What did you accomplish today?

Took 6 bags of cans in, before that would have gotten me $100 easy, now it's $75. We are getting bent over a barrel with the "deposit".
Picked up a new battery for the Toy, price on that sure as hell didn't go down.
Making BLT's again for dinner because I have glorious home grown tomatoes.
What changed with the cans?
Price fixing, the State and collusion. Recycling has been in effect for years now so folks are used to it and have no say.You are charged a 5 cent recycle tax per can but you never get it back. It's become big business and price is determined by buyer
edit: it's become away to make money but not for the consumer; cities now have recycle with trash pickup and that is a way for the pickup outfit to make more money. It's complicated but it's effectively a tax on the consumer and free money for some other entity
Price fixing, the State and collusion. Recycling has been in effect for years now so folks are used to it and have no say.You are charged a 5 cent recycle tax per can but you never get it back. It's become big business and price is determined by buyer
edit: it's become away to make money but not for the consumer; cities now have recycle with trash pickup and that is a way for the pickup outfit to make more money. It's complicated but it's effectively a tax on the consumer and free money for some other entity

We are in the same boat. I call it tax, they call it deposit......same shit.
bad things come in threes, you got shmeared, my friend Josh just got hit head on on his scooter, fucked his leg up bad, he's still in surgery (this just happened last night) our friend April got a picture of his scooter about 75% under the car, i'll get her to forward it to me and post it....so....there's still one hanging....as i head out the door to deliver weed on my scooter.....insert Jaws music here.....:neutral:
Josh's scooter, they're going to have to insert pins in his knee, or whats left of his knee....you guys can be physical therapy buddies, Tyler
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Took 6 bags of cans in, before that would have gotten me $100 easy, now it's $75. We are getting bent over a barrel with the "deposit".
Picked up a new battery for the Toy, price on that sure as hell didn't go down.
Making BLT's again for dinner because I have glorious home grown tomatoes.
Apparently the same is happenin g here. My buddy today was saying the return place has been packed the last several times he went so he didn't wait in line, but they have reduced the price of deposits. It's supposed to be 5 cents but a lot of places were paying 6.5 or 7 cents...Now all back to 5 and they can't hire help.

WTF is happening to this country world ?? On the news tonight the next thing that's going to take a serious increase in price....Food, of course!
Apparently the same is happenin g here. My buddy today was saying the return place has been packed the last several times he went so he didn't wait in line, but they have reduced the price of deposits. It's supposed to be 5 cents but a lot of places were paying 6.5 or 7 cents...Now all back to 5 and they can't hire help.

WTF is happening to this country world ?? On the news tonight the next thing that's going to take a serious increase in price....Food, of course!
They bettter not up the price of chicken biryani, I draw a line at biryani.