Lemon Sapphire is looking delicious, should have been fed a little more though. The Strawberry Cough looks a little crispy, I’ll have to get that figured out…View attachment 4928917View attachment 4928916View attachment 4928915
Yes I did. I think I’ll feed a bit stronger then 1/2 strength next time and do the Epsom with every feed right from the start.Beautiful man. Did you keep any cuts from the LS?
The top growth looks good to me so they are NOT nitrogen hungry maybe bump them up to 60-70% but i would just flush first with correct ph water then continue at 50-70% remove the lower leaves that have irreversible damage so it doesnt confuse you thinking you need to feed more. If the meristem tips are nice anf green its usually a ph issue especially common with old moms that stay in veg and have clones taken from them often.A couple of the “moms” in my veg tent are looking like shit. I’m thinking half strength isn’t enough, I fed the strawberry tonight at 100%
Strawberry on the left & Lemon on the right. View attachment 4933440
I don’t think it’s tinkering, three toddlers here (twins) and 60hr a week at work. I barely have time to take care of what I got lolOr they simply need time for the new growth to catch up. Constant tinkering isnt good (not saying youre tinkering just saying)
Trimmed the LS, 62 Days from flip. I would guess 40 grams. Zero larf despite the thread titleView attachment 4935843