What did you accomplish today?

I finally put in the new ac in the grow room! I was putting it off out of dread, it was just going to be so much work to rip out half that room, undoing wiring, ducts, taking out all those plants, tables, reservoirs, etc. ad nauseam. Last time I installed a new ac in there was about 8 years ago. But it's been really hot and humid lately, and the room was getting into the mid 80s!!! WAY too hot. It was ridiculous, especially since the new ac was just sitting there waiting to be installed. The room was kinda built around that ac unit, so I had to buy one with very similar size dimensions. It took most of the day, but it is finally done. It was the biggest thing on my to do list, so it is a real load off. Now the room sits in the low 70s, and the ladies are all smiling and happy. It's a smart ac, so I could control it from across the world with my phone, but I doubt I'll ever use that feature. I'm def taking the day off today, staying in and hiding from the heat (90s and humid, yuck.) But first, I sleep...
I finally put in the new ac in the grow room! I was putting it off out of dread, it was just going to be so much work to rip out half that room, undoing wiring, ducts, taking out all those plants, tables, reservoirs, etc. ad nauseam. Last time I installed a new ac in there was about 8 years ago. But it's been really hot and humid lately, and the room was getting into the mid 80s!!! WAY too hot. It was ridiculous, especially since the new ac was just sitting there waiting to be installed. The room was kinda built around that ac unit, so I had to buy one with very similar size dimensions. It took most of the day, but it is finally done. It was the biggest thing on my to do list, so it is a real load off. Now the room sits in the low 70s, and the ladies are all smiling and happy. It's a smart ac, so I could control it from across the world with my phone, but I doubt I'll ever use that feature. I'm def taking the day off today, staying in and hiding from the heat (90s and humid, yuck.) But first, I sleep...
A little more than a week ago, while it was hot as fuck here, i had to install a window unit in the room my son in law uses to trim my shit at their pad. Right when i was done i looked at him and said “now chop chop” lol
I finally put in the new ac in the grow room! I was putting it off out of dread, it was just going to be so much work to rip out half that room, undoing wiring, ducts, taking out all those plants, tables, reservoirs, etc. ad nauseam. Last time I installed a new ac in there was about 8 years ago. But it's been really hot and humid lately, and the room was getting into the mid 80s!!! WAY too hot. It was ridiculous, especially since the new ac was just sitting there waiting to be installed. The room was kinda built around that ac unit, so I had to buy one with very similar size dimensions. It took most of the day, but it is finally done. It was the biggest thing on my to do list, so it is a real load off. Now the room sits in the low 70s, and the ladies are all smiling and happy. It's a smart ac, so I could control it from across the world with my phone, but I doubt I'll ever use that feature. I'm def taking the day off today, staying in and hiding from the heat (90s and humid, yuck.) But first, I sleep...
just out of curiocity, do you get hot n cold spots in the grow room with the ac being in a window at the end of a room? or doesnt it make a lot of differance overall?
just out of curiocity, do you get hot n cold spots in the grow room with the ac being in a window at the end of a room? or doesnt it make a lot of differance overall?

Doesn't really make a difference, probably because it is such a small room (6.5 x 8ft). Of course, it's hotter under the lights than other parts of the room, but that's just physics ;)
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