last cigarette


im currently smoking what is supposed to be my last cigarette... gonna try to quit again... im more resolved this time, as i actually want to quit, as opposed to doing it for someone else... i got weed and a bong; and a "honey do" list a mile long... so maybe i can keep busy/stoned enough to make it for the first few days... after that its all uphill.. smoke finished; we'll see how it goes
You can do it bro. You can do it. If you want a cig, toke instead. Yeah, I know it don't work while your on the job. You can do it. If I can do it, anyone can. No, really.
I am one year (october 31st) without a smoke...
Had to use chantix for 3 months but it was worth it
Good Luck

i've heard nothing but good things about the chantix... was gonna do that, but dont have the money for it... figured i surely dont have the money for the amount im spending on smokes either, so gonna try to drop one of my main expenses...
I smoke my self and I have tried to quit many times, studies have shown quitting tobacco can be harder then quitting heroin.. doesnt help either when there really cheap,, i get a bag of 200 cigs from the indians here in canada for 11 bucks. best of luck man and try not to break everything in site
Aye, I quite crack and methaqualone cold turkey at the same time... the longest I can go without a cigi is about 48 hours before I get all teary and shit... I usulay have one burning even when I'm smokeing a joint.
Good luck with quitting! Never been on cigs, but I had a wicked white monkey, and I sympathize with conquering that kind of thing. If it is really important to you, you will do it.
im currently smoking what is supposed to be my last cigarette... gonna try to quit again... im more resolved this time, as i actually want to quit, as opposed to doing it for someone else... i got weed and a bong; and a "honey do" list a mile long... so maybe i can keep busy/stoned enough to make it for the first few days... after that its all uphill.. smoke finished; we'll see how it goes

Good luck quitting GG!! It's tough... so hang in there.... we're all rooting for you :)

Try putting a big glass jar on the counter and every day drop in the money you would have spent on a pack of cigarettes. Perhaps seeing the growing pile of money each day will help you hang tough and stick to it.
I dunno if thats a good idea, florida, that will just remind him of cigarettes.

Best thing to do is keep your mind off it, a lot of people smoke in routine. After the shower, during lunch, ect ect, you need to change up your routine and keep your mind off it.

Best of luck man
I dunno if thats a good idea, florida, that will just remind him of cigarettes.

Best thing to do is keep your mind off it, a lot of people smoke in routine. After the shower, during lunch, ect ect, you need to change up your routine and keep your mind off it.

Best of luck man

i think you are right there.... about the routine thing; its kinda like an extreme ocd almost... you dont even think about it anymore, you just smoke at certain times or certain events... definately gonna have to keep my mind off of it
I dunno if thats a good idea, florida, that will just remind him of cigarettes.

I think it's a great reminder of how much money is being wasted every day on a bad habit. Alcoholics go to AA every day to talk about their addiction... so apparently a daily reminder can't be all that bad.

Anyhow... different things work for different people. I have a friend who smoked a pack and a half a day and she did this (it's where I got the idea) and at the one year mark she had enough money to treat herself to a 4 day Cruise to Mexico :)
I think it's a great reminder of how much money is being wasted every day on a bad habit. Alcoholics go to AA every day to talk about their addiction... so apparently a daily reminder can't be all that bad.

Anyhow... different things work for different people. I have a friend who smoked a pack and a half a day and she did this (it's where I got the idea) and at the one year mark she had enough money to treat herself to a 4 day Cruise to Mexico :)

oh im def gonna try to put up the money i would have spent.... im at 1.5-2 packs a day... that's a pretty penny:shock:
I quit almost 2 years ago, when smokes where around $3 a pack. Now they're above $5. Smartest thing I ever did.

Cigarette smoke stinks. Like ass. In a can.

I have heard nothing but BAD things about Chantix. The side effects are dangerous. For one, it mixes badly with alcohol, and medications. There have been many instances of somnambulism (sleepwalking) and driving while asleep. Oops. Erratic behaviour and nightmares are common complaints. In my town, a couple on Chantix said they had nightmares. One night they went out for drinks and came home, went to sleep. At some point the guy had a sudden personality shift and became violent with his girlfriend. She claims that it had never happened before, and she made him leave. He became angry and confused and somehow ended up pounding on a NIEGHBORS door in the middle of night, thinking it was his girlfriends' place. The neighbor is armed with a gun, and on the phone with 911. His wife crying, as an unknown man is screaming nonsense and trying to break the door down in a rage. He fires a warning shot- through the door, about 6 feet high. Well, the guy outside was pretty tall and he died instantly. It was a tragedy, he was a very talented musician, some say about to make it big. His girlfrlend claims he was never a violent type, and his friends and family all agree that it was the Chantix, mixed with alcohol, that caused his erratic behavior. They say he wouldn't react that way to a few drinks. Some people say that he must've thought he was dreaming, or in a nightmare and couldn't wake up. No charges were filed on the neighbor, as he was within the laws around here.
Anyway, I encourage anyone to quit smoking cigarettes for good. But read up on that Chantix stuff... I think that and some sleeping meds and antidepressants cause a lot more car wrecks and other accidents in America.