Possible ph problem with soil ?


Active Member
Need some advice !
I use this soil https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiHzpvl4_3wAhWT-VEKHS5AB-QYABAGGgJ3cw&ohost=www.google.co.uk&cid=CAASEuRoPvv56dcNmA2BvzJzwHoeFQ&sig=AOD64_0ts4Dt_1Vnj7285JuWYmLzNKYU_w&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiYv5Ll4_3wAhUInxQKHfaQBrcQzzl6BAgBEB8&adurl=

At the start when the plants were smaller grew great.This is my third run. The first one everything went great with this soil. I haven’t changed anything, I use plant magic nutes, mars hydro and HLG lights, fabric pots, the soil which I already put on this post. Temps and humidity are fine and is use a light reader so that is fine. I can’t seem to know why my girls look so horrible and unhappy? They aren’t growing a lot at all. I usually do 6.5 PH but have been fluctuating it between 6-7 to see if I can get a sweet spot but no luck. Anyone got any ideas? Also I mix the soil with 30% perlite. Even bought a new PH pen. I didn’t clean the fabric pots after the last runs. could this be a reason ? Indont see how it could be but I’m nearly out of ideas!



Well-Known Member
Really? That’s pretty high ph right there. I use promos as well. And I always put my ph at 6. I know… people say soil doesn’t need the ph adjusted. But I prefer to know my girls are getting exactly what I know works.
Unless you have some crazy water with an extremely high or low pH then adjusting the pH with soil is unnecessary. Just as checking runoff pH is a waste of time and a worthless measurement.


Well-Known Member
Unless you have some crazy water with an extremely high or low pH then adjusting the pH with soil is unnecessary. Just as checking runoff pH is a waste of time and a worthless measurement.
I get to that. I never check runoff. But I do adjust my ph. And seeing as soil regulates it to close to 6 anyway I don’t see how doing so will be a bad thing. Correct me if I’m wrong.


Well-Known Member
That isn't really a soil it's a 45% peat compost and is more of a soil amendment than a soil. It has timed released nutrients as well which can cause issues if you add additional nutrients before they're depleted as you don't know how much of what is in that compost.

"Ideal for use all around the garden this premium compost contains nutrients to feed your plant for up to 5 weeks."


Well-Known Member
That isn't really a soil it's a 45% peat compost and is more of a soil amendment than a soil. It has timed released nutrients as well which can cause issues if you add additional nutrients before they're depleted as you don't know how much of what is in that compost.

"Ideal for use all around the garden this premium compost contains nutrients to feed your plant for up to 5 weeks."
Was just about to say that soil is junk for an indoor grow unless you cut it heavily.

I mean really dude you’re buying B&Q soil for your Mplants.

at least get something that’s sterile and isn’t stored outside uncovered on pallets.