Our Six Year Old Is Transgender.

Well it survived one night already, so I'm elated. My wife originally didn't endorse it till I gave her my motive. My brother who made the mailbox 20 years ago was nasty to non binary people and the mailbox is at end of life due to road salt, so why not colour it up a bit for $10. If it gets smashed, I'm ok with it and will install another like it.

On my way to get some dill shaker fries, that I'm sure @blu3bird would endorse, I can't help but see a semitrailer billboard below. There are more things to address, so they can talk about my mailbox all they want.

It is a federal crime to damage someone's mailbox, that can carry a 10 year sentence. I have four motion sensing lights, IR beam breaking driveway alarm, a multitude of 2k cameras w/8TB hard drive DVR, etc. I was contemplating putting a couple flashing red LED lights and a tilt alarm on the mailbox, but I have another project under way.

Our place is fairly private, as I planted over 150 trees on the 2.14 acres 20 years ago. Between the house and a row pines, there's a narrow strip that gives people driving by a glimpse into the back yard. Strategically placed in that corridor is a toilet that I'm colouring for passers by to see, complete with some petunias in the toilet and pink poppies nearby.


I came to RIU to learn (never having engaged with anyone online before) and a fascinating aspect I've seen here is courage to call out bad behaviour. Some approaches are gentle/persistent and others are tenacious AF - I appreciate both. The various styles of engagement observed here have equipped me to talk about issues many locals are uncomfortable with. If everyone matters, then let's include everyone without prejudice. The mailbox and toilet are but visual props, purposed as a segue to the conversation of inclusivity. Mealy mouthed no more!
Our company has a rainbow splash screen on our internal interweb recognizing Pride Month. Overheard by me at work this morning: "Pride month. What's next, fucking NAMBLA month?"

The people having the conversation are management, imagine what the teamsters are like.

I'm checking 'em out, I'm checking 'em out

I got it figured out, I got it figured out

There's good points, some bad points!

But it all works out, sometimes I'm a little freaked out
Our company has a rainbow splash screen on our internal interweb recognizing Pride Month. Overheard by me at work this morning: "Pride month. What's next, fucking NAMBLA month?"

The people having the conversation are management, imagine what the teamsters are like.

I'm checking 'em out, I'm checking 'em out

I got it figured out, I got it figured out

There's good points, some bad points!

But it all works out, sometimes I'm a little freaked out
Why do you work in such an oppressive company with your intelligence?
I’m sorry that I don’t understand the intricacies of Ohio v Kentucky being that I’m from a repressive monarchy
Ohio is a northern state, part of the Union during the Civil War. Kentucky is a border state that was only in the Union due to control by Union troops but had more in common with its neighbor to the south, Tennessee, a Confederate state. It is a jab at the fact that Ohio is pretty unsophisticated and rednecky despite it's geographical proximity. Even though Ohio fought bravely for the Union, a large part of it is now populated by rednecks that originally hail from southern states like Kentucky and West Virginia.

Let's treat this as a document based answer. This is a song that is quite popular with the local residents and I am forced to listen to at least five times a week.

Here are some lyrics for ya to ponder the banality of Ohio and the surrounding states.

Well the boys 'round here don't listen to The Beatles
Run ole Bocephus through a jukebox needle
At a honky-tonk, where their boots stomp
All night; what? (That's right)
Yea, and what they call work, digging in the dirt
Gotta get it in the ground 'fore the rain come down
To get paid, to get the girl
In your 4 wheel drive (A country boy can survive)
Yea the boys 'round here
Drinking that ice cold beer
Talkin' 'bout girls, talkin' 'bout trucks
Runnin' them red dirt roads out, kicking up dust
The boys 'round here
Sending up a prayer to the man upstairs
Backwoods legit, don't take no sh*t
Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit

They make me want to snuff it. And that crap in the video about welcoming the black man is so much bullshit. Talk about stolen virtue.

