaay too many doctors, when they were my "patient".
in case u miss this,
from my own "research" of doing min1000mg of thc daily for 7 years,
although i never thought i had alzheimer's or memory problems, i just didn't give a shit what ur name was honestly,
but i do think my memory is better.
in my profession, i was a baby, so my professional contacts are all ten plus years older and i'm 67 so i see their decline.
they know it.
my sister has dementia.
pandemic, cancer, alzheimer's, everything is out to get us.
i used to be braver before surviving cancer so long, now i'm a scaredy cat.
could be lower testosterone
Sorry, but I don't know how to have a rational discussion on this subject.

I'm glad it works for you. The science on the subject is a little thin. I don't doubt there is real benefit for some but for others, maybe not. We just don't know enough.
this is pandemic 2020 thread not the vaccination thread.
look up cytokine storm and cannabis.
report back.
I'm not interested enough in the subject to spend much time reading up on it. There is a shit ton of stuff out there. Sorting the good from the bad is not where I am going to put my time. That said, out of respect to you, if you cite something you find is worthy, I'll read it. I don't promise to believe it but I'll read it and comment back.

It's up to you. At some point, people have to show confidence in their own work and show it to others.
I will always be an addict
I disagree
Yea, you were an addict once but not now, right?
If you got high today, then your an addict.
If not, you are not an addict, a recovering addict, yes, but not a full blown active addict, hopefully never again
I am not an addict now (cocaine was my drug of choice, 3 years active & average 2 / 3 grams a day),but I guess I could be termed a recovering addict, but I haven't used in around 40 years, therefore I am not an addict now in my opinion.
Anyway, let me give you some advice.
You will find that you have a lot of free time now that your not using & it must be filled with something constructive.
Meetings are somewhat useful I guess (never worked for me), but they only are an hour and that leaves a lot of time left to fill now that you are not all fucked up.
So, what to do?
Lot's :)
I exercised like a fuck (relieves stress)
I studied martial arts.
I went to cooking school
I started to garden
I started to paint/draw
I got a shit load of pets (really works/you feel better & to care for them takes a lot of time)
And my favorite, I started to grow herb seriously (that takes a lot of time & you can make $)
You MUST fill your time with constructive/healthy actions.
Makes all the difference in the World.
I would say good luck in your endeavor, but I don't believe in luck, hard work, yes, luck, fuck that.(never had any except when I got busted with 3 lbs of herb, 40 grams of hash & 75 Quaaludes, but the cops fucked up the search warrant and the case was dismissed) :) :) :)
So simply do your best & work hard.
You'll be fine, guaranteed
Stay safe/wear a mask & get the shot
Peace out brother :)
in case big brother is watching, could u please give some clarification on this.
i use pour on ivermectin on my cattle and if if helps with covid, that's great.
for the cows, not humans. don't go pour ivermectin on u.
just an interesting article.
i've used ivermectin for decades but i had no idea it was safe for humans. not gonna start sharing my dog's heartgard.
vaccines in 9 months but still searching for therapeutics.
The new surge has reached my county. We went from 5-6 new cases a week to 30 something. Just found out this morning the son of an old friend is in a bad way. Incubated and all that. Not sure of his age, but his mom is in her late 50's. Too damn young to be dying though.
in case big brother is watching, could u please give some clarification on this.
i use pour on ivermectin on my cattle and if if helps with covid, that's great.
for the cows, not humans. don't go pour ivermectin on u.
just an interesting article.
i've used ivermectin for decades but i had no idea it was safe for humans. not gonna start sharing my dog's heartgard.
vaccines in 9 months but still searching for therapeutics.

The jury is still out.

Ivermectin: arguments for AND against its use as Covid-19 treatment

Ivermectin: Studies come thick and fast; Regulators remain unmoved

By William Saunderson-Meyer*

Three significant studies of Ivermectin in COVID-19 have been released in the past week, with two sets of meta-analyses delivering contradictory results and the third — a randomised, double-blind placebo trial — finding no significant effect on hospitalisation, writes MedicalBrief. In South Africa, the national Department of Health’s most recent evidence review (18 June) remains firm that Ivermectin “does not suggest any clear benefits with respect to mortality, clinical improvement, or viral clearance” in COVID-19.

I have no problem you posting on the pandemic. Thought that you being taken seriously on the cancer thing and having a discussion of your theories on it might be taken more seriously in its own thread. You seem to want to talk about it. But whatever.
ya, the cancer thing is important.
10,000,000 died from cancer (ten million) est in 2020. compare that to pandemic deaths.
and cancer isn't age discriminatory.

the best thing, and God bless him, dr trushar patel did, and he teaches robotic prostatectomy,
even though i had great $900 a month insurance,
he said my prostate was inoperable and i should get my affairs in order, make funeral arrangements, etc.
that's when it gets real.
if u don't die of something else, eventually, u get that talk, my father got it also, but he died a month later, i've just stretched my month 7 years 3 months now.
my motto is, live like ur sleeping in a surfside condo tn, u never know, appreciate ur dog.

remember, if ur old enough, steve mcqueen got cancer, and went to mexico for treatment,
well now with the internet u can search worldwide for treatments.
and after getting shut down at one of the top cancer clinics in the world,
i was forced to make my way on my own.
no help from anybody.
obviously had all the help i needed from God.
there's no atheists in a foxhole.

so the only reason i post is obviously not for u, u probably haven't been told u have 3 months to live with terminal cancer, but if there's ten million plus that are gonna die this year from cancer, maybe one will be inspired by my journey and do their own research and heal themselves.
like rick simpson and dennis hill did for me.

i've taken up to 3000mg a day, that did ding my liver, but at lower levels of 1600mg, i seem to be fine.
7 plus years of taking extract in large quantities with no bad side effects.
the mental side effects seem to scare away those that try.
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