thanks!trimming scissors, trimming bins, hanging screens/racks, pots, buckets, nutes, ph up and down, ec/ppm and ph meters, fans....
Beyond the lights/tent/ventilation for hydro.
A ph meter.
A ec truncheon (blue lab)
3/4 temperature and humidity gauges.
A couple of timers, I'm sure there's a few other key items if I think of any I'll edit and add them.
what a king, thank you haha!Loupe/microscope,book or someway of noting your grow down for future reference ,glasses to protect eyes ,patients by the bucket load and a Beautiful topless lady to trim ya buds (hopefully) good luck op ☮
is one filter enough in a medium sized hangar or more like 10?Dont forget filters if stink is a concern
but then the smell will smack peeps in the faceHangar you say? Just open the door
I didn’t start yet but I am literally writing pages on my book of information from nutrient deficiency problems diagnosing them to other stuff!That's a shit lot of learning to do very quickly, for help you could ask Kal El.
This site or groweedyeasy.comthank you! I didn’t start yet but I am literally writing pages on my book of information from nutrient deficiency problems diagnosing them to other stuff!
I respect the will to learn I just want to point out that those books were already writtenI didn’t start yet but I am literally writing pages on my book of information from nutrient deficiency problems diagnosing them to other stuff!
Yes I know, but this one is for myselfIf
I respect the will to learn I just want to point out that those books were already written