What did you accomplish today?

Moved everything out, masked everything off, and started painting the kitchen. I despise painting. The lady says she likes painting so I bought a 5 gallon bucket of paint a while back thinking she'd get busy. She hasn't touched a paintbrush or roller. I've already done 2 bathrooms and the spare bedroom. I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to be the one doing it all.

What really annoys me is that when people come over and comment "Oh you painted. Looks nice." the lady is going to use the word "We" as if she had anything to do with it.
They always do, sure as death and taxes
Made a bracket that the gas tank strap will attach to on the Toy. Need to make another one tomorrow. Had to cut out a little slot for the hooked end to latch onto. I need to replace the shift shaft seal also. I'm working on getting it to the point I can try to start it up again and get it sold.
Made a bracket that the gas tank strap will attach to on the Toy. Need to make another one tomorrow. Had to cut out a little slot for the hooked end to latch onto. I need to replace the shift shaft seal also. I'm working on getting it to the point I can try to start it up again and get it sold.
That sounds like a plan. Good luck. I need to do something similar. Now that I am an "old fart" I don't even pretend that me and "Bucky" are gettin together again, Ever.
Finished attaching barrels to 10×10 ft. float for lake( Put a "real" diving board on it for some yuks. People don't realize there is no spring/pop in board due to water absorbing pressure...they just kinda do a very shitty dive). Then, in need of a few pieces of hardware, "went to town" , actually had to keep driving because there are no stores in town. Found a store and treated myself to some bling-bling.20210613_174855.jpg
Took a bike ride down to the lake with a buddy yesterday. My buddy said that his friend said that we could stop by and hang out on his boat for a few hours. We packed some beer and weed and headed out. It was beautiful out, low 80s, sunny, and little wind. We got down to the marina and saw his buddy lounging on his boat, and boat guy got in his dingy and headed over to us. There was a fence there with no proper entrance, so we had to hop over. We put our bikes on the water side of the fence to buy a little time if anyone tried to steal them, and locked them up. There's been an unprecedented rash of bike thefts recently since the Chinese shipping problems has the demand far outweighing the supply. My buddy's boat was only about 80 feet from our bikes, so I was ready to dive in and swim over if anyone dared. We drank a lot of cheap beer, smoked a lot of weed, and had various dock neighbors stop by. The passing boats were a nonstop parade of scantily clad hotties, I mean top notch. It was a great day. Headed home on the bikes a little buzzed, but did pretty well. Picked up a burrito, scarfed it at home, then passed out from too much activity, beer, and sun. Gonna be a great weather week, so I plan to get out each day alternating scooter and bike rides. Woo-hoo...
Wife is trying a new method that doesn't require heat. Cold soak for thirty days shaking once per day. This the method you have done?
The "Q" in QWET is for quick. I decarb, put in jar in the freezer and keep the everclear in the freezer also. the next day when everything is frozen I'll put the alcohol in the jar, and let it sit for 3 min, shake it up, let it set for 3 more, repeat. After that I'll strain it out. I have varied the times by a few min to see what affect it has. A second run can be done after straining, just put the trim/bud back in the jar in the freezer.
last Tuesday i survived a heart attack, (had to get 1 stent put in), i only got out today to tell the tale. ive had to give up my favourite hobby but im searching for some easy edible, gummy recipes. the last item i bought on ebay was a hiking stove, lmfao, i dont think i'll be using that for a while. you never know whats around the next corner. stay safe everyone.
last Tuesday i survived a heart attack, (had to get 1 stent put in), i only got out today to tell the tale. ive had to give up my favourite hobby but im searching for some easy edible, gummy recipes. the last item i bought on ebay was a hiking stove, lmfao, i dont think i'll be using that for a while. you never know whats around the next corner. stay safe everyone.
Which hiking stove?