The reality is that a good 60% of my neighbors are chin-pubed racist fucks wearing gimme hats and driving entirely unnecessary pickup trucks (with about a $600 monthly payment) with Trump flags while they smoke meff. They knocked up their first baby mama right before they dropped out of high school in the 10th grade and live in a horrible trailer park but somehow manage to own about $15,000 worth of guns and another $15,000 worth of ammunition.
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Blake Shelton is quite the poet, or did someone else write that shit?

If you don’t listen to The Beatles, at least now and then, you’re dead to me.
Ohio is a northern state, part of the Union during the Civil War. Kentucky is a border state that was only in the Union due to control by Union troops but had more in common with its neighbor to the south, Tennessee, a Confederate state. It is a jab at the fact that Ohio is pretty unsophisticated and rednecky despite it's geographical proximity. Even though Ohio fought bravely for the Union, a large part of it is now populated by rednecks that originally hail from southern states like Kentucky and West Virginia.

Let's treat this as a document based answer. This is a song that is quite popular with the local residents and I am forced to listen to at least five times a week.

Here are some lyrics for ya to ponder the banality of Ohio and the surrounding states.

Well the boys 'round here don't listen to The Beatles
Run ole Bocephus through a jukebox needle
At a honky-tonk, where their boots stomp
All night; what? (That's right)
Yea, and what they call work, digging in the dirt
Gotta get it in the ground 'fore the rain come down
To get paid, to get the girl
In your 4 wheel drive (A country boy can survive)
Yea the boys 'round here
Drinking that ice cold beer
Talkin' 'bout girls, talkin' 'bout trucks
Runnin' them red dirt roads out, kicking up dust
The boys 'round here
Sending up a prayer to the man upstairs
Backwoods legit, don't take no sh*t
Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco, spit

They make me want to snuff it. And that crap in the video about welcoming the black man is so much bullshit. Talk about stolen virtue.

The reality is that a good 60% of my neighbors are chin-pubed racist fucks wearing gimme hats and driving entirely unnecessary pickup trucks (with about a $600 monthly payment) with Trump flags while they smoke meff. They knocked up their first baby mama right before they dropped out of high school in the 10th grade and live in a horrible trailer park but somehow manage to own about $15,000 worth of guns and another $15,000 worth of ammunition.
And why The Beatles? They haven't made any music in 50 years? My guess is that the boys round here will recognize the name and their shitty classic rock stations here don't play them. Can't attack all foreign bands, they probably like a Stones song or two if you put it in between Sweet Home Alabama and some Australian band's song about a slutty chick who knows how to douche.
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Surprised old Blake didn't take a swing at urban/ethnic food. "We don't eat falafal" maybe?

God knows they love their gyros (pronounced Jie-roes here). We even have a Greek restaurant the sells tons of them at $4.99. No spindle of course, just the shittiest loaf of non lamb gyro meat possible sliced up from a steam table and put on pita with some white shit that I swear is watered down mayo. I asked the proprietor how he could serve gyros without a spindle and he replied, "it's the same thing." I told him that he had brought disgrace to his culture.
Surprised old Blake didn't take a swing at urban/ethnic food. "We don't eat falafal" maybe?

God knows they love their gyros (pronounced Jie-roes here). We even have a Greek restaurant the sells tons of them at $4.99. No spindle of course, just the shittiest loaf of non lamb gyro meat possible sliced up from a steam table and put on pita with some white shit that I swear is watered down mayo. I asked the proprietor how he could serve gyros without a spindle and he replied, "it's the same thing." I told him that he had brought disgrace to his culture.
I am not sure what a spindle is, but I love a really good gyro.
And they love their chaw spit too. This week we were at the children's part of a very fine hospital just outside Cleveland. Some fat, overall wearing motherfucker is man-spread out in the waiting room spitting his chair into a clear empty 16 Oz soda bottle. We go in to see the doctor and come out two hours later and this hideous receptacle is a third full and on the floor in front of the chair he was on. The trash can was SIX FEET AWAY!

Fuck these people.