Calyx, pollen sacs or bannanas?

Didn't spray anything today. Aucopuco gold below


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Purple kush is looking weak. Think it's still too hot in my tent for it at times. Never been sprayed but it looks wet


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These are of the ag that i have been spaying


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This is another pic of those and the other pic was a close up of this. It's the top of the same plant, aucopuco gold


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Those be sacks. Not sure what the last picture is.

Fingers crossed for you.
So i have more sacs close to the bottom. I think I'm starting to understand what everyone has been telling me. You spray the nodes and it reverses the sex, on the bud site not the node.
It is so confusing. I read to spray the bud sites for 21 days, then i read to spray them until they pop. Then i read that pollen sacs also form on buds and nodes. Now I have sacs that i can see on my plant and i understand it a little better
Next thing is I just keep an eye on them till they start to open and then harvest into an envelope with 4:1 flour and store them in the freezer on a freezer bag?
I have 7 different strains coming up that I'm hoping to pollinate. They are all within a week and a half old and should be ready to flower within the next few months. I want to save all the pollem I can. Am I on the right track?
And just so everyone knows, I was born in 1961. I'm an old- ass man. I don't smoke a bunch., just having one hell of a good time growing
Don't trip.

You're learning. Just took you a week to realize people were trying to help.

You can store pollen. I wouldn't use flour unless you bake the moisture out of it. People prefer starch. Also consider purchasing dessicant gel balls. Indicating or not they are useful. You'd like to get the pollen as dry as possible, before long term storage.
There are pros here that will be able to help you.

This one might not be your best go. Either way...

Plant seed & be free.
I appreciate all the help. Seems there are a lot of ways to do this because of so many different situations . I just want to learn and its hard to understand until it's in my face. Is there something I'm missing that would cause these sacs not to work for me? I've never heard of dessicant gel balls but I'll check it out. Thanks again.